*** Update II *** Langley Advance article and picture here.
*** Update III *** Hear the action - Audio File
24 Members of the Township public and two members of the press were denied access to the Finance Committee meeting by Mayor Green. A meeting that should have been an advertised public meeting from the start.
Mayor Rick Green declared a meeting of his Standing Finance Committee today to be adjourned after Councillor Ferguson and Ward presented evidence that the meeting violated Township Bylaw, Community Charter and the Terms of Reference for this committee. The mayor had words with the two councillors before storming out of the meeting.
Twenty Township Fire Fighters, three civilians, a Langley Advance reported, a photographer and Councillor Ward had hoped to find an open meeting, despite the various Bylaws and procedures being ignored when the Green Richter slate established this meeting. While Councillor Richter was not present and had advised members she would be late to this meeting, informed sources report that Richter was instrumental in the establishment of this meeting and its agenda.
At NO time were civilian members of the Standing Finance Committee attacked or spoken to during this attempt at open meeting access that is reflective in a transparent government. The electorate will recall that Green's slate ran on an openess, accountability and transparency platform and accused former mayor Kurt Alberts of running the Township with a "top down management style". Who is the real top down manager?
At NO time were civilian members of the Standing Finance Committee attacked or spoken to during this attempt at open meeting access that is reflective in a transparent government. The electorate will recall that Green's slate ran on an openess, accountability and transparency platform and accused former mayor Kurt Alberts of running the Township with a "top down management style". Who is the real top down manager?
*** Update IV ***
Councillor Grant Ward was in the committee room today and files this report...
Guest Column By Councillor Grant Ward
Further to Matthew Claxton's Langley Advance article, I have the following comments
Today Mayor Rick Green attempted to hold a secret and a closed Standing Committee of Finance meeting, contrary to the Rules of Procedures Bylaw 3694, the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the General Council Standing Committees Policy (that mayor and council endorsed a month ago, and the Community Charter Section 90 to 92.
The Terms of Reference allows for the public and council members (TOR para. 2.2) the ability to attend all such meetings as observers only and 'the committee must conduct their business in accordance with the authority approved to them and the terms therein.
'Under TOR 13.3, ' All changes to meeting dates, times, location must be reported to the Township Clerk a minimum of two weeks prior to the effective date so the necessarey notifications can be issued.'
The TOR 14.1 states "All meetings are open to the public, unless excluded in accordance with Section 90 of the Community Charter" (basically items of Land, Labour or Litigation). If these items were to be discussed, would the entire meeting be required to be in camera? Also, The Community Charter requires in camera meetings to be approved by resolution by council in a public meeting, just as we do with our weekly special closed meetings of council.
There is no reference to any so-called legal 'closed workshop' styled meetings. This meeting, although stated to be a 'workshop meeting', is nontheless 'a meeting' that the public is entitled to attend, especially any elected official. Further, the two civilian members of this committee are not sworn public officials and therefore would have no cause to discuss privileged information (land, labour or litigation) with Mayor Green, as they should not be privy to such things. This meeting being called on short notice (this week) and was likely designed to leave the rest of council without any 'preemptive assessment' of what was to be forthcoming from this committee, for whatever reason deemed by the mayor.
Mayor Green's statement about today's occurrence, 'that it's about Rick Green. It'ss about fighting the last election', is purely a red herring. He erred with this hasty call to meeting and he knows it was a mistake. Conversely, he could have stood his ground (based on his statements) and carried on with his meeting, had he been on solid legal ground in his mind. In summary, this is all about doing the right thing within bounds of accepted protocols, principles and policy. The mayor is not above the rules, policies or Bylaws. That is NOT open and transparent. The public has the right to attend municipal meetings, and most especially when our decisions impact their daily lives in any significant way such as taxation.
.........and this transperancy and open govenrment. He had words with two Councillors elected by the public to do my business. Tell me where was Richter in this fiasco.....right behind him egging him on!
This is your man Horny Toad.....what a leader, what a role model! Maybe the new regional police force can invoke martial law like he seems to be doing all on his own - disgusting!
It will be interesting to see how the other blog reports this fiasco! I bet they say little about it as thyeir hero burnt himself in flames today and they don't like their own kind getting hurt. Don't hold your breath on them reporting anything eh editor! What I find interesting after watching the TV night on Monday was Richter's comment to Fox's motion that he, or any other Councillor, could have gone to every meeting of the Financne Committee, they were open to anyone, I guess that was a lie!
Guessing isn't good enough, that wouldn't stand up in a court of law, it would blow away like a fart.
The proof is in the Green & Richter slate and the way they operate. Look what happened today.Do you think Kim stayed away and in the process threw her new found pal Rick under the bus on this one?
Tricky Ricky's conduct in this process has been shocking and appalling. What a mistake we have made in electing this obviously ill prepared man.
if this was not a real meeting why did Raging Bull adjourn it? You got caught with your hand in the cookie jar Mr. Mayor. Apologize and come clean.
Good point Morrey. It is clear that the Mayor has....
a) no controil.
b) no knowledge of or respect for the Community Charter which governs Council.
c) no respect for the other Council members
d) no willingness to work with anyone other than HIS friends
e) got thrown under the bus by his sidekick Richter
f) didn't follow through on his election promise to be 'open and tranperant'.
g) likes his face in the press and says all the rigth things for his band opf merry followers but has absolutley no value for the common or greater good of this Township!
Impeach him NOW and save us the agony.
This is a mistake by Green. If he wants credibility, he needs the publics involvement.
Secondly, Baker's disappearance after writing the letter is no different. If you make a statement, it is unacceptable to disappear afterwards. You need to account for your actions.
looks more like Ferguson and Ward are the fools here. Bakken stated Green within process. Feguson acting like a child refusing to attend any in camera meetings. Time for him to resign or retire.
We checked with our council watchers and they said you may have been too busy playing with your camera and not listening. Among other things said that perhaps you failed to video record is the fact that the committee cannot many any decisions and such. How will they prepare a report for council for March 3rd without some decisions?
One committee member wanted staff there because he did not know what they can do. After 9 weeks you would think he would have some clues as to what to do, eh?
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