The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mayor Green's "I" Problems Continue

Wonder why this mayor just can't seem to work with his council? Is the problem with council or is it with our mayor? We opine that the problem is Mayor Green's constant "I" problems. An ego that constantly needs to be stroked and fed. Here are some examples:

THEN: Corporate letterhead under former Mayor Kurt Alberts (click images to enlarge):

NOW: Corporate letterhead under Mayor Rick Green:

Notice that back then, council was recognized and listed as part of the team. Now, council is not represented at all and this letter sent by Rick Green was to advise this lady of a council decision.

The old Township website also listed Mayor & Council under a Corporate tab. When you clicked on the main tab you would have been greeted by a picture of mayor and council all on the same page. Now this is what you see below and unless you click on the council tab, you will not see anything more than Mayor Rick Green and his various ramblings:

Yes, these are minor issues. BUT, they are part and parcel of a larger systemic problem with this mayor. Mainly, it is his "I" problem that gets him in the way of cooperating and working with our Township council. We wonder what slate cohort Councillor Kim Richter thinks about having her name removed from the corporate letterhead?

Friday, March 27, 2009

The ToL Budget Is Our Future

What kind of Township do you desire for you and your family?

Public input on the ToL budget will take place next Wednesday and Thursday. As was fully expected, Mayor Rick Green and his slate captain, Councillor Kim Richter have put out their spin. The mayor says he put together a "well-qualified finance committee" (qualifications of most members are very questionable).  They came up with the need for a .93% property tax increase and there is much we can cut and new things we can try.

Reality is that the committee's recommendation of a .93% cannot be substantiated and the mayor has been unable to explain it from the beginning. He referred all questions to staff and staff were not present at the private finance committee meetings. Plundering required reserves and leaving scores of infrastructure items UNFUNDED is not a proper budget Mr. Mayor. 

Bob Long's 5% proposal is sound and follows all of the studies that have been done, including a 2004 report that involved over 500 ToL residents and a bunch more for the second half of the study. They determined in 2004 that the ToL would have to raise 4% per year and that was without full-time fire. 5% would fund our roads and keep our assets from crumbling. 5% will fund much-needed projects during a time where lots of provincial and federal dollars are there to help us, if we can pay our share. A 5% increase will prevent the ToL from quickly turning into a crumbling, deteriorating welfare state of desperation. 

Councillor Kim Richter is dyed in the wool NDP, and you know what the NDP does with fudge-it budgets and terrible financial decisions that run communities into the ground on the fast-track. Mayor Rick Green is attached at the hip with Richter and YOU cannot allow them to destroy OUR Langley Township. Those two have cooked up this plot for a long time now. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy for them to blame council for ANY tax increase. 

Council was generally prepared to compromise with Green on a 3.95% tax increase that would still provide challenges in future years. But the mayor's arrogant statement that he would not support a 5% nor even a 3.95% increase (when he knows reality full well), caused council to vote to take a proposed 5% out to the people for comment and input, for the good of our community. It was a very prudent decision. At 5%, that would add $64.18 to the average household (based on a home valued at $478K). 

The future is yours Langley. You can pay a reasonable amount now, or you can be sacked later with the need for huge tax increases of up to 15% or more to play catch-up. The later is simply NOT an option. Don't let Mayor Rick Green and Councillor Kim Richter cause our community to crumble.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

RCMP Clears Innocent MLAs

The Langley Times reported Breaking News at 4:00pm today (and revised the article at 5:15pm tonight ) that the Langley RCMP has released a statement.

The Langley RCMP in conjunction with the RCMP Commercial Crimes Division has found no grounds to support allegations made by former Langley School Board Trustee and former unsucessful Township Council candidate Sonya Paterson.

Ms. Paterson filed a complaint in December 2008 complaint against MLA's Rich Coleman and Mary Polak. She alleged the two MLA's contravened the Local Government Act and also asked that the RCMP investigate Township Councillor Jordan Bateman. Ms. Paterson accused Bateman of using BC Liberal voter lists to win the 2008 campaign. Bateman has denied the allegations and the RCMP is stil investigating other aaspects of this case. Perhaps those aspects include information provided to the RCMP by the Editorial Board of the Langley Record.

It will be interesting to see if Vancouver Sun reporter Daphne Bramham will publish the results of the investigation and the clearance of these innocent elected officials. It should be easy for her to do so because she won't have to send a bootlicker "all the way" to Langley like The Sun had to do for the Township's Campaign Finance Reports. Isn't that a shame?

The Green-Richter Slate Turns The Channel

An old axioms in politics is when things go bad, a politician must turn the channel. Rick Green and a small number of the Vocal 150 were on teewee last night trying to turn the channel after their crushing and humiliating defeat with the Mufford Overpass vote and are now stating they will "fight" over Brown Pit gravel extraction. We wish them much luck, and are glad to see them channeling their energies into an issue that the whole community can agree upon. Of course this doesn't seem to be much of a fight as all the locals agree that Brown Pit should not be mined. Every current member of council had issue with it when the provincial government released the plan, and it seems like the BC government is leaning towards not using Brown Pit. This article on a letter from MLA Rich Coleman clearly states that fact. We are certain that the minister is working very hard to nix the Brown Pit plan. Clearly it will NOT be through any efforts of the Green-Richter slate whatsoever.

It is very interesting to note that although Mr. Moats attacked Township Councillor Jordan Bateman on the Mufford overpass, Mr. Moats would be wise to note that Councillor Bateman has been one of the biggest supporters of nixing the Brown Pit extraction. In our opinion, the residents surrounding Brown Pit would be wise to distance themselves from Mayor Rick Green, Councillor Kim Richter, the overpass Vocal 150 and others of that elk.

The majority of Brown Pit residents have clearly and calmny articulated the facts, figures and potential impacts of this extraction, and they have gained the respect and attention of the provincial government. Remain sane and stay the course as a respectable group and we believe good things will come of it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Nasty Budget Politics of Two

By Special Editor Dr. S.

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies."

-- Groucho Marx

In December 2006 Councillor Kim Richter wrote this letter to her own website entitled, “Don’t Dare Blame Tax Hikes On Firefighters” which was posted on her website. She made some very valid points on the need for full-time Fire Fighters, calling it “a service that we all rely on in this community, especially the elderly and anyone needing emergency services.”

Richter also explains the lengthy process that council, the Fire Department and an independent consultant went through, in order to make the commitment to move to a full time system. She speaks to it here:

“They determined that the cost of full time firefighters in the Township would equal a 2% increase in the Township’s base tax rate for each fire hall that was brought onto full time status. They put together a plan of how many halls should be full-time and when they should go “online”. They then took this plan and brought it to the public, Richter explained the “very public process” as:

“They went to malls throughout the Township with complete information on costs, timelines, and budget implications. They had flip charts and questionnaires. They asked Township taxpayers if this was something they wanted and something they could financially support. They spent many hours talking to many people from all walks of life and from all corners in this community.”

And as we all now know, the answer was… Yes. As Richter says, “The answer that came back to Council from this very public process was a resounding “Yes – Do it”. In fact, the independent consultant that assisted the Township’s Fire Department throughout the public consultation process commented in his final written report (which is a matter of public record) that he has never seen stronger or more unified public support for an initiative like this. He said it was abundantly clear that this community supported the proposed graduated move to full-time fire service.”

We applaud the fact that Richter had such concern over the efforts of all the people involved in the process, “I think your editorial (The Langley Times) belittles these efforts because all of the people involved in this process, whether firefighter or taxpayer, genuinely care about their community and are genuinely concerned about this important aspect of public safety.” She also acknowledges “They know it’s not free.”

We also applaud all of council as they “decided to listen to the Fire Department, to the Consultant, and to the public. As a group, they decided to move in a graduated manner towards fulltime fire service.” They made this choice knowing the facts and having their eyes wide open to the fact that, as Richter put it, “This clearly meant a 2% tax increase in each year that a new fire hall was brought into fulltime service.”

We applaud Kim Richter's VERBAL support for the Full Time Fire department. And the fact that Richter even went so far to VERBALLY commit to a tax increase, to ensure the growth of this department, as she said: “This is definitely a tax increase that I and the taxpaying public support. I have never disputed that.”

BUT, Councillor Kim Richter voted against the budget that year. The same budget that would provide for fill-time fire services and that THE PEOPLE overwhelmingly supported.

Once again, we are now left with the question of where Councillor Kim Richter's verbal support for community needs has gone? It seemed clear, yet we see Kim Richter voting to entertain the idea of lengthening the full-time fire fighter expansion in Walnut Grove, to as much as a six year window. We see the finance committee she is he Vice Chair of putting forward recommendations for a .93% tax increase that cannot lead to anything but a budget deficit (which you cannot do under the Community Charter) in the first year of a 3 year plan. Where did the 2% go that Richter was willing to pay in order to properly fund the Fire Department? Is not the newly proposed “review” of the Fire Department that Richter personally recommended to the new finance committee and then to council, not just another attempt to pull out of the original commitment she had made? Is her wish that the outcome would be to put off full-time fire expansion indefinitely? There is not a review of the RCMP suggested, so why has the Township Fire Department been singled out?

From the rhetoric and her recent website post we can see that this new budget will not be approved by Councillor Kim Richter. To post a statement that a 5% tax increase has been approved by Township Council is unethical at best.

We leave you with some words of wisdom from Councillor Kim Richter herself...

It is wrong to blame the financial problems currently faced by the Township on the firefighters. They have done nothing to deserve to be the scapegoats. All they ever wanted was to provide a safer community and they took a very reasonable and affordable approach to doing so.”

-- Councillor Kim Richter

“Yes, fulltime fire fighting is a significant cost driver in the Township’s budget. We all knew that it would be.”

-- Councillor Kim Richter

“The enemy here is not each other - it's inaction. We need to get on the same page fast or the Township will suffer."

-- Councillor Kim Richter

Really Kim? So then why this inaccurate rant that was posted at 4:57pm on Tuesday, March 24, 2009 and transcribed from your cellphone call from the 2nd floor of the Township Facility's parking area DIRECTLY after the budget meeting had ended? And why wouldn't you put your name on it as the author who provided the transcription? Who are the true enemies here? Once again you are ordering from the menu, but you are refusing to pay the bill.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What We Don't Know

This message speaks very clearly for itself. It speaks louder and is more sobering than any silly poet. Thanks to Garry & Sherry Tingley for these VERY wise words that should cause all Langley residents to think long and hard.

The older we get the more we DON'T KNOW.

  • We don't know why there is a Notice of Exclusion Application (ALR) in the Langley Times, Mar. 20, Page 5 for housing and there aren't protests, Town meetings, ugly letters in the paper and delegations to Council.
  • We don't know why all of Willougby including the Events Center has been developed on good farm land and there were no protests.
  • We don't know why we were accosted at the Co-op by people who can't even explain the issues of the Mufford Overpass but want folks to sign a petition against it. When they are asked to talk about it the answer is - "the Township wants to destroy our farmland, you have to sign it !!"  My response was bring me some farm produce from that piece of property and you got yourself a deal. Otherwise I'd like a safe path of transportation from my home to ALL of the amenities of the community I live in.
  • We don't know why our streets here in Milner have been "littered" with old election signs turned inside out and with "save our farmland" written on them. Are there any guidlines about roadside signs?
  • We don't know why there is such a commotion about the worst piece of farmland and best crop of swamp grass in the valley when the outcome is likely improved land quality.
  • We don't know how folks think that roads bring cars when  ALL  of the time ALL cars come from houses and we are putting houses on farmland every single day.
  • We don't know why this community is so proud of being the "Horse Capitol" which translates into piles of horse manure on some (many) small pieces of property and yet we still rely on ground water. It is a tough decision ... remove a little gravel and fill it with nice top soil for good drainage OR horse manure on a huge amount of the land draining into the "public use" aquifer ... which to choose ???  ... which to protest ???
  • We don't know why votes can be "re-done" and embarrassing name calling of people, threats, cheering, clapping and repetition of whining is an acceptable part of a meeting that appears to have explicit rules for some parts but not for other parts of it.
  • We don't know why people don't follow the Golden Rule ... the Overpass may effect us here on our street in Milner with more traffic (likely not) but when we leave our house we become traffic on someone else's road and they don't protest.
  • Mostly, we don't know how  JIM McGREGOR (Langley Times, Mar.20, Page 8) knew exactly how we feel, think and approach life and wrote an article about it !!!!!    THANKS Jim.
  • We DO know the Council is for EVERY single resident of Langley and sometimes we are happy and sometimes we are not ...
Stay the course folks. 

Garry and Sherry Tingley 

ToL Council Circus Number Two Set For Monday

Circus Performers Gone Wild - No It's Not a Condom Commercial

Another Week of the Televised Rookie Mayor Rick Green Show

ToL Council will meet this Monday, March 23rd at 3:00pm and again at 7:00pm. A host of well-know circus performers from the slate' s Vocal 150 will be on hand to make their insulting and accusatory delegations, followed by a meeting that lacks all proper council decorum. Ringleader rookie Mayor Rick Green will once again allow the circus and sideshows to continue, with little to no calls to order.  

NDP sacrificial lamb (MLA candidate Kathleen Stephany) will be present to follow in Councillor Richter's NDP footsteps of pandering to the Vocal 150 audience. Someone should remind Ms. Stephany that her new-found party (the NDP) actually initiated the whole GATEWAY PROGRAM discussions. The ROBERTS BANK RAIL CORRIDOR study (and resulting overpass proposal) facilitates the Gateway Project. Of course it is a well-known fact that the NDP could not get Gateway off the ground and the BC Liberal party is in the process of making Gateway a physical reality. Perhaps that is why Ms. Stephany and her NDP handlers are soo angry? Come out to chuckle at the hypocritical NDP delegation. But what else would you expect from them?

The evening council meeting is a televised one, and you can be sure this is why our side-show mayor initiated the overpass reconsideration motion for this particular meeting of council. Mayor Green will be purring like a Cheshire Cat with his motion to reconsider the overpass that is certain to be seconded by Kim Richter, followed by hoots and shouts from the Vocal 150, culminating into another centre-stage Township-dividing "Mayor's Report" that reminds council of the past election, complete with finger-pointing arrows at council for not supporting the platform that only the Green-Richter slate ran on. Come out to see the sideshow and bring plenty of cotton candy with you. Watch the rookie mayor in centre ring cater to the needs and wants of his Vocal 150, while failing to maintain decorum as usual. 

*** See Special Meetings of Council This Week At Very End Below ***

Monday, March 23, 2009

Special Council Meeting 3:00pm - (?) 5:30pm

Agenda here

Minute Special Council Meeting March 9, 2009 here

Minutes of Council Budget Meeting of March 10, 2009 here

Minutes of Council Budget Meeting of March 11, 2009 here

Doc 1

Doc 2

Doc 3

Doc 4

Doc 5

Doc 6

Doc 7

Doc 8

Doc 9

Doc 10

Doc 11

Doc 12

Doc 13

Doc 14

Doc 15

Doc 16 (not available from ToL)

Doc 17

Doc 18

Doc 19

Doc 20

Doc 21

Doc 22

Doc 23

Regular Council Meeting 7:00pm - (?) 

Agenda here

Minutes here

Minutes of Public Hearing here

Doc 1

Doc 2

Doc 3

Doc 4

Doc 5

Doc 6

Doc 7

Doc 8

Doc 9

Doc 10

Doc 11

Other Special Meetings of Council This Week

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 - Special Budget Meeting 3:15pm - 5:15pm

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - Special Budget Meeting 3:15pm - 5:15pm