The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Township Resident Ambushed

When Alan and Elizabeth Hendricks (and other owners) filed an application to exclude an 11.01 acre site fronting 44th Avenue in Murrayville from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), they did so because these are not viable farmlands. Even the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission agreed that the properties had limited potential for agricultural development. 

The Hendricks doing all they could to be good neighbours offered property for a municipal trail, opportunity for the ToL to construct and upgrade 44th Avenue (between 216th Street and Benz Crescent) at no cost to the Township, a "significant" financial contribution to an "Agricultural Enhancement Trust Fund", and several other community benefits. The Hendricks operated through the whole process in good faith and expected fair treatment. The application and staff report were presented to Township Council at the June 1, 2009 meeting. 

The June 1st ToL Council meeting was another strange one as with the Mufford/64th Overpass Councillor Richter said that there should be public input when agricultural lands are impacted or people seek exclusions. But with the Hendricks application, Richter supported the exclusion and angrily spoke out against a suggested public input session. Some council members then voted to refer this application to the Langley Agricultural Advisory Committee (LAAC) and incorporate a "public input session" into that meeting. As with the Mufford Overpass, the official "Public Hearing" process was ignored in favour of the very nebulous and non-bonding "public input session" that this mayor is now famous for. 

The June 18, 2009 LAAC meeting was nothing less than an ambush of Mr. Hendricks. He was lured in to what he was thinking would be a fair discussion regarding his land. He thought he was being asked to provide constructive information, in exchange for constructive advice. Instead, Mr. Hendricks was forced to provide a presentation on his proposal (guess no one present could read the extensive staff report and application??) After that, Mr. Hendricks had to be lectured by Mayor Green's supporters and a member of LAAC that broke ranks by failing to listen to the public and decided to preach to Mr. Hendricks. 

The final sacking of Mr. Hendricks came from none other than self-appointed quarterback Mayor Rick Green, who pontificated about wanting to "protect farmers". He said that people spoke of protecting farmlands, but he (Green) wanted to protect farmers. Mr. Hendricks, we feel so sorry for you neighbour. You acted in good faith and this mayor set you up for an ambush.

Let's see, shall we add this one to the list of Green comic book hero defenses?

Protection from gang violence
Protection from so-called hate crimes
Protection from "top-down" land use planning
Protection from crime in Aldergrove (security guards offered)
Protection from crime in Walnut Grove (is he for real?)
Protection from the Provincial Government 
Protection from Metro Vancouver
Protection from Translink
Protection from the railroads
Protection from taxes
Protection from water metering
Protection from sand pits
Protection from aquifers

Councillor Kim Richter, Charlie Fox, Jordan Bateman and Bob Long probably protested the unorthodox "public input" session. We aren't sure if the Green-Richter slate is showing strong signs of a break up, but we wonder if Councillor Mel Kositsky is becoming Mayor Green's new lackey? He has often been seen voting in lock step with Green and seems to fiercely defend Green's primary platform issues. 

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cowboy Mayor Roped Again

About one week ago Mayor Rick Green of the Township of Langley strapped on his dual six-shooters to instruct the RCMP how to do their jobs once again. The exercise was another usual Green tactic to harness the energy of the press to propel his mayoralty stardom and let everyone know that there is a new self-appointed sheriff in town.

The object of Green's rage was an alleged "hate crime" that had occurred in Aldergrove. Green analyzed the reports and then cloaked himself in knickers and a cape to act as judge and jury. He spoke as though the allegations were proven and adjudicated facts and that these Aldergrove teens were immediately guilty.

Well, today's Province newspaper carried this article which makes it clear that perhaps the attack was not "unprovoked" and innocents violated. 

"We walked over to the park and we saw all these East Indians in [the tennis courts]," he said. "They tapped on the fence and said, 'Come on, little boys, come and play with us.'"

The youth and his companions took those words to be offensive, and three of them entered the courts, where the players began using racial epithets, the boy said.

"They're calling us little white boys," he said. He and his friends responded by calling the Indo-Canadian men "sand-niggers," he said.

To the boy's father, the allegations of racism are overblown.

"It was just a bunch of kids calling each other names," said the man, who came to court with his son, as did the mother. Parents of accused young offenders can't be named because it would identify the accused."

It's not like the RCMP to issue an off-the-cuff statement that conjure up images of hate crime without a proper investigation. The Langley RCMP has been especially cautious not to label crimes hate crimes in the past. Was this sudden change in policy a direct result of the cowboy mayor playing the role of Law & Order Sheriff again? Very interesting.

We'll have to see what comes of this trial in time, but these parents from Aldergrove must have been publicly embarrassed in that small community by this mayor's comments. The Langley Record wonders what they think of this cowboy mayor. Better yet, wonder what Rattan will think of this latest news, as he had already called this play! Perhaps another shake of the dinosaur head is in order for Green Mr. Rattan?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Langley Times Out of Touch AGAIN

We at The Langley Record could not believe the absolute SHITE that The Langley Times Editor Frank Bucholtz has published today. How does a standing ovation for former Township of Langley Mayor Kurt Alberts (who was extremely instrumental in causing the new Langley Events Centre to happen) suddenly because a signal from the masses that they want current mayor and council to work together? 

Firstly, Mayor Green severely limited his own comments when he invited Kurt Alberts and Howie Vickberg to join him and council on the floor. Much more could have been said in praise, but Green remained silent. The audience did not hesitate in standing for Alberts because everyone there knew that Mayor Green had absolutely nothing to do with making the Langley Events Centre (LEC) happen, and in fact, did all he could (with his sidekick Councillor Kim Richter) to derail the LEC. Kurt Alberts greatly deserved the standing ovation and that is why the people responded with the outpouring. It had NOTHING to do with Rick Green.

Either Editor Bucholtz is smoking something strong, or his eyes of been seriously blinded by Mayor Green's constant calls to him and his publisher to bitch about his press or lack thereof. Did Bucholtz not see Mayor Rick Green totally ignore former Mayor Kurt Alberts at the Golden Ears Bridge ceremony on Sunday? Maybe Bucholts should have attended yesterday's council meeting to watch Green, Richter and Kositsky carry on past grudges by voting against borrowing for the Mufford/64th Overpass? Or should Bucky have been present for Green's vote against a Murrayville sustainable development yesterday that also dates back pre-election? Yes, Mayor Green the "champion" of transit voted to defeat a high-density development that would in time perhaps support improved transit of some sort!

Oh but Bucholtz surely must remember Green's calls to The Mimes over the Fort Langley Rowing Club and LEC articles where Alberts was interviewed. Many people opine that Bucholtz owes something to Green that goes way back to their Delta roots. Maybe they should both come clean and put their cards on the table. And where is the publish of The Mimes in all this? 

From Day 1 Green has been the one to try and divide and conquer this council. To this day his ego does not allow him to say one word outside the council table to Councillor Grant Ward, and that is just plain despicable. Working together? We say BULLSHIT. Mayor Rick Green should have gone to breakfast with Councillor Richter and skipped the LEC opening along with her. Green didn't support the LEC, he had NOTHING to do with the LEC, and he certainly would like nothing better for it to fail.

Hey Bucky, get those green coloured glasses off, will ya? Why don't you start checking out what happened to Green's Land Trust and related promises? Council voted many months ago to have Green's consultant quantify land that could go in to a trust. No report has been produced to date and this was to be a very small consulting engagement. What do you say Bucky? Or have you lost your abilities to investigate and hold people accountable?

Monday, June 15, 2009

White Dinosaur Head Sighted in Township

The Indo-Canadian newspaper VOICE had some very funny things to say about Township Mayor Rick Green in Rattan's Rumble found here. Rattan has a great sense of humour, and asks with reference to Mayor Green:
"What world is this white guy living in? The one created by the Vancouver Sun? Maybe he should start reading this newspaper and give his dinosaur head a good shake!"
We here at The Langley Record wondered if Rattan was referring to Mayor Green's 2009 look or the 12 year old photo he insists all staff use? Rattan in his whit make a great point about this whole race issue. Politicians like Green love to use the race card for their own devices when they wish to get some publicity and appear to be the defender of the populous. But many times they join the chorus to bitch about all these immigrants entering the country. 

Defending the populous should be left to the RCMP that we pay to do so. We don't need photo ops and lime light. The RCMP can work with the community to determine what is a hate crime and what is not. Perhaps if politicians like Green stop meddling in police business, race relations will improve. 

We wonder if we can get Rattan to do a regular column for The Langley Record. This would give our readers yet another perspective. What do you say Rattan?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Monday June 15th Township Council Meetings

Township Council will meet as follows. Please note that a Public Hearing meeting is scheduled for 7:00pm as well. Although the Council Calendar shows the Public Hearing, the agenda page for this meeting appears blank. Glitch in the ToL website we gather. At least all if not part of this Special Hearing will be for the public to comment on the ToL Annual Report for 2008.

Monday, June 15, 2009
(click the links below to view or download documents and reports)

Special Township Council Meeting - 3:00 PM

Minutes of Special Council Meeting - June 1, 2009

Special Public Hearing - 7:00PM

-- No Agenda For Public Hearing Available From ToL --

View or download the 2008 Annual ToL Report here

Regular Township Council Meeting - 7:00PM

Minutes of Regular ToL Council Meeting - May 25, 2009