The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Green Friends, Supporters and Insiders Hijack ToL

If you didn't attend the Township of Langley's two Public Open House sessions regarding the Mufford Cresent/64th Avenue overpass, consider yourself to be very fortunate. The first session took place on Saturday, January 31st at the Milner Chapel. Our correspondent for that day reported a very noisy session with Mayor Rick Green's friends, campaign supporters and other insiders ignoring the briefings from competent ToL, City of Langley, TransLink and other technical staff, and getting their voices to bellow above the crowd. Our correspondent who is elderly stated that one could not make sense of anything for some time and that you had to push your way through the arrogant crowd in order to view any of the information panels. It was next to impossible to get to any of the staff to get answers to your questions, as these insiders blocked the way. But, our correspondent says that the rookie Mayor's insiders were happy to tell you how it is (the overpass according to them).

Last night another open house took place in the lobby of Township Council Chambers. Our council monitor tried unsucessfully for over 30 minutes to criculate around the room to view all of the story boards in the area. Once again it was reported to the Editorial Board of this blog that a large crowd of Rick Green insiders gathered in front of these story boards and did their best to evangelize the general public who really gathered to hear from the experts. Our monitor was not interested in hearing from these love-fest wanna-bee traffic engineers, but there was no option available as they behaved like members of a door to door cult in order to convert the masses. Indeed our monitor could not escape being "questioned", and in some cases interrogated by these Green insiders. Our monitor did not see any need to explain to these people a personal opinion on this project, but the crowd behaved much like their bully mayor.

If this is how public open houses and public "engagement" is going to be so transparent under this rookie mayor, then don't waste your time coming out to these open house events. You will only be met by attempts at intimidation from the love fest crowd who, like Mayor Green, believe it is their way or the highway. We are appalled that this disorder is allowed in our public meetings, but then again the rookie mayor himself does not understand how to properly chair a meeting of council, so why should we expect his insiders to do any better?

These "adults" should really be ashamed of themselves for forcing their views and trying to convert (and subvert) the public like some members of a cult. Shame on you people for turning a public open house into a circus while your mayor dearest allowed this nonsense to go on, as he was acting as MC to greet the love fest crowd once again to Township Hall. The bullies have found a place to roost and you know what they say about birds of a feather, don't you?


Anonymous said...

I've read this book before

"How to Win Friends and Influence People"

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like this mayor wants to permentantly damage relationshhips with Translink and The Provincial Gov't. He expects the Council to cow tow to him and his supporters, hopefully some of them will stand up as we DON'T NEED THE DAMAGING OF A ONCE GOOD WORKING REALATIONSHIP.
His budget work is going to look really good when he throws $42 million out the window on top of his proposed -5% busget (guised as 0/0/0!
Is this place in trouble or what!

Anonymous said...

I attended the Milner meeting too and had to leave after being bombarded by several rude residents and wannabe experts. If the mayor is a supporter of that valtac group I want nothing to do with them or him.