The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Was Mayor Green's Brown Envelope Really Anonymous?

Examining the whole official release of information on the censuring of Mayor Rick Green, one wonders if Council may have ceased the investigation only to the point where censure was recommended, in order to save taxpayers the additional legal expenses. It's apparently that for many months the mayor frustrated the councillors and caused this issue to drag on in camera. Of course Green could later suggested that they wasted money on the legal bill. How convenient.

After Mayor Green's press conference, Cllr. Charlie Fox indicated that perhaps the mayor's receipt of the anonymous brown envelope wasn't so anonymous. Fox suggested that it may be profitable for the media to examine how the Corporate Share Registry data released by Green was officially obtained in the first instance.

The Vancouver Sun came close to the issue in this article that included an interview with Brownshak's sole Director, Mr. Joel Schacter, a Langley realtor and developer. The Vancouver Sun reports:

"Schacter, who has been involved with Brownshak on and off since 1983 and now uses it as a shell company for when he buys new properties, said the only person who has asked him in the last year for Brownshak's corporate records is an associate of the mayor's. He alleges Green dredged up the old, "non-story" for political gain"

"I'm quite disturbed. It's totally political gamesmanship going on. People were trying to embarrass people and I don't know why," Schacter said"

None of the main stream media have investigated this issue, further to identify who this "associate of the mayor's" really is. Connecting the dots a bit here, we all know there was a legal beagle who served prominently in Green's campaign. Interesting enough, this lawyer in fact practices real estate law. Maybe our local newspapers or the regional media as a whole should ask Mayor Rick Green flat out where he obtained the Corporate Share Registry documents. This answer may yield greater knowledge of the concerns that Township Council, and that may be way beyond what was released when they censured the mayor.

Joan Bech Resigns


At 10:00am this morning Langley School Board Chair Joan Bech resigned. Despite our previous post about her moving to the Sunshine Coast, Bech claims that some School Board Trustees asked her to resign. She states that although she didn't agree with them, she tendered her resignation so as to not make waves. Instead of stating the true reason, her move.

Was the Langley Record instrumental in getting Joan Bech or other Trustees to see the light? Only the insiders know.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

One Langley Newspaper Understands The Green Saga

Word for word from Langley Advance Editor Bob Groeneveld, except for the document links he provided on his blog. He understands the issue well. Read all his posts here.

On a happier note, I was able to file a story from Mayor Green's surreal press conference at the Advance home page (click here), which includes last night's story about the censure, plus related council motions and resolutions.

And I spent much of the day speaking to outside news media, who seemed to think that I might have some special insights to help guide them through this incredibly convoluted story.

You can click here for the press release Mayor Green read out at the press conference. He makes it all seem so simple. But it's not. It doesn't look like there's anything factually wrong with it… but his interpretation of events doesn't perfectly match with the reality as interpreted by any other individuals in the known universe.

I have not included the "anonymous" letter or the Brownshak Developments Ltd. central securities register that the mayor included in his press packets. The allegations related to that information were nonsense 10 years ago, they're still nonsense today, and I will not be a party to promulgating them further.

Councillor Charlie Fox, who sat in the gallery with Coun. Grant Ward during the mayor's accounting of the events leading up to his censure, summed it all up nicely in a single word: credibility.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Langley Times Finally Reports

The Langley Times has finally reported on Langley's biggest story of the past 24 hours here. The regional media has not bought into Green's claims. That same regional media is reporting the facts....Green misled Council and has been censured for his wrongdoing. Again, how could these men and women AND us citizens ever trust him?

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Right now we have the biggest news story in Langley - Mayor Green censured. It started at 6:00pm last night. The Advance ran the story front page almost immediate. The Times? Have a look. See what we have been saying all along? --Ed

Mayor Green Misled Council and Township Lawyers


A shocking release late yesterday from the Township of Langley Council perhaps provides the proof as to why Township Council has been unable to work with this mayor and for good reason. Mayor Green apologized verbally and in writing to Council and Township lawyers for misleading them! Beforehand, Green was trying to accuse two innocent Township residents and a municipal employee of "improper or unlawful conduct".

This press release details that facts that include 1) Green misled Council in calling an Emergency Meeting of Council back on October 29, 2009 and then "The Mayor misrepresented his knowledge of the true facts and failed to disclose to Council true facts". Click on this press release here:

This was partly related to an anonymous letter that Green alleged supported allegations of improper or unlawful conduct on the part of two Township residents and a municipal employee. A claim that apparently has be judged unfounded by Council in affirming confidence in the employee.

Council has apparently been giving Mayor Green the benefit of due process by keeping these incidents in-camera for almost a year. We are told that at today's Special Meeting of Council men identified as lawyers had been seen rushing in and out of the meeting and bring Township Chief Administrative Office (CAO) Mark Bakken behind closed doors for at least 4 discussions. Council finally moved decisively to censure Mayor Green today and to remove him from committees. Here is the motion approved by Township Council with Mayor Green opposed. Click document to enlarge:

Mayor Green has called a press conference at the Township's Municipal Facility for 10:00am on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 to explain himself. This should be a very tall tail after all the apparent shenanigans over the past year. Now we see why Council could not work with this mayor and why Green tried at all cost to paint Council as the black hearts. A large crack in Green's armour has occurred and it will be interesting to see if he can now humble himself a bit and face the facts.

Note that this was not the "Council Six-Pack" leading the charge here, as Cllr. Kim Richter is the councillor that put forth the motion to censure and apply punishment.

Monday, September 13, 2010



The Vancouver Sun is reporting that a Liberal-dominated legislative committee has voted today to hold a province-wide referendum to determine the fate of the anti-HST petition. The referendum will be held on September 24, 2011 and could cost as much as $30M.

Break News - Another School Board Fiasco?


Just a few days after news of this scathing Auditor's report on the Langley School financial situation and a stern rebuke for the School Board to work together, now a news flash.

Calls rang out loud in our newsroom and we have confirmed that School Board Chair Joan Bech has sold her property in Langley and is moving her family to the Sunshine Coast. That would be fine in and of itself, as it should prompt a resignation and by-election.

However, sources tell us that Beck will offer to step down as School Board Chair, but wishes to stay on as a regular Board Member and commute from the Sunshine Coast to Langley for the meetings. In all this mess, does Langley need an absentee School Board Chair? We think not. What about you?