From: Kenneth Baker
To: Rick Green; Jordan Bateman; Bev Dornan; Steve Ferguson; Charlie Fox; Mel Kositsky ; Bob Long; Kim Richter;
Grant Ward (Councillor)
Sent: Wed Feb 11 22:35:47 2009
Subject: Mufford Diversion
Dear Mayor Green and Members of Council:
We do not in disagree that an overpass could be used to bridge the ever growing train traffic through Langley. We are, however, absolutely against the current proposal to have the traffic wind around to a termination point at the intersection of 216 and 64th. We see no sense in this design and fail to find any redeeming qualities, other than it offers a grade separation to the train traffic. It is our view that the traffic problems created by dumping this increased traffic volume onto a rural road will do nothing but move the restriction point. Further, it will create dangerous traffic conditions for the local residents and farmers.
We understand that our Provincial Minister of Transportation has threatened to withdraw funding for this project if it does not go ahead as planned. We say let him go ahead and pull the funding. A bad plan is a bad plan no matter who is paying for it. Would council support a nuclear power plant in the township if it was being partially funded by the provincial government? We think not. The design of this project has been done as quietly as possible, so as to not attract the attention of the public. As evidenced by the turnouts and opinions expressed at both the open houses and public hearing there is overwhelming opposition to the current proposal. Council should listen to what is being said and go back to the drawing board and develop an alternative plan that will better serve the interests of the citizens of both the city and the township. We would go so far as to suggest that council address the real issue and the root of the problem and that is eliminating heavy rail traffic through Langley.
In short, we believe the current overpass plan is not in the best interests of the citizens of the Langleys and should be rejected. We believe that the whole issue of having heavy rail traffic routed through Langley should be reconsidered with a few to finding an alternative route. We will be watching with great interest to see how council lines up on this issue and you can be assured that those councilors who support the current proposal will not be receiving our support in the next election.
Yours truly,
Ken & (***edited spouse name***) Baker
To present the other side of this overpass issue.
- To provide insight into one of the three civilian members of the mayor's new Finance Committee, who is now a public official
- For you to see first-hand the threats that council members must deal with from the mayor's insiders and supporters.
Here are some other views of the project to balance things off HERE - HERE - HERE and HERE