The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Truth About Slates - Green - Richter Slate Leads TOL

For years we have heard Township of Langley Councillor Kim Richter claim her independence and being "your voice at the council table". Her blog and website have attacked what she terms the "The Good 'Ol Boys" and the Kurt Alberts slate. But a recent investigation by the Editorial Board of the Langley Record has revealed some interesting facts that all Township residents should be very aware of regarding a Green/Richter Slate in full operation within the TOL.

This chart appeared on Councillor Kim Richter's website this past election day. Not only did Richter run a clear slate for TOL council, but it included School Board Trustees as well. While her website attacks others for endoring School Board candidates, the pot is calling the kettle black here for sure. See for yourself.


Kim Richter Slate Facts For All Township Taxpayers to Be Aware Of
  1. Her claims to be "truly independent" are truly outrageous.
  2. She is the ONLY currently sitting councillor to be elected on a SLATE. In 1999 she was elected under her Langley Citizens Coalition (LCC).
  3. Kim Richter is the ONLY candidate in the history of the Township of Langley to run on 3 different SLATES: The uber-leftwing REAL (Regional Electors of Aldergrove & Langley) SLATE in 1996, the LCC SLATE in 1999, and the Green-Richter SLATE in 2008. Check out the chart above for proof of the later.
  4. Kim Richter's slate-bouncing is not surprising when you consider that she was previously a provincial and federal NDPer in 1996 when she lost badly to Lynn Stephens. Richter then ran as a federal Liberal in 2004 and lost badly to MP Mark Warawa. She then pretended to be a BC Liberal in 2008 by turning up at Rich Coleman's fundraiser. But then her website has called for MLA Rich Coleman to resign. Perhaps she was just planning her next provincial run?
  5. As is clear by the chart above, Councillor Kim Richter was the ONLY candidate in the Township race to publicly endorse a SLATE in 2008.
  6. Richter has no SLATE coattails as only 4 of her 10 Green-Richter SLATE members were elected in 2008 (Green, Richter, Bech & Johnson). Richter was the only successful TOL council candidate in 2008, as Tomblin, Paterson, Jones, and Dhami lost. Maybe they should turn down her offer of support in the 2011 election? Something to think about boys.
  7. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then it is clearly a duck.
Councillor Kim Richter - very much a NON-independent SLATE politician.
Quack! Quack! Quack!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Promises, Promises....The Band Plays On

It is a new year with a new mayor. There were many, many promises during his campaign, so now what is Mayor Green going to do to deliver on these many promises? Our Mayor's Report has been turned into a partisan, post-election reiteration of election promises posted here on a revised Township webpage. (Why are we using this 10 year old Rick Green photo by the way? Is there something wrong with aging? It is natural man.) The new year has brought no plans from the mayor on how he will delivery (or even a plan to deliver) on the promises. The local media have not interviewed him to get him on the record, but that is no surprise given the "editor in pocket" comments that have been flying around and overheard.

A HUGE bone of contention for Mayor Rick Green was the Redwoods Golf Course and Bedford House Restaurant purchases by the TOL. Councillor Kim Richter also harped on this all of last year. So, where is Richter's motion to sell off these Township assets and Mayor Green's wagging head to this plan? You hold the keys to these properties so to speak Mr. Mayor, so what are you going to do now? Councillor Richter has been seen walking in step with the mayor, so where is her verbose Notice of Motion on this topic? Maybe we can help her out with this?

  1. The Township of Langley is in dire straights because it is politically expedient to tout this line or, "the sky is falling down".
  2. That a three year zero-based budget was always a pipe dream and the good mayor failed to do his homework during his long campaign
  3. The mayor and I speak in tandem and he borrowed my platform and foiled my bid for mayor in the 2008 campaign
  4. I'm going to use my phone to dial for dollars to mount a 2011 mayoral campaign after backing down 3 times
  5. The mayor needs me to file motions to promote our agenda
  6. All of our collective business wisdom hasn't resulted in any tangible and detailed plans and nor actions
  7. (enter weekly shopping list and CBC News Headlines here to make this more verbose and me to get more air time)
Now therefore be it resolved that:
  1. We not acknowledge the wisdom of former mayor and the other councillors, but we act quietly.
  2. That the Township sell off this golf course and restaurant forthwith, forever snuffing out the possibilities of a Rick Green Invitational Golf Tournament and Prime Rib dinner with Yorkshire Pudding to follow.
  3. That we use the proceeds of this sale to create the Ricky Zero Based Budget Bail Out Fund.
  4. That we then credit the Finance Committee of the Chosen with saving the Township from all manners of harm, tax increases, alternating closed TOL facilities and banishment of toilet tissue from all TOL flush facilities.
Do I have a seconder?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Sasquatch After Mormons - TOL May Be Next On Hit List?

The Langley Times recently published this article about two Mormon missionaries in Burns Lake that found what is believed to be Sasquatch footprints outside their home. The prints were found very close to their wood shed.

Although not verified by the HBCC UFO research people, The Langley Record received credible reports that the sasquatch may be heading to the Township of Langley in time for the January 12, 2009 council meeting in order to greet the mayor and one councillor in particular.

Following his previous protocols, the sasquatch may confront the pair in the vacinity of a soon to be constructed wood shed. This wood shed was planned after recent fulltime fire fighter and Langley Events Centre shaninigans. A wood shed near town hall would sure be handy right about now, and just in time for the budget considerations. Wonder if NORAD will track this one?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

How to Lose Votes and Be a Bad Influence on People

The Editorial Board received word last night that a certain Township councillor and quite possibly another at the top have burned some major bridges with their Langley Events Centre reconsideration stunt. To make matters worse, a blog published by this councillor recently threatened to "investigate" the use of some mailing lists.

Apparently the parties concerned have added some serious insult to injury, now impacting the community at large. As in the business world, companies who fail to provide excellent customer service will soon find themselves out of business. The principle behind it all is that when you burn one person they spread the word to 30-50 other people. Well, one person that has been put out in a serious way has a high degree of respect with some 4,500 families in Langley. Not only that, but when this person is not volunteering, he is a senior level finance executive for a major corporation. It is the type of person that should be appointed to a finance committee to bail the Township out of a mess of promises, but it appears that friends and campaign pals will fit the bill. But that is the top dog's problem.

But clearly this certain councillor (and possibly the top dog) now runs the risk of losing over 8,000 direct votes, not to mention all of the negative word-of-mouth that is circulating. The person that sent this information to us is highly reliable and we would put our life on the validity of the information received. This person made a very good point that public officials in Langley would be wise to consider. This person pointed out that volunteers are very valuable gems in our community and as they work for free, one should respect and not trash them. Perhaps this person phrased it better by saying, "Langley is a community of parent volunteers. I won't question the integrity of a volunteer."