The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Monday Council Meetings

Monday, April 6, 2009 Township Council Meetings

Get involved in your local Township Council and let your informed voice be heard. This week the evening meeting at 7:00pm will include an open microphone on the proposed budget. Council will then vote on the first three readings in order to approve a budget in accordance with the provincial deadline. Click on items to access documents below.

Special Council Meeting
3:00pm - 5:30pm

Minutes of Special Council Meeting March 23, 2009 here

Minutes of Special Meeting of Council for Budget Purposes March 24, 2009 here

Documents that support Special Agenda items:
Doc 1
Doc 2
Doc 3
Doc 4
Doc 5
Doc 6
Doc 7
Doc 8
Doc 9
Doc 10
Doc 11
Doc 12
Doc 13
Doc 14
Doc 15
Doc 16
Doc 17

Regular Council Meeting (including public input on proposed budget)
7:00pm - ?

Minutes of March 23, 2009 Meeting here

Documents that support Regular Agenda items:
Doc 1
Doc 2
Doc 3
Doc 4
Doc 5
Doc 6
Doc 7
Doc 8
Doc 9

Friday, April 3, 2009

How To Buffalo The Public

*** Saturday Update ***
Word today is that Councillor Kim Richter has done it again on her blog. A fairly sizable group of people are very pissed off that a comment clearly posted by someone close to Richter (guess who?) attacks a group of non-profit community-minded people for using their very own mailing list. 

More political baggage for Richter as she alginates the general public with her blog. Keep up the good work Kim! These people are VERY pissed off at you and it is likely that your slate cohort will be negatively impacted as well because, well you know why.

The budget debate will take place at Monday's Township Council meeting. If you attend, pay close attention to the smokescreens of Mayor Rick Green and Councillor Kim Richter. If you watch carefully you will get one great lesson in how to buffalo the public.

First, you sit back and let council talk about their concerns. After all, what do you care, so let them debate the issues. Next, because you went through the motions by forming a "Finance Committee", you can now use that as an excuse. But wait, wasn't the report very slim and in reality said nothing concrete that would help us? Yes, but why does that matter in politics?

Next, when the vote is taken on the budget, you simply vote NO to everything from 5% to anything but .93%. Councillor Kim Richter is the master of this ploy. Kim loves to go to the expensive Dim Sum buffet and order away at those snow removal buns and the extensive staff study dumplings. But when the bill arrives, the hot mustard is all gone and Cllr. Richter has left the building. It is very easy and actually very cowardly to vote against 4 budgets, but alas, this will be her fifth. Watch Richter in action and watch her take the easy way out with slate cohort Green at her hip.

We've heard that during council meetings Mayor Green and Councillor Richter have been seen many times writing notes on a desk pad and then pointing to the note so that the other could read. My oh my, just little girl school days, eh? They also have a tendency to comment over each others shoulders just like two birds in a mating ritual. Watch the old school days excitement and the head wagging at Council's budget debate meeting. But most importantly, watch the two slate members gingerly extract themselves away from paying the bills of our Township.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Budget Input Reminder

Just a reminder that Township residents should study the proposed ToL budget and comment. A loyal reader just advised us that the form has changed slightly, as the Township would like to have the name and contact info for those who wish to sign their comments or for follow-up. The updated form link appears below. Please disregard the old form and we have updated the link in that article as well.

Here is the public input form that will be available to you at the budget input sessions to take place on the 4th Floor of the Township Municipal Facility on:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
3 - 8pm

Thursday, April 2, 2009
1 - 6pm

Location: Township Civic Facility
20338 - 65 Avenue
4th Floor Presentation Theatre Foyer

Review the budget details below and pay close attention in the budget input sessions to "Contributions to Capital", which is how much we will invest in our roads, parks, etc. The lower that number, the less we get as taxpayers and citizens in a growing community. The proposed 5% will allow for proper funding to protect our community assets, as well as to help with any emergencies that may pop up.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wise Words On A Much Needed Overpass

By Guest Editor Patricia Revill

I grew up in the fifties and remember annual treks out to Lulu Island at harvest time to buy our fifty pound bags of veggies for the winter. As everyone knows that farmland is now condos and hotels ad nauseum throughout the roads en route to YVR.

For the naysayers to rant on about saving the farmland in Langley in the area in question is ludicrous. The area in question hosts a small herd of cattle, a waterfowl and tree sanctuary and a couple of tree farms. The time for worrying about the food supply was about forty years ago when Langley was mostly rural. This is not that time. Most of the properties in the rural area east of 216th are not farms either but have small acreages where they keep a few horses in the genre of hobby farms, and once you reach 64th and 232 there is a blueberry farm, hardly what one could call a secure food supply.

There are also several large parcels that haven¹t grown anything other than crab grass for over 25 years. Why haven¹t the naysayers been in an uproar why these "valuable lands" haven't produced anything but weeds all these years? On the southwest side of 216th and 64th there are a few small acreages and then continuing south on 216th, voila, you hit the mighty sports field with the blinding lights adjacent to LSS.

The Green Emperor has no vegetables and no clothes and hopefully before too long he will have no place to sit. One additional thing though, I have thought of a great name for the new overpass: The Veggie Tales Overpass!

100% for the Mufford/Glover Overpass,

Patricia Revill
Langley Township

Monday, March 30, 2009

Township Budget

There has been much talk about the ToL budget and lots of speculation about how any increase in this tough economic time will hurt people. But the truth of the matter is that no Council member wants to vote for a tax increase if it is not needed and we as citizens need to realize that the Township is not a business.

We as a community have assets and needs that require cash. We don't have the corporate options to cut staff, empty inventories, or reduce the number of widgets we manufacture. The decisions we make can impact public safety/lives, health and well being of our residents, and the future quality of life for our children.

ToL Council have looked at the resources and assets we have and have taken into account current economic realities. They have come up with a proposed budget that they feel is reasonable and helps to maintain service levels that are conservative, as compared with other municipalities our size. The proposal is for a 5% tax increase and if you don't use certain user-pay services like water, sewer or ToL trash pickup, you don't pay for it. Here is what 5% looks like from the old 2008 rate and the proposed 2009 rates based on the average home assessed at $473,000. The average household will pay $64.00 more per year and preserve what we hold dear to our Langley Township.

User Pay Utilities:
The biggest thing that Township taxpayers MUST consider and which the local newspaper editors and a certain blog will NOT tell you enough about, is the Contribution to Capital that would be contained in a .93%, 1% or 5% tax increase and how Township Reserves would be depleted to compensate for a lower tax increase. We will publish more on these another time, but wanted to give you this information to digest.

Here is the public input form that will be available to you at the budget input sessions to take place on the 4th Floor of the Township Municipal Facility on:

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
3 - 8pm

Thursday, April 2, 2009
1 - 6pm

Location: Township Civic Facility
20338 - 65 Avenue
4th Floor Presentation Theatre Foyer

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Selective Conflict of Interest and Lame Newspapers

We find it very comical that both local newspapers, the mayor and his Disgruntled100 / Slate blog all accuse Councillor Jordan Bateman and others of having conflicts of interest.

Did Langley lawyer Calvin Patterson give Mayor Rick Green a donation of $1,000 during the 2008 campaign? Yes. Did Mayor Rick Green wine and dine Mr. Patterson and others in the mayor's office on inauguration night? Yes. Did Mayor Rick Green appoint Calvin Patterson to the Mayor's Standing Finance Committee most recently? Yes. Mayor Rick Green and his Disgruntled 100 supporters have a very selective view of what conflicts of interest are, and that is putting it kindly.

The Langley Times Hates Blogs

It is very interesting that Langley Times Editor Frank Bucholtz cannot write a single editorial these days without mentioning those darn local blogs. Friday was no exception, with Bucholtz writing this week,

"All those people who profess such concern about municipal spending and operations need to make their views known when open houses on the proposed budget take place next Wednesday and Thursday. They need to let members of council know, in no uncertain terms, where they stand.

It’s one thing to verbally complain about spending, write a letter or make nasty remarks anonymously on a blog. It’s quite another to come out to an open house, listen to what is proposed, and offer an informed opinion about how the Township should spend tax dollars"

While we can certainly agree with Mr. Bucholtz that people should come out and learn about the budget and speak to the Langley they desire to see (which budgets may or may not pay for), there is a place for blogs in our community and Mr. Bucholtz needs to get with the times (no pun intended). Perhaps more and more people are coming to blogs like this one because editors like Bucholtz are failing to allow them a voice. Especially if their opinion say, opposes Mayor Rick Green?

Shortly after taking office, Green was overheard on Douglas Day telling Sonya Paterson that he had the Langley Times editor in his "back pocket". We can therefore understand why we would be hated, as we tend to undo any publicist assistance that is afforded to the good mayor. We gather that reporters of a certain newspaper have been fitted with duck tape, hence our Langley Mimes comments.

Mr. Bucholtz and his Langley Times needs to wake up and realize they are in 2009. The Langley Advance is trying out blogs for their editor and reporters (smart move) at a time when the print news is going the way of the dinosaur...quickly. Many people under 30 have no landline, simply using their cell phones as their only phone. The e-mail address has replaced the physical address for many, many people. The IP address has become more important than the postal code. People are dumping cable TV and watching programming on computers.

People are sick and tired of reading the local fluff. You can only read so many "happily ever after" stories before you long for professional journalism and a healthy dose of investigative reporting. Time for the local rags to grow a pair and quit being lazy. Do your job or go home with your tails between your legs an allow the bloggers to give it to you straight, just as we have done here.