The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Why Did Kim Richter Just Accept A New Township Laptop?

At the Monday, April 12, 2010 meeting of Township Council, Cllr. Kim Richter and Mayor Green took jabs at ToL Council. They both taunted Council members for what they viewed as a failure to listen to the Mayor's Standing Committee on Finance and their recommendations.

Well, Rick Green accepted a new Township laptop computer when he took office and we hear that this week Councillor Kim Richter accepted a brand new laptop computer from the ToL. Well this is really interesting (and hypocritical once again), as Richter just this past Monday slammed her fellow councillors for what she perceived as a failure of her colleagues to listen to the Finance Committee recommendations.

HYPOCRITE, because Richter ignored one of the Big 7 Recommendations when the Committee wrote (click to read full box):

Well Kim Richter, when will you cease your use of this "electronic gadgetry" if this report and it's recommendations are so credible? Explain that new laptop of yours. And what about the ringleader, Mayor Rick Green? He is constantly seen playing with his Blackberry, irritatingly so even when people are trying to speak with him.

HYPOCRISY is alive and well in the Township of Langley. It starts at the top with Rick Green and Kim Richter.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bateman Not Responsible - Imagine That!

History was made this week on The Langley Times website. We congratulate Green flunkie Horny Toad who has always posted toxic comments blaming Township Councillor Jordan Bateman for every situation in the Township of Langley. After the Times Editor posted this opinion, Horny Toad had this to say...

"Has there ever been an education problem that couldn't be solved by just paying teachers more money. After all, EVERYONE knows they do everything for the benefit of students."

Not one single mention of Cllr. Bateman, can you picture it? We anticipate heavy rains, thunder and hail this weekend for certain. But it may be short lived as Horny Toad never has done any of his own research and relies on the political lies and favorable press writers for his information on various topics.

This PR machine is all part of the Rick Green PR machine leading up to the election. Paint Green as the "victim" of a Township Council that just won't work or listen to him. Of course we know for a fact that this mayor had opportunities to deliver the goods and has failed. His Report Card is a big fat F. Some recent Rick Green failures include:
  • Failure to obtain the promised 0-0-0 by failing to provide researched and reasonable cost-cutting suggestions during the budget process. No folks, not even ONE.
  • Voting for the Water Management Strategy that he ran against.
  • Voting for a big fat raise in his Metro Vancouver per diem
  • Voting for Metro increases that will impact taxpayers in perpetuity
  • Supporting his Finance Committee's recommendations that included provision for cutting computer laptops and cell phones and then accepting both "technological gadgets"
  • Failure to sell off the Redwoods Golf Course and Bedford House Restaurant. Green spoken often during the campaign about these two public assets and has not mentioned a word about them since winning the election. What's up with that?
  • Failure to deliver $1M more per year to the ToL from increases in airport lease rates. We have seen NO proposals from Green to change anything at this airport.
Rick Green has been one big failure of a mayor for the Township of Langley. Horny Toad, better pay more attention to the facts like you have with this last comment!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Richter Body Language Clear - Her Star Has Burst

The Editorial Board had coffee this morning with our Township Council advisers. We had quite a chuckle as the "Blog In The Fog" vented about Councillor Jordan Bateman. It was clear that Bateman's calm, cool and well-researched comments on the budget got the goat of all times of Cllr. Kim Richter. Our council advisers report that Richter's body language as Bateman spoke was as if she had just taken a large mouth full of manure. We'll keep it tame here. Interesting that the Blog In The Fog (BITF) mentions all these comments and quotes from Richter, but fails to show any video or quotes from Bateman. Just some vague innuendos. What's up with that?

The BITF blames Bateman alone for the tax increases, imagine that? How foolish! How silly! How idiotic! No mention of water, sewer, contract and other drivers. You have to be a real moron to read that garbage and believe it. Even Mayor Green voted for the user pay utility increases and he was happy to not be at the other end of the forked tongue of Cllr. Richter.

Bateman rightly pointed out that conservative and liberal councils have raised taxes. Large and small cities have raised taxes. Taxes with and without casinos have raised taxes. The list goes on and all Kim Richter could counter with was a personal attack on her fellow councillors regarding the automatic raises that are bench marked with Metro. How lame was that?

Bateman rightly pointed out that the Township doesn't buy television sets, food and consumer goods. The ToL buys construction, water, sewer and other costly things. Did Cllr. Richter debate this? NO.

But Richter will surely get that crap out of her mouth just in time to use that new laptop that the Township bought for her from tax dollars approved by her fellow councillors and not approved by her. Kim Richter is ordering off the Township buffet once again and not paying the bills. Did the BITF tell you about the new ToL laptop Richter just got? NO, not at ALL!

Councillor Kim Richter is:

Out of date
Out of touch with reality
Out of urban Langley much of the time
Out to lunch

If one watches the hit TV show Glee, a twin of Councillor Kim Richter can be seen in each and every episode. Yes, Kim Richter is the spitting image of Sue Sylvester. Coach of the "Cheerios" in Glee that constantly tries to undermine her council colleagues and attack them personally and professionally. Watch the show. Watch Kim Richter. Amazing similarities.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

First A Kid's Baseball Coach and Now the Mormans - The Langley Times Hits Another Low

We have been reporting during the past while about the errors and omissions of The Langley Times that we can only assume is sanctioned by the Editor and his Publisher. We recently reported on the Little League Baseball coach that The Times had to apologize to for a photo and caption about a child molester. Then there were the series of factually incorrect articles that we posted quotes and links to. Just as we published our open letter to the publisher of The Times, news of this gem hit our Editorial Board...

So this Friday The Times published this story about a bogus credit card factory that was busted by the Langley RCMP. While we think the police action was GREAT and illegal operations like this should be busted, we don't believe the RCMP wanted the nearby Mormon Temple and Church to be drawn into this raid on some illegal activity during a speacial week for them. But, as The Langley Times is on a roll lately with articles in poor taste, this quote appeared in The Langley Times piece...

"Langley RCMP’s economic crime unit executed a search warrant at a property in the 20400 block of 82 Avenue, which is the same street as the new Mormon Temple."
Now why on earth did The Langley Times see fit to drag the new Mormon Temple into this criminal crackdown? This article was published just as this local church began celebrating their new temple, a showpiece of their religion and a building that will serve something like 22,000 people, by inviting the general public to tour the new temple.

In fact, whether you agree with the Mormon religion or not, hundreds (if not thousands) of people from all over the Pacific Northwest are currently visiting and touring this grand $34M temple building. Many cars and buses were backed up on 200th Street and the surrounding area Saturday, as the local Mormon church served as gracious hosts to those visiting Langley citizens and those who traveled from beyond Langley. We are also sure that those same visitors will spend lots of money this weekend in local restaurants, shops and hotels.

For all their good will, the Mormon Temple is mentioned in the same article about some serious criminal activity, almost as if they were somehow affiliated with this illegal activity! The Langley Record Editorial Board aren't the only ones that immediately thought this reference in The Times was in extremely poor taste, as this Langley Times blog commenter posted this...

"What's the inference here? Are the Mormons involved in criminal activities? Did the police seize any black suits, white shirts and shiny shoes at this residence?

Looks like The Times had better get another "sorry column" typeset this weekend and ready for fresh publication their their Tuesday edition. Surely the Times Editor should have caught this one directly after that Little League blunder! Mr. Times Publisher, are you listening now?