The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Flip Flop Season At ToL Council

Summer is almost here, but it certainly is flip flop fashion season for Township of Langley Councillor Kim Richter. Monday's council meeting was one flip flop fashion display after another.

A group of Township soccer associations presented a delegation to council because a new Western Diversification grant program may provide significant funding for these groups and the Township to partner together to provide an artificial turf application to the Willoughby soccer field. Its an exciting proposition and these soccer groups are looking to raise $250K amongst themselves to make this happen.

After the delegation, Councillor Kim Richter ignored the 7 or so soccer folks that came out to present and asked the administrator to comment on whether these same grant monies could be secured for the proposed Aldergrove Pool project. HUGE flip flop here folks!

A little over one month ago a member of the Parks, Recreation & Culture Advisory Committee made a presentation to council regarding the planning of an Aldergrove Pool. Richter had her usual permanent phony smile face on and didn't say much. (Is that a smile or an attempt at holding the eyeglasses up?) But at the following council meeting, Councillor Richter attacked her follow councillors with a verbal assault about how projects like this pool, how they are a little rich for these tough economic times, and how this council must realize that when you approve projects like this pool, one has to consider that apart from the capital costs, Richter said these facilities require operating budgets (gee, no kidding?).

Richter opposed the 5% tax increase and said that she would only support a .93% tax hike. She was conveniently absent from the council meeting where there was a vote on this year's budget, even though she has never voted in favour of any budget in the ToL. We've said it before and we will say it again...Councillor Kim Richter loves to order off the dim sum menu, but she is almost certain to skip out on the funding mechanism or the bill.

More Kim Richter flip flops to follow from the last meeting. Stay tuned as we are requesting audio of the flip flops.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Richter Lashes Out At ToL Council Yesterday

*** Tuesday Morning Update ***
Ultra Vires - is a Latin phrase that literally means "beyond the powers". Its inverse is called intra vires, meaning "within the powers". It is used as a legal term in a number of common law contexts. -- Wikipedia

RE: Mayor Rick Green's Motion last night...
How can it be ultra vires to ask a large group of FCM to support this resolution? That's all Green was trying to accomplish here! All we can say about that and Richter is stultus!

We should have added that during Councillor Richter's outburst she accused Mayor Green's motion of being Ultra Vires. We thought we would provide a definition here and expand your knowledge of the Latin language. 

We just received news late last night that Councillor Kim Richter put forth a major attack against Mayor Rick Green at yesterday's Township Council Meeting. Here's what we know thus far...

Mayor Rick Green asked Township Council yesterday to approve his motion to support the Town of Halton Hills, ON at the upcoming Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) meeting taking place in Whistler from June 5th - 8th. This motion to "Buy Canadian" is in response to local and state spending in the USA on roadwork and other infrastructure projects with a specification that only US firms and supplies be used for the projects. Apparently local and state governments are not bound by NAFTA in the USA, only the US Federal Government, despite the fact that these funds will funnel downward to the local and state governments from the US Federal Government. You can read more here.

Mayor Green's Motion was very similar to this one by the Town of Halton Hills. We are told it was a clean motion and was very straight forward. Our sources tell us that no one on council and most especially Mayor Green expected what would happen next. Councillor Kim Richter with anger on her face we are told pressed her button with impunity to get into the speaker's queue. With her head trashing back and forth Richter declared Green's motion to be faulty and provided additional rant until Green told her that she can vote as she wishes and the motion will be debated further at FCM this week. Green then called for the vote after no other councillors wanted to speak to the motion. Mayor Green's motion was approved with only Councillor Kim Richter opposed. We are told that her rage continued after the vote with her being visibly angry at the council table.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Township Council Meeting - June 1, 2009

Township Council will meet at 4:00pm tomorrow and with no in-camera meeting before the public 4:00pm session.

Monday Township Council Meeting for June 1, 2009 at 4:00pm

This week due to a compact agenda, all business will be handled in a 4:00pm session of ToL Council. There will be no 7:00pm meeting this week. Click the links below to access the documents.

Also, the Township of Langley has issued a DRAFT of its Annual Report for 2008. You can read all about the Township's finances and programs in this great report. Although citizens rarely do it, residents can send a letter to Mayor and Council through the Township clerk to comment on the Annual Report. Another avenue of public participation that people don't take full advantage of. Again, click the link to access the document.

Minutes - Special Council Meeting of May 25, 2009

Agenda - Monday Council Agenda for June 1, 2009 - @ 4:00pm