The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Councillor Richter Moving Against Sports in Township

She did it when Township considered upgrades to McLeod Park and now Councillor Kim Richter is once again slapping sports tourism and families involved in sports here in the face. Here's the poop from the Editorial Board:

The Township of Langley engaged several partners including the Federal and Provincial governments and the school district to help fund the new Langley Events Centre. The build-out required finishing and furnishings that then places this facility within a standard that larger organizations look for when renting a facility of this type. Without these furnishings and amenities, groups at this level will discount the renting of an events centre. The Township staff, former mayor and council were all 99% certain that the federal government would honour a commitment. Contrary to what the pundits on another blog say, Mark Warawa doesn't come over to the mayor's office with a pen to sign an IOU. This is grant money and there are rules to follow and hoops to jump through.

Former mayor and council in their wisdom and experience created a contingency fund that could be used to complete the events centre, should something like federal funding fall through. The bottom line is that while there was never a firm federal commitment, there were many positive indicators and encouragement along the way. Approval of the appropriation of these contingency funds happened in the council's in-camera meeting last week, with Councillor Kim Richter absent. Here is the report of this in-camera meeting in next week's council agenda document.
Councillor Richter returned from her holidays and was apparently content to bring this simple appropriation back on the table to waste more of mayor, council and staff time, as is typical. Here is the motion she will present next Monday.
Her blog is spinning this as a "cost overrun". I'm sure by the truth reported here and in the news you can clearly see that this is NOT a cost overrun, but the result of a partner backing out of the commitment and grant money. Along with Rick Green, Richter is trying to promote an atmosphere of "financial crisis" in the Township and this $5M appropriation would get Green off the hook for the Land Trust promises that were to pay the bills. For Richter, it represents a cynical opportunity to distract voters from her flip-flop on hiring full time firefighters in Walnut Grove.

Does this waste of council and staff time make you angry? Can you see what Councillor Richter is doing here to play politics with your recreation and community events centre? Do your kids play sports or does your team intend to use these facilities? If so, e-mail Mayor and Council here to voice your opposition to Councillor Richter's Notice of Motion. You should also plan to be in council chambers on Monday evening at 7:00pm with your teams, kids and organizations to visually show your anger and opposition to Councillor Richter's politics as usual that is always disguised as fiscal accountability.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Editor for making the record straight. From the media reports etc. one would definitley get the wrong impression> I along with the other concerned citizens appreciate your informed commentary. At least you focus on facts and don't delve in to the hearsay! Keep up the good work.