On Monday, Langley Township council received the audited financial statements for the municipality for 2008. The statements are, yet again, a vindication of the exemplary work of Langley Township staff, and the previous council, including former Mayor of the Township, Kurt Alberts, while at the same time an indictment of Councillor Kim Richter and Mayor Rick Green's "The Sky is Falling" Chicken Little act that got them elected in November.
Despite the constant refrain for the last few years from the councillor representing the Township landed gentry and rural elite -- Kim Richter -- that her fellow councillors were spending money like drunken sailors, and the municipality was wallowing in dept, finances seem to be in pretty good shape at the Township.
Township finance director Hilary Tsikayi notes in an attachment to the audit that Debt and Agreements Payable decreased from $26.8 million in 2007, to $24.8 million in 2008 because there were no significant new debts incurred in 2008.
"The $24.8 million debt for last year is comprised of $21.5 million repayable from Development Cost Charges and $3.3 million in land purchase agreements repayable from future land sales," Tsikayi says. "The Township has no debt payable from current taxation revenue," writes Tsikayi.
The consultants, KPMG Accountants, give high marks to Township senior staff for co-operation, and note that all is in order. KPMG states that the Langley Events Centre, funded by three major sources, the province, the Township and external partners, has "to date" cumulative expenditures of $50 million, with confirmed revenues to match that amount.
The events centre, say the auditors, was funded in part by Victoria, $15 million, with the same amount from the Langley Development Group, Trinity Western University sprung for $3.5 million, Langley School District $3 million and Langley Gymnasium (sic) put up $1 million, with the Township providing the balance, $19.5 million.
Was the tight-bunned Richter, or her Jolly Green compatriot heard to say, Well, it looks like we we've been proven wrong again? Not bloody likely. Richter has been so strident in her false claims of financial doom, while at the same time supporting full-time fire crews on the one hand, voting against a budget to finance them with the other, all the while ignoring supposed NDP social values and passing the buck to the province on seniors' assisted living housing and arguing that the gentleman farmer's market deserves a larger than normal community grant, that it is too late for her to start listening to a voice of reason, an independent and respected chartered accounting firm.
And what do they know anyway, that Richter doesn't, after all, the councillor for the horsey set is a business professor, even if her mind has been tightly constrained from examining new ideas, by a bun tied too tight at the back of her head, for years.