The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cllr. Ferguson Raises Budget Concerns

The Falcon Fight
How to play:
Knock your opponent out! Use the A and S keys on your keyboard to punch, and your up and down arrow keys to move back and forth.

Now for more serious stuff...

Growing group see massive red flags in Mayor Green's proposed budget - Councillors and public question the wisdom of it all.

The Mayor's Standing Committee on Finance have done their work and recommendations have been provided by the committee to council. The Editorial Board of the Langley Record respects the work of this committee, and most especially the three civilian volunteers. But serious questions still exist and Councillor Steve Ferguson has some very serious concerns for the impact that the recommendations will have on our community. Cllr. Ferguson was a member of this committee and all of the process, except for the closed-door meetings.

This statement was made by Councillor Ferguson upon his receipt of the committee's report the evening before. He read this statement at the March 3, 2009 joint Council Priorities Committee & Mayor's Standing Finance Committee Meeting:

Cllr. Ferguson's Submission to the Mayor's Standing Committee of Finance

I have serious concerns regarding the meanings and implications of the recommendations submitted to the Township of Langley Council.

I have had less than 24 hours to view the recommendations. I have not been involved in the compiling of the recommendations, as they were done in a closed setting outside the formal committee structure. A structure that involves an agenda, minutes, motions, questions, and requests for supplemental information. I understand that the final recommendations, including figures, were prepared without staff consultation or direct verifications. (This may lead to misunderstandings regarding Utilities, Transfers, borrowing, Staff costs, and other organizational explanations)

I do not support some of the recommendations of the committee and I have already submitted some questions to the Mayor via email. (attached to this submission)

I do not support a Township wide hiring freeze. (although not specifically mentioned, certainly suggested in Item 3 (page 9))

Although much has been said about the zero-based budgeting process, little has been presented to the committee regarding the accounting process or implementation.

I am concerned that the committee is requesting The Township go backwards in having less utilities and therefore less explanation on tax notices.

I am very concerned about comments made regarding the Fire Department. The Tenure of item 6 (page 10) suggests our Fire Department has major challenges

I am concerned about the comments submitted regarding Hybrid vehicles. We are extremely active in a Sustainable Charter Initiative, reversing the process now would be counterproductive.

I have been involved in many budget in my 6 terms as a municipal councillor and this process has been less open, less transparent, and more time intensive than anything that I have ever seen.

I look forward to hearing the comments of my fellow councillors during our OPEN budget deliberations.

Respectfully submitted,

Cllr. Steve Ferguson

The items refered to in Cllr. Ferguson's statement are related to the committee's report which you can view here. We note that although council voted to place this report on the Township website, to date this has not been done. We are not sure if someone is trying to prevent you from seeing it or not. The report says absolutely nothing, as the devil is in the details here and the mayor has done a great job in holding all of the details back from the public and his council.
Councillor Steve Ferguson's Report Comments

1. How was #6 determined given version 4 of our reports indicated a $131M figure

1(a). Where are the details of your numbers?

2. Item 2(C) indicates a policy figure of $17M, are you transferring monies above that figure to operational?

3. Item 2(D) indicates maintaining the non-statutory operating capital fund surpluses at $28M
yet I am concerned about the following?

Fire divisional deficit $1.6m
Police deficit $1.3m
One-time divisional requests of $1.1m
Solid Waste deficit $1.1m
Other short falls approx. $.7m

4. Where did the .93% tax increase come from?

5. How did you balance the budget? Item 1(c)?

6. The TOL's has had a policy of contributions to Capital to protect our fragile infrastructure what has happened to it? Why?

7. I am concerned that you have misunderstood how Utilities operate in our community. It appears as if you are unfairly redistributing funds from one utility to another. Township Residents who pay for their own solid waste (I believe you are one) are subsidizing users on the system. This appears to be true also in the Water utility.

Friday, March 6, 2009

It Is Confirmed - Mayor Green's Hearing Has Failed

This letter from a very senior Ministry of Transportation official states very clearly that if the Township chooses to reject the Mufford/64th Overpass, the funding will go elsewhere to other priorities. The letter also makes it very clear that there are no opportunities for a redesign. End of story. Mayor Green's stall tactics (perhaps hoping for a quick GVRD report?) have backfired on him. He now looks very foolish to senior levels of government for this silly stunt of his. You can be sure that this council will not be so trusting with him again. 

We have also confirmed that as of March 20th the public will have full access to more information on what Mayor Green has done and you can be certain that we will publish it all here. Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I - Ear and Nose Troubles Infect Township Mayor

By now the evidence is mounting that Mayor Rick Green has been operating in the back alleys to help his friends and insiders. It is far from Green's election rhetoric of open and transparent government, not being "top-down" in running the Township, et al. Here is a fair chain of events:
  • Mayor Green allows the Mufford overpass to become a campaign issue, with insiders passing out materials on the overpass during the debates. This is so that he can address this issue and make it appear that there has been no previous public consultation. Obviously this is not true and Green had access to all of the documents that prove public input into the process.
  • The Green/Richter slate allows friends and insiders to make delegations to council. Little does council know then, but they are being railroaded by the slate. After the delegation, Councillor Kim Richter puts forth a motion for another "public input" session and two public open houses. The two open houses are hijacked by Green/Richter insiders and becomes a circus, along with the public input sesssion with council. Green is angered by staff giving a presentation before the public input. He and Richter actually laugh out loud in council when staff are attacked by a viral older gentleman, further showing their disdain for staff.
  • Green goes to the GVRD Board meeting and presents a Notice of Motion for the GVRD agricultural staff to review the Preliminary Design with regards to farmlands. He never speaks to council about this.
  • Green meets with MP John Cummins behind closed doors and mentions a small line in his mayor's report that week that says they met to discuss "mutual interests", without stating what exactly they discussed. 
  • Another report is issued by staff to show overall public support for the project, but not before Green orders the same public input documents to be distributed to council a total of 3 times. The slate also encourages the opponents to send vicious and threatening e-mails to council in an attempt to bully them.
  • Green presents a very inaccurate view to council that the funding partners are ready to reconsider a new overpass design. Council takes Green at his word and approves the putting aside of an acceptance of the staff report and the overpass for opne week, as Green requests. We now know from this TransLink letter here, that this was an absolute falsehood and clear deception in his dealing with council. Besides having an "I" problem that needs serious attention from an "I" doctor, Green must also need a hearing specialist now. 


By Guest Editor "HOUND DOG"  Interview & Investigation 

MP John Cummins and Mayor Green - Truth or Consequences for ToL

It was interesting to many councillors and public alike, that MP John Cummins would take such an interest in an infrastructure project well outside his constituency. Firstly, why would he show such little respect for fellow Conservative Party caucus member, MP Mark Warawa. Secondly, one must ask why is the Mufford/64th Overpass project of such concern to him. Through some nifty investigative work a couple of disturbing things were uncovered:

1. MP Cummins met directly with our Mayor Rick Green and it was documented without detail in Green's Mayor's Report as previously written here. But did MP Warawa get that same opportunity for a meeting when truly Langley Township is his riding and has nothing to do with an MP from Delta-Richmond, or does it, one must ask? Green's excuse of "we are old buddies" doesn't cut it, there must have been a greater reason for this unusal meeting.

2. Interestingly enough, our candid investigator discovered through a well-heeled informant that if Langley turns the overpass down, guess whose riding is about to benefit from all that cash? You guessed it, Delta-Richmond. The City of Richmond our source reports, has an infrastructure project of similar value to the Mufford overpass, yet still unfunded. Our informant reports this Richmond project is described as shovel ready and a high priority. Interesting, isn't it? Langley turns it down and MP Cummins looks like a hero as he delivers the cash from the funding partners, based on Langley's foolish decision.

3. In the report, Delta is to have a couple of overpasses built as part of the Roberts Bank Rail Corridor bigger picture project. But, they are farther down the list, and no monies or time frame are available for their construction. If Langley fails to pass this project, guess what? Delta's projects move up the list and are closer to becoming a reality. Again with MP Cummins looking like a huge hero as he delivers the goodies for his constituents.

In conclusion, what was said at that closed door ("he's my buddy") meeting between Mayor Green and MP Cummins? Was it something of "mutual interest", or was it to the detriment of the ToL? Our source tells us it is scheming to assist the mayor's old stomping grounds at the expense of his newly-adopted community.

Mr. Mayor - the sting is on and your shroud of secrecy is once again evident - transparency is thrown out the window! However, we suspect it was never part of your slate's plan. Another election promise broken.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mayor Green Ignores His Promise of Transparency - Once AGAIN


3/4/09 @ 6:00pm SEE Update I at the end of this article!

This rookie mayor just can't hold himself back from acting in secret and being anything but transparent to the people of the Township of Langley, nor the elected council. The Editorial Board of the Langley Record has just learned that Mayor Rick Green acted in secret in getting the Mufford/64th Overpass onto the agenda of the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Regular Meeting of Friday, February 27, 2009. Mayor Green is the Township's primary representative and director. 

Cover of Agenda here (click documents to enlarge):

Note Agenda Item 4.3 here:

Mayor Green issues a Mayor's Report at every regular meeting of Township Council. In this document, which is his first report after the GVRD meeting he makes no mention of his motion at the GVRD meeting, despite the Mufford/64th Overpass staff report coming before council that very evening for review. Here is the mayor's report in its entirety.

This mayor ran on a loud and clear platform of openess and transparency. Yet despite all the rhetoric, he has called closed-door meetings that not only excluded the public and the press, but also our very own councillors that were also elected to serve our best interests.

To add insult to injury, the mayor held another secret meeting in his office Tuesday afternoon with Standing Finance Committee members Mayor Rick Green, Councillor Kim Richter, Calvin Patterson and George Luciani, just after their meeting with council. Councillor Steve Ferguson, who is also a member of this committee, was never advised of that this non-public meeting would be held in the mayor's office. Apparently this secret meeting did not require a motion in public to go behind closed doors, as was offered in the last Finance Committee meeting by Councillor Kim Richter, before the committee's report was issued. 

Secret meetings in the mayor's office. Hidden motions being put forth by our mayor when a poll clearly shows the majority of ToL residents favour an overpass.  The slate pandering to insiders and campaign buddies.

How can any citizen in the Township of Langley fault our ToL Council members for not trusting Mayor Rick Green and his slate, or for not taking him at face value? Shame on Mayor Rick Green for failing to keep our council appraised of his activities, as he purports to represent the interests of ALL of the citizens of the Township of Langley in meetings with other agencies and boards. 

Yes, Mayor Green is having a great time as stated in his Mayor's Report all right. But this great time is all at the expense of our residents, elected council and openess and transparency. 

Update I - 3/4/09 @ 6:00pm

Apparently Mayor Green has been playing Secret Squirrel at the GVRD longer than we thought. Click document to enlarge. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Yesterday's ToL Council Meeting Recap

As expected, the arrogant were truely out in force last night. Vile people that are not articulate enough to make the case for what they believe, execpt to offer up shots of venom in the form of personal attacks and name-calling. Innuendo and suggestions of corruption spewing from their tongues, along with childish threats of election losses.  

Of course the brute mentality is directly in line with the rookie mayor who basically sat back and allowed the circus to carry one, with mild and timid injections of "order. He can certainly belt out orders with those who oppose him, but he gets very meak around his love fest. These were formal delegations to council and people were allowed to applaud and carry on. The rookie mayor has allowed all decorum to be thrown out and calls to order by fellow councillors are of no avail, so they don't bother to call them these days.

At one point, one very outspoken critic that is VERY arrogant actually stood up during council discussion in an attempt to debate them. This is the kind of cricus this mayor breeds, imagine that! This civilian who rose up has said that he has worked various professionals, but apparently he is CLUELESS as to how to have professional tact and respect for process and parlimentary procedure. Might we say another arrogant bull here? The first bully of the evening topped the cake with personal and vile attacks on Councillor Bateman and others. But this man should now feel like a fool (putting it mildly) after last night's vote was taken, eh?

Despite all the direct negative statements of BC Liberal connections and their power hold over ToL council, it was very apparent that Councillor Bateman and others had no prior knowledge of the mayor's discussions with provincial staff. So much for conspiracy theory folks!

The Editorial Board of the Langley Record must commend Mr. Wally Martin for his delegation and respectful submission. Unlike the others, Mr. Martin was respectful of council members and calmly made his case and campaign for the removal of heavy rail from Langley. We have heard complaints from people that signed his petition to removal heavy rail, as in his ToL delegation he then used this petition to ask council to reconsider the overpass vote and stated that these two issues are very much inter-related. But those that signed can call Mr. Martin and voice those concerns. Wally Martin stuck to the issues and did not bully or call anyone names. Good on him. 

Despite all the arrogance and smug its-a-fact predictions by a certain L*P "editor", the entire council with the exception of "no tell Mel" (Councillor Mel Kositsky) actually voted with the mayor to wait one week for clarification on what overpass changes may be do-able with the funding partners. Apparently Mayor Green had a conversation with a government staff member that verbally said that the Township could ask the funding partners for clarification on possible changes. The mayor did not have this in writing, but council was reasonable and supported the mayor's motion to go back to the funding partners for this clarification. Council took the mayor at FACE VALUE. Let's hope the mayor has his facts straight, but mayor and council should be commended for working together last night. This should also signal to the mayor that he needs to find more opportunities like last evening to work with the council that the electorate voted for.

MUCH praise must also go to Township staff who have had to endure constant attacks on their credibility, credentials and integrity. The public optics of the mayor's disdain for Township of Langley staff have not gone unnoticed by the electorate. The mayor's body language when staff are presenting materials is appauling. A fidgeting mayor who puffs out his cheeks and shuts what staff is saying, as he just can't wait for them to finish speaking, so that he can take over the microphone and be King of the Jungle again. What arrogance! This week even some Green supports complained to these editors about the mayor's attitude and interactions with council and staff.

Perhaps all of the senior ToL staff should get medical documentation and all file for stress leave.  It would be highly warrented under the circumstances and we are sure that medical professionals would agree that staff are just being bullied and stressed out. Then we can see what this mayor is made of. Maybe he can round up a team of his arm-chair engineers to run the Township into the ground? Time for Mayor Green to chill out and respect the ToL staff.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Flip Flop in the Works

Councillor Jordan Bateman is Now Batman Super Hero
- LF* Editor

According to the wannabee editor of the "other blog", it is pretty clear that the Green-Richter slate will support turning down the Mufford/64th Overpass, while continuing a very dysfunctional relationship. Who can figure. This represents another significant flip-flop by Councillor Kim Richter who clearing stated during the campaign last year and earlier this year that an overpass is needed and that it would be difficult to turn down this level of funding. Looks like the bully overpowered her and got his way.

As usual, the schizophrenia is very obvious, as they slate's blog vacillates from Councillor Jordan Bateman being insignificant, to now being the all-powerful super hero that bends the minds of his fellow councillors.

Maybe the slate should remember this information from the professional poll commissioned by the ToL:

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Upcoming ToL Council Meetings

Township of Langley Council will meet tomorrow for the 4:00 pm Special Meeting and the 7:00pm Regular Meeting. The Special Meeting are always quiet, but usually contain good presentations, delegations and reports.

Tomorrow night's Regular Meeting of Council will see council chambers filled with the usual Mayor Rick Green Love Fest crowd that will be out in force for council's vote on the Mufford/64 Ave Overpass report from staff. The hallmark of this administration has been to service the needs of friends and insiders.

We shall see if Mayor Green does his job and keeps the meeting dignified and in order, as it should be. Since this mayor has taken office, professionalism and decorum have not been a hallmark, as he has allowed hooting, shouting, ongoing debate after delegations, and applause. All in what should be a civil meeting that is conducted decently and with proper order. But Mayor Green is no student of procedure and decorum for sure. The sideshows and allowing of sideshows just signal a total lack of respect for the office and the civil process. Watch for the carnival atmosphere folks, as the cotton candy salesman will be sure to greet his love fest at the doors upon entry.

It was interesting to note that Mayor Green had the Township page (ToL paid advertising) run a large picture of himself (yes, the 12 year old photo) on our dime, for his Mayor's Forum that was held (where else?), Milner Chapel Hall on Saturday. The very same advertising that both Green and Richter have complained about time after time. The next three Mayor's Forums will be held in the same place in Milner, so we have a before the Mufford Vote, and then two after. The rest of council knew what he was up to, so when he asked about a name for these meetings, council allowed the mayor to declare they are his meetings. We suspect as is the case with all of his hidden agenda items, that there will be little council participation. Why would you go as a councillor when it is clearly his game with the Love Fest groupies?

Monday, March 2, 2009 - Meetings of Township Council

Special 4:00pm Meeting (open to the public after the 3:00pm In-Camera)
Agenda here
Minutes from Last Meeting here

Doc 1
Doc 2
Doc 3
Doc 4
Doc 5
Doc 6
Doc 7
Doc 8
Doc 9
Doc 10

Regular 7:00 pm Meeting (open to the public)

Agenda here
Minutes of Last Meeting here

Mufford /64 Overpass Report Doc 1
Doc 2
Doc 3
Doc 4

With the recent mixed signals from the Green-Richter Slate on open and closed doors meetings and such, it will be very interesting to see how Councillor Richter votes on the Mufford/64th Overpass. If she votes against the overpass this will be significant, as she will have fallen behind the mayor and his slate and she also will have flip=flopped on statements she made during the campaign.