The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

News Flash - Mayor's Office Pimped Out Like A Cheap Whore

UPDATE # 1 - SEPTEMBER 4, 2009
Some of our regular readers contacted several of our editors with information that will enhance this article and provide more factual information. We have now revised this piece with those items in mind. Since our story broke, one local newspaper - The Langley Advance had the guts to public this Opinion on "Green's Farmgate Fiasco". We know the hands of the other editor are all tied up. Certainly if any facts were to be published there, a call from the mayor would see that information removed pronto! But enjoy the Langley Advance - one local newspaper with some balls. --The Ed

As (now one) local newspaper cowers to the demands of Mayor Rick Green, the Langley Record stands alone as your first and fresh source for the real news behind the news. The Langley Record has now obtained a copy of a presentation used by Mayor Rick Green and his insiders during a recent delegation to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC). Despite the spin campaign launched by Mayor Green today, as you can see from the documents presented here, Green DID CERTAINLY present himself to the ALC as the Mayor of the Township of Langley, despite his disclaimers and back-peddling. He used the office of the mayor once again to try to bully the ALC into submission and attempted to add credibility to the ramblings of his band of malcontents. Several who actually live in South Surrey and Whiterock.

As you see from the document's time lines (insert below - click to enlarge), then Mayor-Elect Green started to bully the ALC ahead of even taking the Oath of Office. Word is that he threatened to overthrow any ALC decision once officially sworn in, if they did not put an end to the overpass project.

The problem here has nothing to do with the overpass. It's all about Green taking an oath as mayor to carry out "The Will of Council". Although councillors can run around making such presentations, Mayor Green did swear to uphold the Will of Council. His e-mail to Council (here) clearly shows a mayor that has not read or fails to understand the Community Charter. You will recall that with the overpass, Green asked Council to vote twice as he and his cronies humiliated and brow-beat them.

This ALC matter is yet another example of Green's hypocrisy. This guy flapped his jaw often about "open and accountable government" before and after his campaign. But clearly Mayor Green has stepped way over the line of any professionalism, as he pimped out the Office of the Mayor of the Township of Langley like a cheap whore. Where was the openness and accountability here? There is NO evidence of this ALC presentation anywhere in Green's nauseating and cry baby Mayor's Reports.

Mayor Green definitely trampled on his Oath of Office and the Community Charter. He presented to the ALC a position that was plainly against the Will of Township Council. We have it on very good sources that even Councillor Mel Kositsky (who voted against the overpass) is now agreeing with the opposition to voice concern over Mayor Green's despicable actions. Kositsky is a student of parliamentary process and has scolded and instructed the mayor several times during this term. Kositsky must know that Green has really crossed the line big time, and it appears that he (Kositsky) is about to put his foot down. This mayor cannot be trusted.

Why won't Langley's publicity engine rag newspaper tell you the facts? Why do they continue to print Green's spin? You saw it here first folks. Read it for yourself. How disgraceful!

PLEASE note that Councillor Kim Richter is very silent on this issue. Wasn't Richter another vocal supporter of open and accountable Township government? You will recall that Richter supported Green on the overpass issue. Has her slate politics clouded her judgement in remaining silent on this lack of transparency and disclosure? This lack of trust Council now must have with this mayor? Richter now appears to be turning her back on all the moral and ethical rhetoric that she has wasted soo much Council time with. Shame on you Kim Richter for being complacent and sitting back while allowing dirty politics to be played out right under your nose!

See Mayor Green's full presentation (click here)

Some Balls From The Langley Advance - September 4, 2009

Some Luke-Warm Shite From The Langley Times (click to view):
September 1, 2009

September 3, 2009 (TODAY) - Note that NO members of Township Council were interviewed for this story. ONLY Mayor Green. WHY is that?

So Green represented himself to the ALC as a private citizen and did not use his office as mayor? We say BULLSHIT. It really doesn't matter, because either way - Green violated his Oath of Office and here is the proof from Mayor Green's very own ALC presentation given on July 27, 2009 (click to enlarge) that we are sure he didn't want you to see:

Is "Rick Green's Township" the Langley that you want? Taking care of friends, making a cheap whore out of the Office of the Mayor, mistreating staff and bullying a democratically elected Council. What a disgracing for the Office of the Mayor. This is Mayor Rick Green's vision for the Township of Langley. All as one local rag sits idle and spins Rick Green's bullshit.

Stay tuned all this week as The Langley Record presents you with more factual proof of Mayor Green's unrepentant smoke screens, bullying and strong-arm tactics. If one closed their eyes you could quickly picture a Third World dictator.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Action Continues This Monday - ToL Council Meeting

With summer break behind us, Township of Langley Council reconvenes this Monday, August 31, 2009. The Township made life easy on us by compiling each agenda with the supporting materials. So now you can look or download at a single document!

Special ToL Council Meeting - August 31, 2009 from 3:00pm - 5:30pm
Special Council packet click here

Regular ToL Council Meeting - August 31, 2009 from 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Regular Council packet click here

Several land and development discussions in this meeting. Let's see if the mayor's friend and insiders will trump the overall good of the people of the Township of Langley. One long-time Langley resident commented to our Editorial Board, "When I hear about Green I see red".

We are happy to note that 10,686 people have now read our documents on SCRIBD and there have been 79 individual downloads of our ToL Council documents!