Over coffee this morning the Editorial Board of The Langley Record unanimously supported Mayor Rick Green's taking of the high road in this Langley Advance article. Our discussion turned to what Green could do in 2009 to bring more harmony to the Township and actually get some much needed work done. Here are some of the things we kicked around:
Public Input and Participation - Green promised during his campaign that there would be more public input. His first official move on this will be his new finance committee. But it is no surprise that instead of Green tapping into some significant business and finance experts, we hear he is leaning towards a committee comprised of his campaign supporters.The final committee list is not final yet, so we will not publish any names here. I guess you could consider these people to fit the bill of "public input", but Green runs the risk of having a bunch of YES men advising him. This is the mayor's decision and unlike Obama, Mayor Green seems to hold grudges with those that have oppose him and perhaps age causes him not to reach across the isle and built bridges to help his administration. If his New Year Resolutions include work in these areas, we agree that it would be a very good thing for him and the Township at large.
Town Hall Forums - Green announced last week that in the New Year he would launch separate monthly meetings where citizens can address their concerns to mayor and council. While this appears to be a good idea on the surface, it could turn very ugly and cause further division in the TOL. The current council process already allows citizens (and groups) to address mayor and council with concerns or announcements in the form of a DELEGATION. In our opinion the Delegation system works well, in that people need to state their case within a 5 minute time period. Over the years, mayor and council have been very generous with this time rule, but it still gets abused far too often. Imagine a separate public gripe session without solid time limits? If not managed properly, the public will grow tired of time-wasting and simply not attend these meetings. As it is, the Township public fail to attend most council and other public meetings.
Our suggestion to Mayor Green is to dedicate one regular council meeting per month to include a one hour gripe session that would include not only mayor and council, but would see senior staff or managers on hand that can speak to public concerns about Police, Fire, Waste Removal, Parks & Rec., Engineering & Traffic, Planning, and a host of Township services. Enforce a clear 5 minute rule and allow these people to present their more lengthy submissions in writing to council for further consideration. This would truly be a valuable meeting and experience for Township residents. If you can't state your case in 5 minutes, then you are just wasting public and council time.
Council Priorities Meetings - Mayor Green could really build some bridges in this Township with the advertising of Council Priorities Meetings and the opening of them to the public. It would be made clear that the public cannot comment at these meetings (just as they can't with current TOL committee meetings). This would help prevent the public from thinking that various issues just come out of thin air, leaving the public felt left out of the process. It would provide greater insight into the council process and help all of us to understand the issues of most importance to the TOL.
Consensus Building - 2009 Would be a great time for Mayor Green to put aside the issues of the recent past and begin to conduct in-camera and council meetings with an atmosphere of building consensus. There is one councillor that opposes these type of meetings because it doesn't leave much room for public grandstanding and pandering. The remainder of council are reasonable people and would embrace such a move by Mayor Green.
Abundance and Not Scarcity - Many Township residents are successful and some could be considered affluent. People that have achieved success in life know the value of prudent governance, but reject the notion of a scarcity mentality. While the world economic situation is a sobering reminder that we need to manage our finances, it is not fair to residents to paint a picture of doom and crisis because you promoted a way to finance the Township budget, while keeping property taxes at current levels. Township residents are not unreasonable people, but we do expect community amenities like parks and trails, recreation facilities and programs, etc. If you promote density development and increase the numbers of people that dwell on an acre of land (a huge shift in living arranagements for many people), then you must provide the community with quality amenities that allow people to get away from their small patch of land and enjoy some wide open space and first-rate facilities that accommodate their work, life and leisure schedules and activities.
Bridging Urban and Rural Residents - Over the course of this past civic election a huge spike seems to have been driven between the urban and rural residents of the Township. This is not healthy and both types of land use are extremely important to the health and vitality of this Township. While sewer, water and other public services should be provided to the rural residents whenever possible and practical, we must also respect the fact that many rural residents do not desire these services because of the connection and other fees that must be paid by them. Previously council has been flooded with complaints of this type and residents wanting exclusion from various area upgrades. Many of us older folks don't have kids in school, but we help finance the education system anyway. It is not fair that South and Central Langley folks complain to the urban residents about supporting community assets and amenities. Mayor Green could help bridge this divide and work to show both rural and urban residents the value of community assets.
There are tons of other recommendations, but the Board will leave those for a later time. Ponder these thoughts and feel free to voice your opinions.
The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Investigation Must Be Fair and Equal
Since this story broke this morning, The Langley Record has been very busy checking and re-checking some facts related to this case. Our interest as an Editorial Board of Township taxpayers is to ensure that a fair investigation take place. Late today, as diligent citizens, we presented Langley RCMP Superintendent Janice Armstrong with some materials which we view as very pertient evidence that will aid the RCMP in conducting a full investigation of the facts.
What is an Elector Organization or a Campaign Organizer? Who must register and why? Well, if you care to read the whole legal framework, you can do so by downloading and reading this PDF. We believe the spirit of this law was to prevent a person or group of people from taking public or private monies and using those funds to run or endorse a candidate or candidates, without full disclosure to the public. This could involve an individual, a group or charity or a BC Society.
Earlier this year some members of our Editorial Board received e-mails from a Township candidate that clearly linked this person to a registered BC Society. It was apparent as the messages progressed over the next month that this person was very much controlling what was to be a non-profit society, as well as running for office at the same time. Resources that are believed to be owned or leased by this Society was used at least once during the campaign for this candidate. If this is correct, then under the Act, this candidate, the Board of Directors of the Society, and the Society itself had an obligation to register as Campaign Organizers and as an Elector Organization. We are leaving this in the capable hands of the Langley RCMP to find out if this was done.
Also during our local Langley elections this website appeared and is clearly still linked to a PAYPAL account. When one visits this website even today, it is clear that this individual or group have endorsed candidates and collected donated funds to do so. Are they registered under the legislation as well? Again, we have provided information to the RCMP for them to make enquiries. A WHOIS search of this website's domain registration indicates the person or persons that registered the domain selected a private registry and therefore only the agent used for registration is listed and not the individual.
As well, BCTF signs also appeared in Langley during the civic election and may add another dimension to this RCMP file. What is clear is that ALL potential violations should be investigated for the sake of Township taxpayers and to establish a level playing field. We are confident that the Langley RCMP are competent to investigate these cases and draw rational conclusions for us.
In our humble opinion we find it difficult to believe our two MLA's who have always been people who display nothing short of honesty and integrity could be challenged with this act if indeed they did not pay for the advertising in question. What's more shocking is that the complaintant alleges that a Township councillor has somehow done something wrong by calling voters. In fact, many municiple candidates in Langley had phone banks operating and we fail to see how these lists and phone banks are a violation of any laws.
The Editorial Board of The Langley Record looks forward to the findings of the RCMP and we wish any innocent parties will be vindicated in the process.
What is an Elector Organization or a Campaign Organizer? Who must register and why? Well, if you care to read the whole legal framework, you can do so by downloading and reading this PDF. We believe the spirit of this law was to prevent a person or group of people from taking public or private monies and using those funds to run or endorse a candidate or candidates, without full disclosure to the public. This could involve an individual, a group or charity or a BC Society.
Earlier this year some members of our Editorial Board received e-mails from a Township candidate that clearly linked this person to a registered BC Society. It was apparent as the messages progressed over the next month that this person was very much controlling what was to be a non-profit society, as well as running for office at the same time. Resources that are believed to be owned or leased by this Society was used at least once during the campaign for this candidate. If this is correct, then under the Act, this candidate, the Board of Directors of the Society, and the Society itself had an obligation to register as Campaign Organizers and as an Elector Organization. We are leaving this in the capable hands of the Langley RCMP to find out if this was done.
Also during our local Langley elections this website appeared and is clearly still linked to a PAYPAL account. When one visits this website even today, it is clear that this individual or group have endorsed candidates and collected donated funds to do so. Are they registered under the legislation as well? Again, we have provided information to the RCMP for them to make enquiries. A WHOIS search of this website's domain registration indicates the person or persons that registered the domain selected a private registry and therefore only the agent used for registration is listed and not the individual.
As well, BCTF signs also appeared in Langley during the civic election and may add another dimension to this RCMP file. What is clear is that ALL potential violations should be investigated for the sake of Township taxpayers and to establish a level playing field. We are confident that the Langley RCMP are competent to investigate these cases and draw rational conclusions for us.
In our humble opinion we find it difficult to believe our two MLA's who have always been people who display nothing short of honesty and integrity could be challenged with this act if indeed they did not pay for the advertising in question. What's more shocking is that the complaintant alleges that a Township councillor has somehow done something wrong by calling voters. In fact, many municiple candidates in Langley had phone banks operating and we fail to see how these lists and phone banks are a violation of any laws.
The Editorial Board of The Langley Record looks forward to the findings of the RCMP and we wish any innocent parties will be vindicated in the process.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Mayor Rick Green Not So Green?
The Aldergrove Star published a shocking article yesterday that should make Langley residents stand up and take notice. Apparently Aldergrove residents are not happy that a new sewer pumping station may be built in Phillip Jackman Park! This park was dedicate to Mr. Jackman just one month ago. Mr. Jackman was a dedicated pioneer who worked as a Royal Engineer and helped survey many areas of British Columbia. A huge crowd of residents attended this important dedication.
While the existing sewer trunk line to JAMES is undersized and threatens the environment, you would think that a public park that was recently dedicated to one of our pioneer families that remain in Aldergrove, would be off limits. Mayor Rick Green seems to favour avoiding these parklands. However, the shocker is this quote from the article...
While the existing sewer trunk line to JAMES is undersized and threatens the environment, you would think that a public park that was recently dedicated to one of our pioneer families that remain in Aldergrove, would be off limits. Mayor Rick Green seems to favour avoiding these parklands. However, the shocker is this quote from the article...
“The environment can always regenerate itself.”-- Mayor Rick Green
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Update - Mayor Green Did Not Disclose In-Camera Info
Councillor Jordan Bateman announced today that his remarks to The Langley Advance were interrupted incorrectly. He says that the point he was trying to make was that this issue of the Events Centre and the P3 negotiations should have been discussed in a format that allowed all councillors to discuss and comment. Instead Mayor Green chose to use the Mayor's Report for this release of information, not allowing for open council discussion.
Our Editorial Board is relieved to hear that confidential information has not been released and further, that the taxpayers of the Township did not suffer loss from any release of in-camera negotiations.
It is a real shame that another blog has chosen to basically not accept Bateman's post and public appology for any confusion that may have come from this newspaper article. But of course it is par for the course with them, Isn't it?
Our Editorial Board is relieved to hear that confidential information has not been released and further, that the taxpayers of the Township did not suffer loss from any release of in-camera negotiations.
It is a real shame that another blog has chosen to basically not accept Bateman's post and public appology for any confusion that may have come from this newspaper article. But of course it is par for the course with them, Isn't it?
It Gets Worse
Full time fire and Langley Events Centre was business brought on the table by new mayor and council as we previously reported. The Editorial Board of The Langley Record was hopeful that with this old business behind them, the Township through the new mayor would be able to move on. Our hope was that Mayor Green would now chilling out and grow into his role diplomatically.
As disturbing as the last meeting was with Mayor Green hijacking the Mayor's Report for political purposes as we reported, apparently it gets worse. It is alleged now that Mayor Green seriously compromised the Township by dragging the Langley Events Centre P3 information into the public meeting. It was an in-camera issue and therefore that requires a council vote to bring forth to the public. These negotiations may now be seriously damaged.
What is more disturbing is that if these serious allegations are true, this represents a somewhat systemic problem with Green. During the campaign Green took a position against the Township and in favour of a land owner that was fighting the greenest urban village that the Township has seen. Green attacked with developer and his expensive project that will bring jobs and affordable apartments to Township residents. As mayor, the Township is now vulnerable because of Green's campaign statements. This land owner could bring Green and his statements into court in support of his legal case. While this one was not an in-camera issue, it is representative of Green's loose canon style of politics.
Towards the end of his campaign, Rick Green attached himself to the Mufford rail overpass issue. Again he took up a postion against Township staff recommendations and said that he would give the federal and provincial monies back to those other orders of government. At the last council meeting he back-peddled by saying in effect that it was never really about giving money back more than it was about finding an acceptable solution. But Green also promised that he was going to get heavy rail OUT of Langley.
There are several other examples of Mayor Green's flip-flops and loose canon politics that will go unmentioned for now. All very disturbing for Township taxpayers. This not to mention the zero-based budget smokescreen that surrounds Green today. He promised a Land Trust to solve all our financial worries. He promised a zero-based budget funded by this Land Trust. He arrogantly said he would overthrow the planned modest 5% property tax increase that would fund increases in salaries (won through collective bargaining). Now he paints a picture of financial crisis and wants Township residents to shoulder massive cuts to services and possible user-fee increases that will be revealed in the New Year. He blames all this on the previous administration.
In just one month, Mayor Rick Green has managed to divide our community and turn a professional council into a circus. Our Editorial Board discussed the matter this morning over coffee and several members made an interesting statement. They said that despite Councillor Kim Richter's "oppose everything" style and occassional out of order, long-winded preambles to her motions, Councillor Kim Richter has done so with a degree of order. In other words Richter has objected for the most part with a degree of dignity for the process. A professional trait that Mayor Green appears to be sorely lacking in his handling of Township affairs. Somewhere along the line there must be a respect for council and more so, a view of our community as something almost sacred.
As disturbing as the last meeting was with Mayor Green hijacking the Mayor's Report for political purposes as we reported, apparently it gets worse. It is alleged now that Mayor Green seriously compromised the Township by dragging the Langley Events Centre P3 information into the public meeting. It was an in-camera issue and therefore that requires a council vote to bring forth to the public. These negotiations may now be seriously damaged.
What is more disturbing is that if these serious allegations are true, this represents a somewhat systemic problem with Green. During the campaign Green took a position against the Township and in favour of a land owner that was fighting the greenest urban village that the Township has seen. Green attacked with developer and his expensive project that will bring jobs and affordable apartments to Township residents. As mayor, the Township is now vulnerable because of Green's campaign statements. This land owner could bring Green and his statements into court in support of his legal case. While this one was not an in-camera issue, it is representative of Green's loose canon style of politics.
Towards the end of his campaign, Rick Green attached himself to the Mufford rail overpass issue. Again he took up a postion against Township staff recommendations and said that he would give the federal and provincial monies back to those other orders of government. At the last council meeting he back-peddled by saying in effect that it was never really about giving money back more than it was about finding an acceptable solution. But Green also promised that he was going to get heavy rail OUT of Langley.
There are several other examples of Mayor Green's flip-flops and loose canon politics that will go unmentioned for now. All very disturbing for Township taxpayers. This not to mention the zero-based budget smokescreen that surrounds Green today. He promised a Land Trust to solve all our financial worries. He promised a zero-based budget funded by this Land Trust. He arrogantly said he would overthrow the planned modest 5% property tax increase that would fund increases in salaries (won through collective bargaining). Now he paints a picture of financial crisis and wants Township residents to shoulder massive cuts to services and possible user-fee increases that will be revealed in the New Year. He blames all this on the previous administration.
In just one month, Mayor Rick Green has managed to divide our community and turn a professional council into a circus. Our Editorial Board discussed the matter this morning over coffee and several members made an interesting statement. They said that despite Councillor Kim Richter's "oppose everything" style and occassional out of order, long-winded preambles to her motions, Councillor Kim Richter has done so with a degree of order. In other words Richter has objected for the most part with a degree of dignity for the process. A professional trait that Mayor Green appears to be sorely lacking in his handling of Township affairs. Somewhere along the line there must be a respect for council and more so, a view of our community as something almost sacred.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
After Sleeping On It
Well, many folks on our Editorial Board are very disappointed with the way the past two Township council meetings have been chaired and how years of civil Mayor's Reports have now turned ugly. Add to this the blame game over the Langley Events Centre and the mayor's continued promotion of a false impression of a Township that is rotten to the core, it really drags on the souls of those that truly love and care about Langley as a community. It used to be a source of community pride to live in Langley Township, but lately it is depressing to live here. Nasty politics, negative campaigns, the twisting of issues and more have made it so.
Councillor Jordan Bateman presented a balanced report on last night's meeting on his blog today and our Board agrees that one must give him credit. He truly wrote what we would have wrote on this topic and it was done in a very civil manner. One of our blog members sent Councillor Bateman some questions as she wanted a rational reply regarding the events centre and fulltime fire fighters. He was good enough to write her back with a very detailed outline of the issues and facts. Our Editorial Board wanted to explain to the public the negotiation process that culminates to the formulation of a P3 and the fact that many projects, even larger ones than this (for example the Evergreen Line) are called a P3 with an agreement in principle and the details worked out as partnerships are solidified and true costs and final project build-out is know. We have queried a major law firm that are specialists regarding P3's and have requested a Guest Post from one of their lawyers on this matter.
After sleeping on this very disturbing meeting and the bullying that was witnessed, our Editorial Board has concluded that apart from fighting a political battles of his own making, Mayor Green simply lacks the experience and diplomacy required for this job of mayor of the Township of Langley. Our community is being ripped apart and we can only hope that Mayor Green will now focus his full attention on delivering his promised Land Trust that would require NO tax increases, while preserving the programs and integrity of this Township. It is our sincere hope that Mayor Green will also apply the balance of his time to learning his new job and how to execute his duties in a professional and diplomatic manner that will bring our community of communities together, not apart.
Councillor Jordan Bateman presented a balanced report on last night's meeting on his blog today and our Board agrees that one must give him credit. He truly wrote what we would have wrote on this topic and it was done in a very civil manner. One of our blog members sent Councillor Bateman some questions as she wanted a rational reply regarding the events centre and fulltime fire fighters. He was good enough to write her back with a very detailed outline of the issues and facts. Our Editorial Board wanted to explain to the public the negotiation process that culminates to the formulation of a P3 and the fact that many projects, even larger ones than this (for example the Evergreen Line) are called a P3 with an agreement in principle and the details worked out as partnerships are solidified and true costs and final project build-out is know. We have queried a major law firm that are specialists regarding P3's and have requested a Guest Post from one of their lawyers on this matter.
After sleeping on this very disturbing meeting and the bullying that was witnessed, our Editorial Board has concluded that apart from fighting a political battles of his own making, Mayor Green simply lacks the experience and diplomacy required for this job of mayor of the Township of Langley. Our community is being ripped apart and we can only hope that Mayor Green will now focus his full attention on delivering his promised Land Trust that would require NO tax increases, while preserving the programs and integrity of this Township. It is our sincere hope that Mayor Green will also apply the balance of his time to learning his new job and how to execute his duties in a professional and diplomatic manner that will bring our community of communities together, not apart.
NEWS BULLETIN: Richter Motion Defeated - Mayor Green Turns Bully
One of our stringers just called the Editorial Board with the results of tonight's Township of Langley Council Meeting. It was an unusual night to say the least. Our stringer reports that the mayor threatening the democratic process, along with Councillor Richter once again getting no one to second an irrational motion.
Mayor Green kicked off a one-sided debate by inappropriately using the Mayor's Report portion of this council meeting to spout off about his election platform and how he will get his way. During the mayor's report he is really meant to list the various event dates and a listing of functions he attended. No one can recall a mayor using this time to promote himself and his agenda, but Mayor Green did just that!
After emphasizing his 12-14 hour work days, he got into a very disjointed rant about people sending mass e-mails and accused the public of spreading false rumours. He did much the same a week prior with the whole firefighter issue. Just as he did with fire fighters, he was able to back peddle by sounding like a promoter of the Langley Events Centre. He claims that no P3 (public-private partnership) is in place and it is simply a construction contract. The man ran on a platform of open government and then gets upset with people and tries to bully them around. He stated at least twice that if the public had any problems with issues they should call or e-mail him. But does he understand that we live in a democracy where people have the right to free speech and they also have the right to engage in discussions with all of council as many councillors are approachable and not bullies? Does he fathom that his actions and people issues are leading to the public avoiding him? People are not attracted to bullies Rick!
Our Editorial Board heard that this bullying by Mayor Green very evident as he served as the Chair of the last two council meetings. During the last meeting he cut Councillor Kositsky off as the man was making a calm point of order and when his verbal bullying wasn't working, he turned Kositsky's microphone off! This week he kept trying to rush and interrupt Councillor Charlie Fox from speaking. Later, Green allowed Councillor Richter to give a long preamble (more like a dissertation) to her motion. Never putting her in line until several councillors objected to the long-winded rant.
Many sports enthusiasts from the Township were present for this meeting and were very angry at the political stunts of Green and Richter. Our stringer overheard one man refuse Councillor Richter's request for a meeting with him to discuss the "complexities" of this matter. He said that he had seen and heard enough of her tonight. We also documented that for several days now, mayor and council have been bombarded with e-mails from many, many sports-minded residents that object to the Langley Events Centre being used as a political pawn. We have heard that at least one resident experienced a bully e-mail exchange with the mayor when she protested tonight's agenda. I'm sure Mayor Green and Cllr. Richter are unaware of the many supports of this particular resident, nor the votes the two have just lost with tonight's gong show.
Richter's motion did not get seconded and we are pleased to report that Councillor Bev Dornan (who voted against full-time fire fighters last week) obviously did not touch this hot potato this week.
The council chambers had an unusual number of Rick Green supporters present. It was a reminiscent of the inaugural Green love-fest, only attended this time by a faithful handful. Another bully attempt by the good mayor? It appears that anyone who dares to disagree with Mayor Green will have to deal with police-state tactics. Is this any way to run an "open and accountable government" Mayor Green?
Mayor Green kicked off a one-sided debate by inappropriately using the Mayor's Report portion of this council meeting to spout off about his election platform and how he will get his way. During the mayor's report he is really meant to list the various event dates and a listing of functions he attended. No one can recall a mayor using this time to promote himself and his agenda, but Mayor Green did just that!
After emphasizing his 12-14 hour work days, he got into a very disjointed rant about people sending mass e-mails and accused the public of spreading false rumours. He did much the same a week prior with the whole firefighter issue. Just as he did with fire fighters, he was able to back peddle by sounding like a promoter of the Langley Events Centre. He claims that no P3 (public-private partnership) is in place and it is simply a construction contract. The man ran on a platform of open government and then gets upset with people and tries to bully them around. He stated at least twice that if the public had any problems with issues they should call or e-mail him. But does he understand that we live in a democracy where people have the right to free speech and they also have the right to engage in discussions with all of council as many councillors are approachable and not bullies? Does he fathom that his actions and people issues are leading to the public avoiding him? People are not attracted to bullies Rick!
Our Editorial Board heard that this bullying by Mayor Green very evident as he served as the Chair of the last two council meetings. During the last meeting he cut Councillor Kositsky off as the man was making a calm point of order and when his verbal bullying wasn't working, he turned Kositsky's microphone off! This week he kept trying to rush and interrupt Councillor Charlie Fox from speaking. Later, Green allowed Councillor Richter to give a long preamble (more like a dissertation) to her motion. Never putting her in line until several councillors objected to the long-winded rant.
Many sports enthusiasts from the Township were present for this meeting and were very angry at the political stunts of Green and Richter. Our stringer overheard one man refuse Councillor Richter's request for a meeting with him to discuss the "complexities" of this matter. He said that he had seen and heard enough of her tonight. We also documented that for several days now, mayor and council have been bombarded with e-mails from many, many sports-minded residents that object to the Langley Events Centre being used as a political pawn. We have heard that at least one resident experienced a bully e-mail exchange with the mayor when she protested tonight's agenda. I'm sure Mayor Green and Cllr. Richter are unaware of the many supports of this particular resident, nor the votes the two have just lost with tonight's gong show.
Richter's motion did not get seconded and we are pleased to report that Councillor Bev Dornan (who voted against full-time fire fighters last week) obviously did not touch this hot potato this week.
The council chambers had an unusual number of Rick Green supporters present. It was a reminiscent of the inaugural Green love-fest, only attended this time by a faithful handful. Another bully attempt by the good mayor? It appears that anyone who dares to disagree with Mayor Green will have to deal with police-state tactics. Is this any way to run an "open and accountable government" Mayor Green?
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