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Now for more serious stuff...
Growing group see massive red flags in Mayor Green's proposed budget - Councillors and public question the wisdom of it all.
The Mayor's Standing Committee on Finance have done their work and recommendations have been provided by the committee to council. The Editorial Board of the Langley Record respects the work of this committee, and most especially the three civilian volunteers. But serious questions still exist and Councillor Steve Ferguson has some very serious concerns for the impact that the recommendations will have on our community. Cllr. Ferguson was a member of this committee and all of the process, except for the closed-door meetings.
This statement was made by Councillor Ferguson upon his receipt of the committee's report the evening before. He read this statement at the March 3, 2009 joint Council Priorities Committee & Mayor's Standing Finance Committee Meeting:
Cllr. Ferguson's Submission to the Mayor's Standing Committee of Finance
I have serious concerns regarding the meanings and implications of the recommendations submitted to the Township of Langley Council.
I have had less than 24 hours to view the recommendations. I have not been involved in the compiling of the recommendations, as they were done in a closed setting outside the formal committee structure. A structure that involves an agenda, minutes, motions, questions, and requests for supplemental information. I understand that the final recommendations, including figures, were prepared without staff consultation or direct verifications. (This may lead to misunderstandings regarding Utilities, Transfers, borrowing, Staff costs, and other organizational explanations)
I do not support some of the recommendations of the committee and I have already submitted some questions to the Mayor via email. (attached to this submission)
I do not support a Township wide hiring freeze. (although not specifically mentioned, certainly suggested in Item 3 (page 9))
Although much has been said about the zero-based budgeting process, little has been presented to the committee regarding the accounting process or implementation.
I am concerned that the committee is requesting The Township go backwards in having less utilities and therefore less explanation on tax notices.
I am very concerned about comments made regarding the Fire Department. The Tenure of item 6 (page 10) suggests our Fire Department has major challenges
I am concerned about the comments submitted regarding Hybrid vehicles. We are extremely active in a Sustainable Charter Initiative, reversing the process now would be counterproductive.
I have been involved in many budget in my 6 terms as a municipal councillor and this process has been less open, less transparent, and more time intensive than anything that I have ever seen.
I look forward to hearing the comments of my fellow councillors during our OPEN budget deliberations.
Respectfully submitted,
Cllr. Steve Ferguson
The items refered to in Cllr. Ferguson's statement are related to the committee's report which you can view here. We note that although council voted to place this report on the Township website, to date this has not been done. We are not sure if someone is trying to prevent you from seeing it or not. The report says absolutely nothing, as the devil is in the details here and the mayor has done a great job in holding all of the details back from the public and his council.
Councillor Steve Ferguson's Report Comments
1. How was #6 determined given version 4 of our reports indicated a $131M figure
1(a). Where are the details of your numbers?
2. Item 2(C) indicates a policy figure of $17M, are you transferring monies above that figure to operational?
3. Item 2(D) indicates maintaining the non-statutory operating capital fund surpluses at $28M
yet I am concerned about the following?
Fire divisional deficit $1.6m
Police deficit $1.3m
One-time divisional requests of $1.1m
Solid Waste deficit $1.1m
Other short falls approx. $.7m
4. Where did the .93% tax increase come from?
5. How did you balance the budget? Item 1(c)?
6. The TOL's has had a policy of contributions to Capital to protect our fragile infrastructure what has happened to it? Why?
7. I am concerned that you have misunderstood how Utilities operate in our community. It appears as if you are unfairly redistributing funds from one utility to another. Township Residents who pay for their own solid waste (I believe you are one) are subsidizing users on the system. This appears to be true also in the Water utility.