The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Reason 493 Why Kim Richter Can't Be Mayor

We are with the comments here in this blog by TREVOR that Councillor Kim Richter cannot be mayor of Langley Township because of her vicious and heartless attacks on her fellow council members. For Richter and her Langley Free Press to allow hateful comments by Horny Toad (Fred McNeil) and Willynilly (Darlene Johnston) is despicable and abhorrent.  

We are talking about two very young girls here and it is 100% heartless to take a run at these children and their Dad, Councillor Jordan Bateman for attending a community event on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. It is interesting to note that Councillor Kim Richter did not attend Arbour Day, and skips out on many community events. For Kim Richter to allow this comments about Bateman's children on her blog is a huge indicator of the character (or lack thereof) of Richter and yet another reason why she cannot fill the position of mayor.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Last Night's All Candidates Meeting

Candidates Present:
Mary Polak  - Incumbent

Green Party
Ron Abgrall

Kathleen Stephany

Last night's All Candidates Meeting at Kwantlen Polytechnic University was pretty basic. Kathleen Stephany refused to deviate from her NDP talking points/briefing book, literally going through the platform to answer questions, and reading from her notes.

Perhaps our favourite part of the evening was Kathleen Stephany's refusal to talk about the Property Transfer Tax,  as it wasn't covered in the NDP platform. Or when she said "I'm an intellectual." Hard to pick. For the record, Mary Polak stated that with the carbon tax in place, the Liberals can now look at cutting a long list of taxes and that she would like to see the PTT high on the list of cuts. It's a smart move Mary and one that is very likely to stimulate home sales and our BC economy. Nice!

Ron Abgrall is a nice guy, but he didn't know what the PPT was. He admitted that he is not familiar with many of the issues. At least he was honest about that. Abgrall also got carried away with talk about providing recreation for children and building playgrounds, when asked what he would do to help local business thrive and survive in this economic downturn.

Kathleen Stephany appeared very nervous, stiff and angry at times, although without a sound system, one could excuse the animation. Still, the dotting eyes were creepy! The Sarah Palin look is getting old and Kathleen should hang that up before someone thinks she's part of a Saturday Night Live skit. Still, she did let the people of Langley know that Langley is no longer a safe BC Liberal seat. Remember to get out and vote on May 12th.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

NDP Lies About Facts Again

Today, NDP leader Carole James again demonstrated she doesn’t have even a basic understanding of B.C.’s economy. Rather than announcing policies to support workers, James continued to promote a reckless economic plan that will destroy jobs. Here’s what James said, and the facts behind the spin:

NDP CLAIM: “One of the best ways to stimulate B.C.’s economy is to put money in the pockets of the families who will spend it. A $10 minimum wage will put millions of dollars back into local economies.” - WRONG

FACT: If Carole James had bothered to read the research paper on minimum wage that she cited in her own news release today she would know this claim is not true. The Fraser Institute study cited by the NDP says that, based on conservative estimates, the NDP’s proposal to increase the minimum wage would result in up to 52,000 jobs lost. The report goes on to say that “Increasing B.C.’s minimum wage to $10 per hour will have a profoundly negative effect on employment opportunities for young and low-skill workers, and will have almost no effect on those most in need of income and a job.” You can read the report here. Only the NDP would think adding $450 million in new costs on small business, destroying over 50,000 jobs and introducing polices that will have a “profoundly negative effect on employment” would somehow “stimulate B.C.’s economy.”

NDP CLAIM: “Raising the minimum wage will not result in job loss.” - WRONG

FACT: Again, the only research cited by the NDP in their news release and at their event today says that increasing the minimum wage to $10 would result in up to 52,000 jobs lost. The report goes on to say virtually all “existing academic research from Canada and around the world.... finds the overwhelming consensus is that increasing the minimum wage has a significant negative impact on employment, particularly for younger workers.” Again, the report is right here.

NDP CLAIM: Ontario's five-year, 50 per cent increase to its minimum wage has not caused job losses. - WRONG

FACT: A separate study prepared for the Ontario Ministry of Finance on exactly this issue determined that a 25 per cent increase in the minimum wage would result in youth job losses of between 7.5 to 30 per cent. In B.C. this would conservatively mean losing over 50,000 jobs: Read it for yourself here. Furthermore, according to Statistics Canada, the same year Ontario began increasing the minimum wage (2003) employment growth dropped by almost 50 per cent. In fact, employment growth in that province went from the highest in country in 2003 to below the Canadian average every following year. Check out the stats right here.

Yet again the NDP are basing one of their major economic policies on a report they clearly have not read. If they had, they likely would not cite a report in their own news release that clearly demonstrates every claim they make is simply not true.

NDP and Richter Slate Allies At It Again


You may have already read this article in The Langley Times about Lyle Pona (husband of former Langley School Board Trustee Diane Pona) cuss out School Board Trustee Stacey Cody. This despicable public act of shouting out "liar" to Cody and then calling her a "f******bitch is unacceptable behaviour in a civil society. 

This sort of nonsense is an indicator of just how far our public meeting decorum and civility has fallen. It has been witnessed under at Township Council meetings where Mayor Rich Green and Councillor Kim Richter encouraged and allowed Mufford overpass opponents to scream and shout at council, call them names, and bitch them out after the vote (and while an official meeting was still in progress). Green and Richter could be seen laughing often at their fellow Council members. 

What you may not realize is that Lyle Pona led the Regional Electors of Aldergrove Langley, an NDP "farm team" slate that was very active in the 1990's. Diane Pona ran on the very same slate as Councillor Kim Richter. Is it any surprise that this sort of behaviour spills out into a public School Board meeting? This is the mentality and bullying you get from a Green/Richter slate and their allies. It is also a clear look into the NDP and their smear tactics. Perhaps this is why Pona has lost the last two elections? Maybe Langley residents have gotten wise to the NDP and their inability to get anything of substance accomplished? 

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

NDP Up To VERY Dirty Tricks - Cllr. Kim Richter Thinks Its OK To Meddle

NDP Removes Logo From Attack Advertising

The NDP removed their party logo and branding from at least two U.S.-style attack advertisements currently running on television in their continued attempt to cover up their negative campaign strategy from voters, says Minister Mike de Jong.
  “This is a new low for Carole James and the NDP. They have decided to run a series of attack ads on television but refuse to take responsibility for them,” says de Jong. “I don’t ever recall an NDP campaign where they were so ashamed and embarrassed by their own party label and their campaign of smear and innuendo that they feel compelled to hide their identity from the public.”
  Currently the NDP are running at least two advertisements on major television broadcasts, both attacking government and the Premier. Neither advertisement mentions the NDP in any way, nor is the NDP logo shown in any way. The only identification that remains is a brief, small-font financial authorization which identifies the NDP as the funding body.
  “NDP candidates are embarrassed by this cowardly and duplicitous denial of their attack ad strategy, and we have seen candidates already distancing themselves from the party and these tactics,” says de Jong. “Frankly, those candidates should be embarrassed – these are personal, negative attacks that the public overwhelmingly rejects. Candidates on the ground know it’s the last thing families want to see during a Canucks game or any other family programming when they are worried about their jobs and the economy.”
 In particular, de Jong refers to comments made last night by the NDP candidate for Prince George-Valemount, Julie Carew, who when confronted with questions about their attack ads blamed the head party for the decisions: “What they [the party] do provincially and what I do locally are two different things ... So you need to call our provincial office and ask them what their strategy is about that.” (
  This is in stark contrast to an April 26 fundraising letter sent out by NDP President Jeff Fox appealing to NDP supporters to send more money to the NDP party to continue this negative attack campaign, stating: “The biggest single cost in our campaign is purchasing advertisements .... I am emailing you today to ask you to make your final donation of the campaign, right now, to ensure we most effectively spend our budget...”
  “The NDP and their insiders have no problem indentifying themselves when they are begging people for their hard-earned money to perpetuate this negative ad campaign, but they hide their face when those ads go in front of the public on the air,” says de Jong. “Carole James and the NDP can’t hide from their record, they can’t hide from these ads, and they can’t hide from British Columbians. People know it is them doing this, plain and simple. They can hide their name, but this duplicitous action speaks far louder about their party than any words could.”

Councillor Kim Richter (NDP Cheerleader) OK With Meddling

Although Councillor Kim Richter slammed the two Langley MLA's for their support of local School Board candidates, Richter's blog now openly badmouths the same two MLA's for declining to attend an very clear NDP-organized teacher's union event. 

So, while Richter assails MLA's Rich Coleman and Mary Polak for their support work and ignoring the partisan rally, she has no problem telling other orders of government what to do and has no problem supporting provincial NDP candidates. More Richter hypocrisy and much more of Richters playing around across Langley. He provincial NDP loss with Glen Clark's crew should have taught her an important lesson, don't you think?   

Monday, April 27, 2009

Langley Airport Lease Rates Resurface

We find it odd that despite Township Council receiving the airport lease rates report on April 6, 2009, The Langley Times has just gotten around to publishing the facts for public consumption. We could understand The Langley Record not publishing the story until April 22nd, but not a newspaper that the community has depended on for it's local news! Note that this Times article by Al Irwin is dated April 24th! So a local blog beats The Times to press?

When the story hit The Langley Mimes, many of us received calls from friends who all opined that perhaps The Langley Record had shamed The Mimes into publishing this article? Perhaps until our story broke, this article just sat in a "To Be Published" file somewhere in The Mimes back office?

We couldn't help notice that this article appears in The Times Business section. But while it could be a business story, this would have been part of Al Irwin's Township Council reports. We know that the Business section of this newspaper is under the greater editorial control of long-time senior reporter Al Irwin. Could it be that this council story sat in the back alley of The Mimes while they published "more important" stories like a spring pig and piglets sucking a teet?

This airport lease rates information was a BIG issue for Mayor Green and Councillor Richter in the 2008 election. Former Mayor Kurt Alberts and Council were bashed big time over this, despite Richter voting twice NOT to raise airport lease rates. Mayor Green wanted to twist Council's arms to form an "Airport Commission" that now we see would only have wasted more tax monies with another commission and staff time. So why wasn't this important story published for 18 days? Looks like a certain Green/Richter Slate publicist is at it again!

"Kirk’s 38-page report includes values for industrial, non-airport lands, in the Township, with rents calculated at between $1.22 to $1.37 per square foot, based on a return of about six per cent of land value, noting that rates of return for industrial land has declined from the eight per cent prevalent through the 1990s and early 2000s.

Airport lease values range from 31 cents (unserviced) to 57 cents (serviced) at Victoria International Airport to a blanket rate of 0.0278 (unserviced) and 0.0483 cents per square foot for serviced land, in Fort St. John."

"During his election campaign Mayor Rick Green criticized the airport lease rates, saying they are only 25 per cent of current market rates, with long-term, 20-to-40-year contracts. He said this policy is potentially losing upwards of $1 million per year.

However, not only must the airport remain competitive with other regional airports, the land can’t be opened up to general industrial/commercial type business leases.

The airport lands are within the Agricultural Land Reserve, are designated in the Official Community Plan as Urban Growth, specifically Terminal and Agricultural within the Murrayville Plan."

-- The Langley Times