Once again, Mayor Peter Fassbender (at the Langley Canada Day Celebrations' Official Ceremony at McLeod Athletic Park), revealed the expected and proper etiquette of a mayor by acknowledging his Council Members by name in his address at this ceremony. This was in stark contrast to that of his neighbour, Township of Langley Mayor Rick Green who used Canada Day to make a political statement and jab by saying that there are still "issues" in the ToL. No mention of the Township Council Members present, as it is all about him (Rick Green).
Mayor Fassbender at least mentioned the members of his City Council that included Councillors Rudy Storteboom and Rosemary Wallace, who had taken the time to attend this neighbouring community's annual Canada Day event. Fass.bender truly is an unappreciated mentor by Mayor Rick Green
While Mayor Rick Green was on his own turf at the McLeod Athletic Park (MAC) which is located in the Township of Langley, Green once again failed (inadvertently or deliberately) in his address to the hometown crowd, to mention by name any of his own Councillors who were present for this very special and important community building occasion. The Langley Canada Day celebration was founded and chaired five years by one of Green's own Council members, Councillor Grant Ward. Ward has been a ten year member of the Langley Canada Day Celebrations Society. He was also instrumental in acquiring major sustainable funding for this important annual community event after he was elected to Township Council. Shame on Rick Green for not understanding the history of our community and its people. Shame on Mayor Green for using Canada Day to further his political ambitions by stating that the Township still has "issues".
It is very interesting to note that Langley City Mayor Peter Fassbender has been asked to MC the Canada Day event three times on this Township turf (McLeod Park). A production and Flash Mob for the home crowd was performed by the Township's very own Maria Martini's "Keep the Pride Alive" volunteers and was filmed for later upload to the website, so keep watching.
The important question has to be asked is, 'Why was Mayor Green not asked to be MC instead of Mayor Fassbender?" After all, this production was being filmed and performed in the Township and not the City of Langley. Could it be that this community has figured out the true character of Mayor Rick Green? Is this community now concerned with the "issues" brought on by this larger than life ego? Mayor Rick Green has three very fatal flaws....
- In his mind he never makes any mistakes
- When confronted with inconsistencies, bully and blame others (staff, Council, etc.)
- Never admit to any mistakes