The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Monday Township Council Meetings

This week there will be a Special ToL Council Meeting and a Regular ToL Council Meeting. Both meeting agendas are packed with business ahead of the big summer break. 

It is interesting to note that during the Special afternoon meeting, two developers based in Vancouver are hoping to get Council to agree to move forward with commercial development, ahead of any residential development in the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood area. Council had voted under Mayor Kurt Alberts to protect 200th Street as a major transit corridor. If commercial development is allowed to take over 200th Street, you can kiss good transit goodbye. Of course this wouldn't impact these developers, as their offices are in Vancouver where transit dollars and transit options are very plentiful. You can also see in the public engagement that some residents in the area fail to understand the value of density development and land use linked to transportation options. Do they like gridlock? When will we learn?

Click on links to access documents below.

Monday, July 20, 2009  

Special Township Council Meeting - 3:00pm - 5:30pm

Minutes of Special ToL Council Meeting - July 6, 2009

Regular Township Council Meeting - 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Minutes of Special ToL Council Meeting - July 6, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

No Township Council Meeting This Week

The Langley Record has learned that both the Special and Regular ToL Council meetings are both canceled for this week. We have no solid reasons why these meetings were axed, but we do have some good clues.

It appears that Township Staff moral is at an all-time low. Mayor Rick Green views his role as a Commander-In-Chief of sorts. During the campaign his criticism of ToL programs and processes could be taken as nothing less than an attack on Township Staff. Once taking office Green questioned staff to a level of distrust, and many times attacked their personal integrity, professionalism and credentials.

Our sources tell us that staff have no idea what issues will trigger a rage and rants from the mayor. It all seems very dependent upon what issues are near and dear to Green campaign workers, and most especially his financial supporters. As ToL staff are very bright people, they've learned that by not issuing reports and promoting new initiatives, the council agenda is kept to a minimum. It also ensures that staff are kept away from any confrontation with the Office of the Chief Cowboy In Residence (Green). Why would intelligent people ever want to stick their necks out with a loose cannon like Green in power?