The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Green-Richter Slate Turns The Channel

An old axioms in politics is when things go bad, a politician must turn the channel. Rick Green and a small number of the Vocal 150 were on teewee last night trying to turn the channel after their crushing and humiliating defeat with the Mufford Overpass vote and are now stating they will "fight" over Brown Pit gravel extraction. We wish them much luck, and are glad to see them channeling their energies into an issue that the whole community can agree upon. Of course this doesn't seem to be much of a fight as all the locals agree that Brown Pit should not be mined. Every current member of council had issue with it when the provincial government released the plan, and it seems like the BC government is leaning towards not using Brown Pit. This article on a letter from MLA Rich Coleman clearly states that fact. We are certain that the minister is working very hard to nix the Brown Pit plan. Clearly it will NOT be through any efforts of the Green-Richter slate whatsoever.

It is very interesting to note that although Mr. Moats attacked Township Councillor Jordan Bateman on the Mufford overpass, Mr. Moats would be wise to note that Councillor Bateman has been one of the biggest supporters of nixing the Brown Pit extraction. In our opinion, the residents surrounding Brown Pit would be wise to distance themselves from Mayor Rick Green, Councillor Kim Richter, the overpass Vocal 150 and others of that elk.

The majority of Brown Pit residents have clearly and calmny articulated the facts, figures and potential impacts of this extraction, and they have gained the respect and attention of the provincial government. Remain sane and stay the course as a respectable group and we believe good things will come of it.

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