The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Langley Chatter

News Flash


While intelligence agencies around the globe monitor "chatter" that streams in from phone, Internet, fax and other sources, The Langley Record monitors the chatter of the Township as our frank reporting troubles some. Our new Langley Chatter report will advise you of the latest talk and chatter we received from our Langley intelligence sources that run the gamut of political affiliations and position.

Our latest intel reveals that a handful of people are VERY upset by our posts. Langley area pharmacists are working overtime as a community service to refill prescriptions for this small band of folks in need of serious medicating. Orders have also been placed for some very fashionable straight jackets as seen above, just in case the meds fail to work. Area doctors have also been busy raising doses and frequency of use instructions for these patients.

As if this was not enough, the rusty old PR engine for one of these people has tried to crank itself to life, but the tired old posts are not garnering any comments as readership has bled heavily from the sudden political attacks against have alienated a once-shared support base. Even former allies now concede that the unholy alliance with the kingpin (or should we say "Queenpin"?) has resulted in multiple elections losses as a result of this misalignment.

Yes folks, the PR engine will have you believe as they did from the start, that this blog is simply evil. But as we have consistently reported the facts and called it as we see it, people have now learned where the true disinformation is coming from and where the truth can be found.

Stay tuned to the Langley Record, as very soon we will uncover yet another smoke screen that attempts to fabricate truth and mislead you. This journey will take us to a quaint little area of Langley Township. Wait until you hear this one!

Monday, January 25, 2010

More Quack, Quack, Quack...

Councillor Kim Richter has once again showed her true colours. Her old duck line (used and abused often in Township Council) has come back home to roost... no pun intended!

Pretending to befriend who she previously referred to as the "Council Six Pack", with sweet calls and comments of concern, the gloves came off when these folks didn't trust her or tell her their every move. Good thing, as a look at The Times shows the level of hatred for her fellow Councillors. But hey after all, only a fool would trust her when you consider the amount of old baggage and antics that have occurred in the past.

Shortly after the campaign Richter's "Editor" (you know, the same guy that does what he accuses us of doing) printed some comments and Willy Nilly commented back about Richter not being able to work with any mayor or Council. There was complete and utter denial from that other blog, but we must agree with Willy Nilly now! Very prophet Willy! Right on!

In our opinion Mayor Green has his faults and his own way of doing things that rub people the wrong way, but he does pick and choose his battles somewhat and he doesn't hold grudges year after year about silly things. He will also entertain criticism that is focused on issues. This is FAR more than we can say about Cllr. Richter, someone who has refused to talk to some colleagues for years and then suddenly changes her tune when a particular relative comes in from Ottawa. She also doesn't consider critics from the general public that are NOT public officials. Going on the attack against them is simply political suicide over time.

Cllr. Richter's behaviour should seriously raise the eyebrows of the electorate. We are hearing that Mayor Green's supports are taking a very hard second look and we did predict what is happening today. Another "Editor" would have you believe it just happened yesterday, but we are dealing with a Councillor that is calculating and strategic, all for her own benefit and profile. Never for the benefit on another.

Just remember what has been said many times at the Council table about ducks and watch what is happening folks. Expect the heat to rise even higher as we get closer to election time. This person will also try to drag Cllr. Bateman into everything. Why? Because Bateman recently had a corporate fundraiser and we do hear that some serious cash flowed his way. We know for a fact that people in Surrey were called to fund a mayor's run in the Township of Langley by a certain female Councillor. When the dollars didn't materialize, her energy was focused on a slate with Mayor Green. What else can you do when people don't have the confidence to put the cash up? Perhaps the bitter harvest is now here because of a would have - could have - should have scenario? Keep watching. The gloves came off with the Times news plant.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Brown's Pit - Someone Better Fill Coleman In!

Last year the residents around Brown's Pit was concerned that gravel extraction in the area would make a mess of the Hopington Aquifer. Although it was a political hot potato (as the BC government was clearly in favour of building a new Port Mann Bridge, Fort Langley-Aldergrove MLA Rich Coleman swung into action. All those that know Rich very clearly recall him meeting with Councillors Jordan Bateman and Charlie Fox, collecting all the facts, then letting Victoria know this plan would definitely impact the aquifer and couldn't happen.

Some four weeks after MLA Coleman took up the charge, Mayor Rich Green appeared in the driveway of some opponents, along with several Milner Greens. A day late and a dollar short, still Mayor Green took credit for "fighting" and winning the case in his latest report card on Monday evening. As this clearly fell within the jurisdiction of the Provincial Government and they can basically do whatever they wish without consulting this mayor, how can he possibly take credit for this work? MLA Coleman even met with the residents at his request to let them know the project would not be moving forward and that he had worked all this out.

We are certain word has now gotten back to MLA Rich Coleman. We'd love to be a fly on the wall in his office when the news came in that the rookie mayor has taken all the credit.