The Water Management Plan
During the campaign Township Council received a DRAFT Water Management Plan. Staff detailed measures that COULD be taken in order to help conserve our precious water supply. The DRAFT report suggested that private wells could be metered to help people see how much water was being used, with an eye at helping them to now conserve and cut back on this usage.
Then candidate Rick Green took this draft plan and metering proposal to the streets. He told the public that the Township of Langley would meter private wells, conveniently leaving out the for purposes of conservation part. Green promoted the idea that water meters would include the ToL billing residents for water from private wells.
As this issue was before Council and then Mayor Kurt Alberts did not know the wishes of Council, he wasn't able to comment on this issue until the final debate. By then the damage had been done. Kurt Alberts DID NOT support water metering even for conservation purposes, as that would give the perception of billing, etc. Neither did the majority of Council and so before the election, this metering provision was removed from the draft plan. Kurt Alberts was being a great mayor by waiting to see what the wishes of Council were. He put aside his own opinion to give that a chance. All of this planning was being done so that the Township of Langley would say how water would be managed here, and not the Provincial government dictating.
On Rick Green's candidate website which was removed directly following the election, but which The Langley Record has full copies of, Green said,
"Currently - Under Kurt Alberts leadership the Township initiated a Water Management Plan. without initial public input and consultation starting with a joint Township and Provincial Government initiative in 2004 designed to tax the groundwater resource.Promise Broken
This initiative was designed to go public and to be sent to Victoria for implementation in early 2008 after a very short two month time frame, including two open houses.
After a significant taxpayer revolt, Council backed off of the Taxation Authority and metering of private wells. The second draft has now been introduced and will be studied over the next ten months. This plan includes an estimated administration cost of $700,000 to 1,000,000 per year for 20 years. Who pays and for what?
Proposed under Rick Green
Put a hold on the current proposed draft Water Management Plan #2 and hold talks with the Provincial Government, our MLA's and the Federal Government through our MP to identify our real needs in this process, specifically to address the needed water line infrastructure required into areas such as Brookswood, Aldergrove, Murrayville and the Gloucester Industrial Estates.
There are some positive recommendations within this plan but also some very real negative impacts or certainly items to be clarified. Something that needs immediate review is the estimated annual cost of $700,000 to $1,000,000 per year for 20 years to pay for annual administration of the plan...."
On September 21, 2009 Council approved the very same plan that Kurt Alberts had supported. Mayor Green did not raise any objections and only Council Kositsky voted in opposition to the plan being forwarded to the Provincial Government. Mayor Rick Green broke this promise to the residents of the Township of Langley.