You may recall that previously the Langley Record has brought to light several inconsistent votes by Mayor Rick Green at Metro Vancouver meetings. The last Green flip-flop occurred when Metro Board members voted themselves a huge pay increase. However, before entering this meeting Mayor Green spoke against the pay raise and then entered the meeting and voted FOR it.
"On March 26, barely more than a year after the board (in pre-election mode) voted to keep Maple Ridge's historic Jackson Farm in the Metro Vancouver Green Zone, Maple Ridge put it back on the agenda."
"Mayor Rick Green of Langley Township (who ran on a platform of preserving farmland) and Gayle Martin of Langley City both voted in favour of developing this historic farmland."
-- Donna Passmore, Farmland Defence League of BCWhile we have never heard any promises from Cllr. Martin of the City of Langley, we all know that Mayor Rick Green of the Township of Langley has been very vocal with regards to "saving farmlands". We heard much of this talk during the 2008 election campaign and of course Green's extensive musings during the Mufford/64th overpass debates. Green had vowed to "FIGHT" because he said he was "for farmers and farmlands.
The Langley Record also recently discovered that Mayor Green had an extensive voting record in Delta in the 1980's (where he was a councillor), voting in favour of development over farmlands preservation.