The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Provincial Campaign Trail

Solicitor General Get's The Lead Out...
Yesterday, BC Solicitor General John van Dongen held a press conference to announce that he has surrendered his driver's license over some speeding tickets. While we do not condone speeding and poor driving habits, this news makes us want to support the BC Liberals even more!

Rational people have to consider several facts that actually enhance the Liberal's position here:

  1. John van Dongen did not use his position or influence to prevent any police officers from giving him any tickets.
  2. John van Dongen fessed up to his poor driving record after his consideration of an appeal. He did so publicly and openly
  3. John van Dongen voluntarily asked that his ICBC portfolio be given to another minister to head up, so as now to create a conflict of interest.
  4. van Dongen did not use his influence to shift this problem 18 days forward to deal with the problem after the election. 
We see no good reason for the Solicitor General to resign. Although we agree that his driving habits need improvement, we congratulate John van Dongen on his openness and transparency. Hey John, time to shed the lead foot!

Mary Polak Get's Out In Public
Langley MLA Mary Polak was spotted earlier this week knocking on doors in the Murrayville area and today was spotted door-knocking in various Willoughby townhouse complexes. Polak is not taking this election for granted and has been very visible in the riding and on radio and TV. She has also been on the phones talking to folks that have called her campaign office with questions on issues. 

Other than a campaign office opening, NDP candidate Kathleen Stephany has been clearly absent from the public eye. We've also heard that Stephany has not engaged local leaders to discuss issues or the community. Either she professes to know it all, or it just doesn't matter to her. 

MLA Rich Coleman
Over at Fort Langley/Aldergrove MLA Rich Coleman's office (Coleman Country), Rich has been busy working the phones, talking issues and connecting with the public as various events. Again, other candidates being so visible? Not soo much. Why all the turtling folks?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Airport Lease Rates Within Market Average

With the local newspapers starving for advertising dollars and the mayor imposing a gag order on them reporting all the facts, Langley residents can only rely on the Langley Record to give them the straight scoop on the real news in the Township of Langley.

On April 6, 2009 Council received a presentation and report from an appraiser that has significant experience in assessing lease rates and terms of regional airports. There was some local newspaper coverage on this presentation, but that coverage did not pinpoint the politics that caused the study to be conducted.  This memo from staff on Langley Regional Airport Lease Rates and Terms was received this past Monday and quietly approved in the Special Township Council Meeting.

Mayor Rick Green campaigned hard, along with his side-kick Councillor Kim Richter, that airport lease rates in Langley were extremely low and that the community was being short changed by then Mayor Alberts and Township Council. This, even though Richter had voted twice against raising airport lease rates in the past. Councillor Richter has openly attacked Langley Airport Manager George Miller, despite Miller being respected far and wide in the aviation community.  

The presentation and staff memo clearly indicates that in actuality, Langley Township has been served very well by our airport and it has had a very favorable impact on our local economy with some very good paying aircraft maintenance jobs. The review and report vindicates former mayor Kurt Alberts and Airport Manager George Miller, who clearly knows their stuff. It also once again casts a significant cloud on the credibility and irresponsibility of the two local slate members (Green & Richter), for lashing out on a subject they have been very ill-informed on. Clearly a public apology by these two should be issued forthwith. Mayor Green quietly accepted the staff recommendations with the rest of council this past Monday. 

Councillor Kim Richter was noticeably absent from this week's Council meeting and this editor wonders if her absence was meant to help her distance herself from this airport issue (that she has often spouted off on). Of course it could have also been that she didn't want to be around to vote against yet another budget, thereby being perceived as being irresponsible for failing to properly fund the Township of Langley. One thing is certain, Richter will offer a passionate appeal and excuse for the absence. 

The Langley Record must however offer praise to Mayor Green for coming around to realize that the airport operations have been professional and reasonable. At least Mayor Green attended the meeting, and didn't find a lame excuse to be absent.  


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gymnastics, Flipflop, Noticed Absence and Bateman Rules

Last weekend a very important event happened in Langley Township that has gone unreported.

The innaugral event of the new Langley Events Center was celebrated in Willoughby, the BC Gymnastics Championships.

Township Mayor Rick Green gave a speech along with Premier Gordon Campbell, praising the building. After the ceremony one senior sports group member was heard to say that; "Bateman should be unveiling the Events Centre, not Green, because there would not have been any Events Centre in the Township yet if it wasn't for him."

This Editor is amazed that only Cllrs. Bateman, Ward, Ferguson, Dornan, Kositsky and Fox joined Mayor Green at this Events Centre unveiling reception. This did not go unnoticed by the sports attendees and many considered this a snub by the missing Richter. These sports families live and vote in Langley and the last Langley municipal election showed they were particularly supportive of Bateman and his efforts for local sports. This Editor wonders if the sports groups will endorse his team and him for Mayor come November 2011, punishing Cllr. Richter for her snub and Mayor Green for his obvious flipflop?

With apology to

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Monday Council Meeting

Monday, April 20, 2009 Township Council Meetings and Public Hearing

Here is your documentation, agenda, minutes and reports so that you can see what Township Council is doing on our behalf. Click on the links to access the documents.

Special Council Meeting 3:00pm - 6:15pm

Minutes from April 6, 2009 Special Meeting

Agenda for this meeting

Regular Township Council Meeting 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Minutes from April 6, 2009 Regular Meeting

Agenda for this meeting

Special Meeting of Township Council (following the regular meeting)
Public Hearing and Development Permits 7:00pm - 11:00 PM

Agenda for this Public hearing