Just off a recent social event at the Langley Events Centre. Yes, that very same Langley Events Centre that Cllr. Richter was dead set against each and every step of the way. Well, it now seems that Cllr. Richter (at the Township's good will and expense) provided tickets so that Big Sob) and two Richter-aligned guests (Glen Tomblin and Sonya Paterson) could attend a hockey game. The deuce of spades accompanied the the deuce of Hades to show their colours ahead of the next election. Firstly, one would like the question answered as to why those two got free tickets courtesy of the Township taxpayers? After all, what have those two ever done for the ToL, but to slam staff and never support any Township endeavors or initiatives? One only has to listen to their speeches from the last election(s) to see that this deuce of spades has done absolutely nothing good for the Township of Langley. This is why the taxpayers didn't elect them to Township Council. Kim Richter always opposes things, only to then spend OUR money to entertain her friends and cronies. Let's investigate how Richter was able to invite guests on our dime, while other Councillors we not.
Now that Cllr. Richter has formally cut ties with Mayor Rick Green, we see her starting to form another slate with political alliances like these two as a precursor to the next election. But since the LLT days, Richter prefers to keep her slate appearing as a non-slate. Didn't Paterson and Tomlin learn their lessons the last election when they blew their money away to see only the Green and Richter portion of the slate elected? The financial disclosures were equally dodgy as we know for a fact that expenses were not accounted for in order to save face for at least one of the losing slate members.
As reported earlier Sonya Paterson made a poorly prepared and quite nonfactual presentation to Mayor and Council, challenging the root meaning of 'tens of thousands'. Last Monday this cause was championed by Cllr. Richter in one of the most politically charged and uni-dimensional motions ever seen at the Council table. This after Richter accused her fellow Councillors of "partisan politics". But Richter and her Langley Free Mess blog has it all wrong again, as their reference to a "six pack" of Councillors is inaccurate at best. You see, everyone (including Mayor Green) voted for the workshop/review, except Richter who was out to lunch and misjudged what would transpire. So, they better update The Langley Free Mess to include the "Eight Pack". Apparently Big Sob wasn't paying attention again.
Richter has clearly established herself as a loner on Council by not supporting the motion to get a consultant's advice on how to function better as a Council and be more focused and collaborative. Moving in a positive direction we gather is not her cup of tea, even though she professes to teach organizational behaviour and team building to her students. Now reaching out for old friends and alliances Richter not only courts Paterson and Tomblin on the taxpayers dime, BUT at a venue she never supported from the start. Vocally bashing the LEC and not voting for budgets to properly fund it.
Embarking on a new strategy of having these old 'friends' drop by Council and requesting delegations under false pretenses, all so that Richter can grandstand. Of course Paterson, lacking any tact and wanting desperately to become a real public official, enters Council like an obedient blind lamb to. Hasn't she learned from the last painful campaign that the general public loathes her and is tired of Paterson and her buddies? She was unelected for a clear reason and those 20 year old photos of her in The Langley Mimes is growing old. What is it with this old slate and old pictures anyway? It's a clear sign that Paterson and Green are not at all happy with their present selves. But neither is the public.
We have to hand it to Kim Richter...she is the master of opposing anything good for the Township of Langley. But she is equally good at getting the public feed bags out for her and her buddies, working the public teet to a science. This should lead to her getting a PhD in hypocrisy in short order.
What a folly Councillor Kim Richter has made of the governance process and the attempt by the rest of Council and the Mayor to at least try to foster a constructive 2.5 years going forward. This is a strategy that will backfire on Richter and stew her like a prune. The Langley Free Mess is a great tool to ensure she will never obtain the mayor's seat or other higher political ambitions. Glad to see The Mess back in action, damaging her polical career and further cementing her reputation as a Council who has accomplished NOTHING in all these years. Just a clanging gong that people have grown tired of hearing. And you know what they say about birds of a feather (Richter, Paterson & Tomlin).