What amazes our Editorial Board each year is how Councillor Kim Richter (and now Mayor Green) separate taxes. They somehow think that if tax increases are not in the form of property tax increases, somehow that will buffalo the general public?
Richter constantly promotes things like raising user fees in the Township. Green just comes up with ridiculous budget numbers that are irrational and never add up. Someone needs to educate Cllr. Richter on the fact that whether it is property taxes or user fees, it is the same public taxpayer pocket. You can slice it and dice it all you want Kim, but it all comes out of the same pocket!
It also amazes us that each and every year the loudest griping comes from the rural residents of Langley with regards to budgets and increases. The fact of the matter is that in 2009, Township Council received 30-40 positive feedback sheets during the public budget input process. At least 30-40 urban residents (who pay proportionally more taxes than their rural neighbours understood the need for the tax increase and supported it. Our Editorial team took a straw pole amongst our neighbours in 2009 and all of the people we spoke with were happy with the services and levels of service they were receiving from the ToL and were happy to pay for them. Many of them resented Mayor Rick Green's suggestions that the Township could be operated on a shoe string, and viewed this approach as nothing more than a cheap political tactic. They fully understood that Cllr. Richter could be placed in that same boat.
One pocket there is Kim and Rick. Better come to Jesus and repent of your past sins.
Green has to support the pockets of his greeny weeny supporters from Milner - there is definitely more than one pocket in his world when you consider how he has to look after his 'buddies'.
Tricky Ricky does not understand how municipal government works. He is locked in the 1980s just like his photo.
The same logic applies to Tricky Ricky's votes to hike TransLink property taxes and GVRD property taxes all the while lying to Township taxpayers and saying he supports a tax freeze. It is all our same pocket Ricky!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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