The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Tragic Loss This Morning in Langley

The Editorial Board of the Langley Record are very saddened by the news that at 6:30am this morning in the 2600 block of 232 Street, a female cyclist lost her life. Our hearts and prayers go out to this unidentified cyclist's surviving family members. It is so tragic and we understand that the motorist did remain at the scene and that alcohol and speed have been ruled out. The news is covered by the Langley Times here and The Langley Advance here.

The Langley Record had no idea just how timely our post yesterday would be. It is our sincere hope that people will become more aware of cyclists, as well as being much more tolerant and accommodating of other road users. Pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders, and motorists all have the right to use the roadway.  We all need to be aware of each other's presence and respect them. 

We trust that Anne Patterson, the author of this extremely  insensitive article will now apologize to the cycling community and put aside selfishness, the true root of this issue. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bashing Urban Langley

The Editorial Board found this absolute trash posted as a freelance article to the Langley Times. The article was written by Anne Patterson. She is the spouse of Township finance committee civilian member Calvin Patterson, a lawyer. You will recall that Patterson is a financial contributor and staunch supporter of Mayor Rick Green during the campaign. 

The Pattersons and Mayor Green all live on large rural properties. So what's wrong with this article?  Well, he's a few to chew...
"Inspired by a series of cycle races held in the area in the last couple of years, a group of horse-owning, child-oriented neighbours decided to take back their streets from the clutches of the Township planners, many of whom live in Kitsilano, anyway."
What? Township staff living in Kits? How many do that? We don't find the attack on ToL staff to be very funny and they certainly deserve more than this. Next we have:

"I guess it was inevitable that the manic two-wheelers from the city would discover our quiet little street, where the horses outnumber the cars.
Man o' man, statements like these really support the notion of a rural Langley Township elite sitting on their large acreage properties in central and south Langley. Denouncing the urban areas, newcomers to the ToL, complaining about the proliferation of high density developments, and all these "threats" to their rural lifestyle. 

Does Mayor Rick Green share this same philosophy as his very strong supporters? After all, the good mayor also has acreage, horses, and the related trappings of the rural elite as well. Does he share this anti-urban view of the Township? Shame, shame on Mrs. Patterson and the rural elite for driving yet another wedge between the rural and urban residents of Langley Township.  

Sometimes we wonder what's in the water! What could drive people to oppose various Township initiatives and attack our urban Langley residents? Can't we all just get along?

Actually it is all very odd that this author would say...
"It's that we felt our normally hospitable impulses were being abused by urban bullies with no respect for our rural lifestyle."
Some time ago some concerned citizens sent us some photographs of a certain person of interest bullying the rural neighbours by filling in some sensitive wetlands adjacent to their property with rocks. This fill would then facilitate crossing this sensitive area with their horses, while at the same time blocking access to other residents. We hear Township staff served a warning here because of a protective covenant on these lands, which would prohibit these types of activities and the resulting impact on the neighbours.  Out of respect we did not publish these photographs and the story. Need we say more?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mayor Rick Green - Where Are You?

When the spat of gang violence rocked Langley sending regional media to all corners of Langley Township and the City of Langley, Mayor Rick Green was very vocal and present for every photo op and interview. This was not going to happen in his Township.  Law and order, throwing these people in jail for a long time, et al. All good things to do in these times of gang wars that put the general public at great risk. But what else is Mayor Green prepared to do about these problems beyond just the talk that has all but disappeared? 

We note that a Provincial Remand Centre is still on the agenda in BC. One is badly needed and even Mayor Green's publicist agrees that Langley Township would be a great location for this remand centre. Sites have been identified here as well. As pointed out, these remand facilities are very secure and bring lots of good paying jobs to a local community and its businesses. There is much talk these days about community courts and the Township of Langley could negotiate a deal with the provincial government to take in a remand centre in exchange for a new Langley Community Court. Why not?

The Township has lots of land mass that would serve the remand centre well. Gloucester  Estates comes immediately to mind, but there are many other options and a location close to local restaurants and shops frequented by remand staff would be preferred. Several communities have stepped up to the plate, including Vancouver and even Mayor Green's old stomping ground of Delta. If Green has any innovation and negotiating skills in his tool box, we would think he would have been right on this whole remand centre band wagon. After all, you can't have it both ways. If you want to get tough on crime and lock people up, then you must be willing to put a remand centre in your municipality. 

We think a remand centre is a great idea to stimulate the local economy in Langley Township, and get us a community court that we greatly need and could serve other communities such as Langley City and Abbotsford. The later would not be happy, as Abby has been trying to get a community court for some time now. So, what do you say Mayor Green? Will you walk the talk or just talk the talk on this one?