The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You Be The Judge

From: Kenneth Baker
To: Rick Green; Jordan Bateman; Bev Dornan; Steve Ferguson; Charlie Fox; Mel Kositsky ; Bob Long; Kim Richter;
Grant Ward (Councillor)
Sent: Wed Feb 11 22:35:47 2009
Subject: Mufford Diversion

Dear Mayor Green and Members of Council:

We do not in disagree that an overpass could be used to bridge the ever growing train traffic through Langley. We are, however, absolutely against the current proposal to have the traffic wind around to a termination point at the intersection of 216 and 64th. We see no sense in this design and fail to find any redeeming qualities, other than it offers a grade separation to the train traffic. It is our view that the traffic problems created by dumping this increased traffic volume onto a rural road will do nothing but move the restriction point. Further, it will create dangerous traffic conditions for the local residents and farmers.

At present one can drive on a four lane road from Delta to Costco in Langley. This plan simply moves that termination point to 216th and 64th. Who cares where they are stuck in traffic? Does it matter whether you are stuck behind a train or in an bottle neck created by too much traffic being funneled onto deficient roads. How long will it be before 216th street, 64th avenue and 232nd street are widened to four lanes? There is no way that they are currently capable of handling the increased traffic volume caused by the proposed overpass. The only plan that makes any sense is to take traffic over the tracks and route it onto an expanded (4 lane) Glover Road. With the proposed plan that is where it is ultimately going to end up via 216th street and 232nd street anyway. This highway (Glover Road) presently exists so why would it not be used?

To date, we have not received one answer from staff that would lead us to believe that this is not the best option. The current proposal has not been well thought out. It is a knee jerk reaction to an existing problem and does nothing to address the long term traffic flow problem. In addition it destroys some of the best farm land in the Fraser Valley ( the old Hudson Bay farm). Good farm land is a dwindling resource which should be preserved for future generations.

We understand that our Provincial Minister of Transportation has threatened to withdraw funding for this project if it does not go ahead as planned. We say let him go ahead and pull the funding. A bad plan is a bad plan no matter who is paying for it. Would council support a nuclear power plant in the township if it was being partially funded by the provincial government? We think not. The design of this project has been done as quietly as possible, so as to not attract the attention of the public. As evidenced by the turnouts and opinions expressed at both the open houses and public hearing there is overwhelming opposition to the current proposal. Council should listen to what is being said and go back to the drawing board and develop an alternative plan that will better serve the interests of the citizens of both the city and the township. We would go so far as to suggest that council address the real issue and the root of the problem and that is eliminating heavy rail traffic through Langley.

With the expansion of Roberts Bank the problem is only going to get worse and there are other options to route the heavy rail traffic to Roberts Bank without having trains travel through Langley The current proposed overpass is the first in a series of overpasses that will have to be constructed to keep vehicular traffic flowing. What will the total cost be considering that the budget for this one exceeds $50M? We would like to see a study done on the economics of rerouting heavy rail out of Langley as opposed to constructing multiple overpasses. We are also concerned that the environmental issues have not been properly considered and would like that matter revisited.

In short, we believe the current overpass plan is not in the best interests of the citizens of the Langleys and should be rejected. We believe that the whole issue of having heavy rail traffic routed through Langley should be reconsidered with a few to finding an alternative route.
We will be watching with great interest to see how council lines up on this issue and you can be assured that those councilors who support the current proposal will not be receiving our support in the next election.

Yours truly,

Ken & (***edited spouse name***) Baker


We have published this communique that is public and was transmitted over a public network for three primary reasons:

To present the other side of this overpass issue.
  1. To provide insight into one of the three civilian members of the mayor's new Finance Committee, who is now a public official
  2. For you to see first-hand the threats that council members must deal with from the mayor's insiders and supporters.
While it is perfectly acceptable for residents of the Township to voice their opinions on various issues and discussions in the Township, the province, and the nation, public officials should not make threats to other public officials.

BC Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon issued a letter to the ToL regarding the Mufford/64th Avenue Overpass Project and frankly stated the facts. The facts included a statement that should the Township not proceed with this overpass, the province will earmark those funds to other priorities. This was simply a fact and not a threat. However, the overpass opponents and the mayor have decided that this is a threat and accuse Falcon of being a bully. How is that?

Our Editorial Board was very disappointed to see Mr. Baker's letter. Out of the three civilian members of the Finance Committee, we viewed Mr. Baker as the most qualified (despite having little to no municipal accounting expertise) to sit on this committee and had looked forward to his budget recommendations. Now we question whether Mr. Baker has the capacity to make non-partisan commentary and recommendations on the single most important issue in our Township. That paramount issue is today is the Township's budget for 2009-2011.

It appears to us that there are a core group (150 people??) of Green & Richter slate supporters that all have their own private back yard issues and special agendas. These special interests (back yard issues) appear to take precedents over OUR Township and the greater good of a community of 105,000 people. Again, it is OK to respectfully debate and disagree on the issues in our community. BUT, is it OK to ignore the higher good of our greater community, or hijack the whole progressive agenda of our Township?

Here are some other views of the project to balance things off HERE - HERE - HERE and HERE

So readers of the Langley Record, you be the judge. We have presented both sides of this issue, and now give you Mr. Baker's letter to mayor and council. What do you think?

Outrage! News Circulates in Langley Township

********** HOT Newswire **********

The Editorial Board of the Langley Record received numerous phone calls and information last night from very outraged Township of Langley residents. Apparently some VERY disturbing communication was distributed by a member of our community. This communique was very unexpected, as this person had been enjoying increased credibility.

The LR Board is still gathering details and specifics and will have a complete report to you by the end of this weekend. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Scoop on the Poop - PAC Attendee and Eyewitness

******** BREAKING NEWS [Imagine That] **************


From Guest Editorial Board Monitor

Strange sighting indeed, at about 7:10 pm last night my wife witnessed [Blog Name Censored] "Editor", Bob Richter strutting across the ACSS parking lot with video camera and tripod in hand. His facial expression one of disgust and the look in his eyes one of a defeated man. I was inside and saw the saga unfold.

Earlier The Follower had entered the 'Town Hall' meeting hosted by the four PAC's of the local Aldergrove schools. It was clear that the event organizers had made a decision prior to the meeting that the press were welcome to take still photos and notes as they saw fit but the PAC EXECUTIVES had mandated there would be no video or audio recordings of the meeting. Speakers were encouraged by moderator, Howie Vickberg, (who did a fine job as expected) to leave a copy of their speeches for the record with the time keepers.

It was observed by two local school officials that this gentleman was setting up his video camera. They went over to him and respectfully requested he cease setting up as the decision had been made by the organizers that video taping was not allowed. Explaining he was with 'the press' as "editor" of [Blog Name Censored], the two individuals were no more impressed and suggested he could stay and take notes or leave.

A brief verbal exchange occurred which, my humble opinion,was very disrespectful to the organizers and their earlier decision as communicated by the two interventionists.

Yes, there were other press there, in fact several, but they respected the request of the organizers and stayed for the whole meeting to hear the presentations. The [Blog Name Censored] videographer, did not have the decency or respect for the Aldergrove community to stay and at least listen to the many varied and well presented speeches. I guess without his trustee (no pun intended) video camera he can't really be much of a 'press' member.

The speeches, and there were some 27 of them were excellent. Parents, PAC members, community members, students all spoke in a very respectful manner.. They were passionate about the previous decision and unanimous in their support of Betty Gilbert transitioning to a middle school in September 2009. Many spoke directly to Trustee Bech and Cody and clearly indicated their distrust with the decision reversal and their lack of credibility with the Aldergrove Community.

Several spoke to the motion put forth by the absent trustee Johnson and the fact that most of the points in her motion had to so with residual issues form the HD Stafford decision and had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ALDERGROVE COMMUNITY'S support and desire to move in to a middle school model. Families have moved houses, moved schools, changed jobs, daycares have moved, this has been a full two year consultative process which Aldergrove has bought in to BY THEIR OWN CHOICE! Why then do they get dragged in to the Stafford mess and be reluctant (in fact frustrated) recipients of a decision made in a completely different part of the District. "We are unique", "We are a different community than the Stafford community" rang through many of the speeches.

The Follower was not there to report but in fact the level of decorum, respect and sensitivity was unbelievable and certainly shone well above the decorum of many if not all the meetings held by the HD Stafford parents/community.

Kudos to the Aldergrove Community and a message to the new Mayor and others, the over 200 Aldergrove folks can work as a team and be passionate, just give them an issue. Hopefully the message got through and the two flip/flop trustees, (Cody and Bech), who have alot to be accountable for, and new Trustee McFarlane, who has no idea of the culture and ethos of the Aldergrove Community, will do what's best for Aldergrove, be open and transperant, have listened to the community as they promised to do and reverse the parts of this motion that clearly or not well founded and holding a community and over 2,100 students in a lurch.
Lastly, maybe the [Blog Name Censored] will get a well-credentialed reporter and not rely on the man with the video camera and nothing else in his tool kit. At least he could have stayed long enough to be able to report accurately on the meeting and it's content and reported such on his ill-informed blog! Substance is a BIG part of journalism.

PS - apparently Trustee Cody was absolutely furious after the meeting at being singled out by the speakers - what does she expect! -Bob this was NOT YOUR MEETING! It's not about YOU.

Aldergrove PAC Sends Wannabe Packing

The newswire is buzzing with activity this morning as The Follower or "editor" of another blog was asked to shut off his camera in a meeting last night held under private rules determined by the group. One account is provided on that blog, but the Langley Record has the inside scoop that paints a very different picture of this scene. 

A respected member of the Langley Record Editorial Board was present for the fiasco and will provide a written report later today. It's amazing that this wannabe editor really thinks he is actually an official member of the press! Sorry, but wannabe editors just don't count, and now you know. 

The rumour mill is buzzing with word that this incident has seriously impacted the credibility of a certain politician and her significant other in a tremendous way. Stay tuned for a breaking update.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lynn Whitehouse & Langley Chamber - Heros in Our Community

With a room full of Rick Green insiders who took over town hall last night, Lynn Whitehouse and several brave giants in our community dared to speak out in favour of the Preliminary Design for the Mufford/64 Ave Overpass. Lynn is the executive director of the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce and a long-time Township of Langley resident. Lynn Whitehouse has served as a leader in our comunity - a giant - in the Langleys.

We are very thankful and appareciate of Lynn Whitehouse and our Chamber of Commerce for making the case for an east-west connection here in Langley. Our community is a better place because of quality folks such as this.

While many other speakers resorted to name-calling and threatening of public officials, Lynn Whitehouse showed the class and respectfulness of a true leader as she took the floor and elequently stated her case and that of the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce. At the point before Lynn spoke, several of us Langley Record board members had lost all hope that this public meeting would be respectful and be a quality representation befitting of Langley Township. Hope was restored thanks to Lynn, our Chamber, and the few others with the courage to speak up.

There were 160 people present out of a Township population of about 105,000 people. A very SMALL fraction of our community and for the most part, a poor representation of a decent and respectful Langley. While its fine to debate and disagree, one can do so with respect and decency. There wasn't a whole lot of that last night unfortunately.

Let's hope the poll of the broader community provides rays of hope to us all who desire an east-west connection and options. Thank you Lynn Whitehouse and the Chamber of Commerce!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Monday ToL Council For February 9, 2009

On Monday, February 9, 2009 the Township Council will have a somewhat unusual meeting schedule as follows:

Special Meeting - 3:00pm
Agenda here
Last Minutes here
Doc 1
Doc 2
Doc 3
Doc 4
Doc 5
Doc 6
Doc 7
Doc 8
Doc 9
Doc 10


Special Meeting - Public Hearing and Bylaws - 7:00pm
Agenda here
Doc 1


Special Meeting for Public Input on Mufford Crescent/64th Ave Overpass - 7:00pm (following Public Hearing above)

Agenda here


Reliable Rumour

************ UPDATE February 9, 2009 ***************

The community volunteers report that over the weekend a couple of them received emails from a certain councillor stating that the comments were from a reader (doubtful) and that they were "fair" comments. Not sure what is so "fair" about slandering a large group of people because you have an ax to grind against an individual that happens to be a member of that group, but was clearly not acting in that capacity when he is out and about. The "editor" there did remove the offending comment.

One thing is certain and that is that several board members and people that did not write in are influential people in our community and have good memory skills. It goes far beyond any individual when you are a public official and you allow your propaganda site to rub dirt in the faces of Langley's volunteers.