The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Was Mayor Green's Brown Envelope Really Anonymous?

Examining the whole official release of information on the censuring of Mayor Rick Green, one wonders if Council may have ceased the investigation only to the point where censure was recommended, in order to save taxpayers the additional legal expenses. It's apparently that for many months the mayor frustrated the councillors and caused this issue to drag on in camera. Of course Green could later suggested that they wasted money on the legal bill. How convenient.

After Mayor Green's press conference, Cllr. Charlie Fox indicated that perhaps the mayor's receipt of the anonymous brown envelope wasn't so anonymous. Fox suggested that it may be profitable for the media to examine how the Corporate Share Registry data released by Green was officially obtained in the first instance.

The Vancouver Sun came close to the issue in this article that included an interview with Brownshak's sole Director, Mr. Joel Schacter, a Langley realtor and developer. The Vancouver Sun reports:

"Schacter, who has been involved with Brownshak on and off since 1983 and now uses it as a shell company for when he buys new properties, said the only person who has asked him in the last year for Brownshak's corporate records is an associate of the mayor's. He alleges Green dredged up the old, "non-story" for political gain"

"I'm quite disturbed. It's totally political gamesmanship going on. People were trying to embarrass people and I don't know why," Schacter said"

None of the main stream media have investigated this issue, further to identify who this "associate of the mayor's" really is. Connecting the dots a bit here, we all know there was a legal beagle who served prominently in Green's campaign. Interesting enough, this lawyer in fact practices real estate law. Maybe our local newspapers or the regional media as a whole should ask Mayor Rick Green flat out where he obtained the Corporate Share Registry documents. This answer may yield greater knowledge of the concerns that Township Council, and that may be way beyond what was released when they censured the mayor.

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