"What world is this white guy living in? The one created by the Vancouver Sun? Maybe he should start reading this newspaper and give his dinosaur head a good shake!"
We here at The Langley Record wondered if Rattan was referring to Mayor Green's 2009 look or the 12 year old photo he insists all staff use? Rattan in his whit make a great point about this whole race issue. Politicians like Green love to use the race card for their own devices when they wish to get some publicity and appear to be the defender of the populous. But many times they join the chorus to bitch about all these immigrants entering the country.
Defending the populous should be left to the RCMP that we pay to do so. We don't need photo ops and lime light. The RCMP can work with the community to determine what is a hate crime and what is not. Perhaps if politicians like Green stop meddling in police business, race relations will improve.
We wonder if we can get Rattan to do a regular column for The Langley Record. This would give our readers yet another perspective. What do you say Rattan?
The weakest-link limelighting stints belongs to dimmy Kooky-Kim. Is Green really vying for the same thinkless position just because of his amour to the Green-Richter slate?
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