The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

When One Person Doesn't Put Any Meaning to Tens of Thousands

Fresh off reviewing the audio tapes of Monday's Township Council Meeting. We hear that Councillor Richter's motion regarding a response from a group of Councillors never got seconded. Those Councillors you will recall had responded to the Mayor's visit to the A.L.C. regarding the Mufford Overpass, which was blatantly in contravention with the Community Charter (and which of course the lazy local media never picked up on but we sure did).

Well Councillor Richter's foolish, politically motivated, and "I won't work with the others" Motion, never got seconded. Not even by Mayor Green nor Councillor Mel Kositsky, two vocal opponents to the Mufford Overpass. Kudos now go to the "8 pack" for seeing through the charade of this pair, Kim Richter and her pal S.P. and their childish and truly dumbfounding Motion. It should also make plain to people that Kim Richter and her sidekick S.P. are not supporters of democracy. If they were, they would access Council's decision and move on.

This stage production by Richter speaks volumes of her poor choice of associates and lack of political abilities. Hasn't she figured out yet that her FLASH IN THE PAN Motions don't impact one bit on the organizational dynamics of council? And it is a subject that she lectures on (Organizational Behaviour) ever day of the week to boot! What's up with that folks? Following this type of lead, Kim Richter is sure to alienate everyone further. Most especially the general public in no time at all. In fact, we hear that this process is already happening in a big way out there in the ToL.

Sorry Kim, but this is one time that one person doesn't put any meaning to tens of thousands.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Monday Township Council Meetings

Two Township of Langley Council meetings this Monday:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Special Council Meeting
Begins at 3:00pm

Special Agenda and full Council package - click here

Regular Council Meeting
Begins at 7:00pm

Regular Agenda and full Council package - click here

The VERY partisan Motion from none other than the Chief Politico Councillor Kim Richter will be proudly presented in the Regular Meeting by none other than Kim Richter, while Big SOB and Sonya Paterson (the Tag Team) watch and film. Come watch and even boo Kim and Sonya as they once again try to rub the rest of Council's face in this issue decided long ago and forced into two votes by Mayor Green. If you miss it, The Langley Free Mess will have the censored highlights for your viewing pleasure, as The Idle One finds work for his feeble hands and juvenile mind. But hey, at least they can't throw him and his camera out like that PAC meeting eh? How demoralizing and how damaging to The Governess.

Maybe if all the people that were in favour of the Mufford Overpass would come out to Township Council, perhaps these people will get a life and realize that not too many support them and most do despise and loath them! Un-elect Kim Richter and send a clear message to the rest of the tag team that they need to hang it up.

Some people really need their medication doses increased to compensate for the mania. We've heard from quite a few people that have viewed the activity and public displays and have declared it all as "unusual" to say the least. Some have suggested a few diagnoses.