The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Monday, August 30, 2010

With friends Like Rick Green Agriculture Doesn't Need Enemies!

This Facebook page recently went up for Township Mayor Rick Green. It says that Mayor Rick Green is on the job and fighting to protect farmers and agriculture. Is Rick Green really a friend of farmers and agriculture? We say that with friends like Rick Green, Agriculture doesn't need any enemies.

Ask anyone in Delta about then Councillor Rick Green and they will tell you that his voting record and statements were far from the protection of agriculture and farming. Green had a track record all right and it would not a good one whatsoever for agriculture. So, has Rick Green gotten religion since moving to the Township of Langley and buying a small hobby farm where he keeps his horses? NO! Not at all!

Since taking office as mayor, Mayor Rick Green has voted for several Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) exclusions that were NOT agriculture related. In other words he voted to approve and send to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) several applications to exclude land from the ALR and these properties would NOT be used at all for agricultural purposes. Specifically:
  1. Lands across from the Gloucester Industrial Estate
  2. Lands in Aldergrove
  3. Tuscan Farms
  4. Land belonging to Green's campaign donors, the Omelaniecs
These are just a few of the ALR exclusions for non-farming purposes that we recall, Mayor Green recently voted to approve them. Understand that we are not judging the merits good or bad of the property owners or their applications. We just question the true nature of this "agricultural agenda" of Mayor Green. What is it exactly? All this voting was going on while he is supposed to be busy protecting farm lands on our behalf. Moreover, why hasn't our local media questioned Mayor Green's voting for all these non-farm exclusions?

Just this past week, Mr. Lee Lockwood of Aldergrove (a staunch supporter of Mayor Rick Green) filed this Letter to the Editor of the Langley Advance. In this letter Mr. Lockwood says:
"The only reason I can see the need for east/west connectivity is for the eventual development of the Salmon River Uplands, once GVRD water hits that area. This might prove the real economic “prize” for the developers, and this is a subtle way to get fast access built."
Doesn't Mr. Lockwood realize that if Mayor Rick Green's agenda was really to protect the Salmon River Uplands from development, then perhaps he would not have voted for Tuscan Farms, the Omelaniecs and perhaps even the water pipes? Doesn't the "J" Option that Mayor Green and Mr. Lockwood support include the crossing of salmon bearing streams as the "J" is created?

Clearly Mayor Rick Green is not for farmers or agriculture. Check out his voting record and ignore the rhetoric and his campaigns about "fighting" this or that. Mayor Green's voting record speaks volumes to the fact that once again he says one thing and votes another. Shame on those that will believe the rhetoric and ignore the facts.


Anonymous said...

Whoa.........if what you are writing is right I will be very upset with Mayor Green.........I will ask him when I see him next.........

Anonymous said...

All you have to do is go to the Township website ahead of your meeting and have copies of the Council Meeting Minutes with you when you speak with him. This way he won't be able to wiggle out of the facts.

Anonymous said...

The Omelaniecs property is high dry beautiful agriculture land , capable of growing almost any products. Like real farming purposes.The land in milner where the overpass is proprosed is more suited to growing swamp grass, which i have never found a good use for.The land in milner is basically only suited for grass growing ,which is the use the hudson bay had for it.Milner has very little top soil with clay directly under that , which makes for poor drainage.Poor drainage makes for late crop planting in the spring.I just went to vancouver airport the other day ,passed over farm land that would make milner farm land look like the swamp that it mostly is.

Anonymous said...

I love Green's comment of being 'Independent'. My butt Mr. Mayor, you are as biased as any politician anywhere. I should read, 'Friends First Party'. You look after them very well and that is widely known in this Township, everyone else can wait in line unlike you! I suppose that will be the slate for the next election Mr. is no longer 'Time for a Change' but now, 'My Friends and I will look after you party' - Ha, ha!