The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Advance Notice - Important Council Meeting This Monday

District Heating

Last year Councillor Jordan Bateman moved a motion to have staff investigate the provision of District Heating in new neighbourhoods. This innovative and green energy solution to use such things as geothermal sources to heat large areas of homes has been looked at and staff have now issued The Potential for District Heating in New Neighbourhoods report.

There is now a recommendation that council receive this report and approve a pre-feasibility study to identify potential opportunities and energy cources available to operate heating systems within the TOL. This could lead to much cheaper heating for residents and some potential cash generation for the Township. If devleopers are required to install these systems as part of the development process and the TOL created a public utility, there is the potential for profit. This discussion will take place in the 4:00pm Special Council Meeting. You can read the full staff report here.


Also during the Special Council Meeting at 4:00pm, staff will be making a presentation on roundabouts. This should be interesting and we assume that staff will be supporting this traffic calming tool where strategic.

Brown's Pit

The Province of BC plans to use Brown's Pit for gravel extraction and was a vone of contention during last year's municipal election in the TOL. But the Township is a creation of the provincial government and can do little to halt this plan by the province. During this week's regular council meeting on Monday, January 19, 2009 at 7:00pm, several deletions will be speaking about the Brown Pit plan.

Mufford Cresent Overpass

Another big election topic centered around the long-proposed Mufford overpass project with many residents claiming that no prior public consultations took place. We previously outlined the process and clearly there was some consultations. People simply miss them at times and then blame others for their mistakes. At the end of this Monday's council meeting under Other Business there are two motions related to the Mufford overpass.

Notice of Motion By Councillor Kim Richter at the January 12, 2009 Regular Meeting of Council:

Mufford Crescent / Glover Road

Whereas the Mufford/Glover Overpass is a significant development and financial project, and all of Council should hear from the public on this matter; therefore

Be it resolved that a public hearing style of Council meeting be held following the open houses so that all members of Council can hear from the residents.

LR Editor's Note: Not bad...short and to the point!

Councillor Kositsky presented the following Notice of Motion within the deadlines according to Council’s Policy:

Mufford Crescent / Glover Road
Whereas a lot of time, energy and money has been spent on trying to address the traffic safety issues surrounding the T-intersection at Mufford Crescent and Highway 10; and

Whereas Langley Township has been preparing various options to take to the public for consideration and review, including presentations to Council from citizen groups and individuals; and

Whereas all of those options involve using farmland and sensitive environmental areas; and

Whereas the Township of Langley will be facing critical financial challenges due to the global economic downturn - and the federal and provincial governments are talking about looming deficits, forcing local governments to carefully evaluate their priorities; and

Whereas the majority of the traffic safety problems and congestion at the T-intersection are caused by having two railway crossings too close together;

Be it resolved that Langley Township Council direct staff for safety purposes to close the T-intersection at Mufford Crescent, such as putting up proper fencing along the tracks and/or cement blocks to impede traffic; and

That Mufford Crescent become a local traffic only road, making it safer for existing businesses to operate, with a cul-de-sac created (as necessary) west of the train tracks and an alternate route be explored with Langley City to allow traffic to flow back to the Highway 10 Bypass through 62nd Avenue; and

That any Township of Langley funds currently set aside for the proposed Mufford overpass and new road project be directed to improvements to 208th Street from the 62nd Avenue border with the City to 96th Avenue, where there will be connections with the Golden Ears Bridge; and

That the 208th Street upgrade also include completing the 208th Street Highway One overpass to full interchange status, expanding it to four lanes and creating on and off ramps, as it was designed for; and

That the Township of Langley apply for funding to both the Gateway project, Translink and any federal government infrastructure grants for the improvements to 208th Street and highway interchange.

LR Editor's Note: OK, so Councillor Richter is no the only one to write long motions, but in this case we should all agree it was warranted based on the description required.


Anonymous said...

WOW, lucky it wasn't Richter making THAT motion.

Just proves my point that Richter=bad, all others=good regardless of the merits.

Horny Toad

Anonymous said...

HT: We guess you weill ignore the comments in the article that stated Richter's motion was short and to the point. Here is an example of the average verbose motion that ids usually presented. The readers can be the judge.


Councillor Richter presented the following Notice of Motion for consideration at the September 15, 2008 Special meeting of Council:

Exclusion of Green Party Leader

Whereas the consortium of Canadian broadcasters decided on September 2, 2008 to exclude the leader of the Green Party from the national leaders debate for the 2008 federal election;

Whereas the leader of the Green Party is well aware of the numerous infrastructure issues faced by Canadian municipalities and regularly participates in conferences and meetings hosted by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM);

Whereas the leader of the Green Party is the only woman leader of a national party in Canada and is therefore a role model for young women and women in politics throughout this country;

Whereas there is a need to involve more young people in the democratic process
and exclusion of the Green Party from the leaders’ debates could hinder this and further alienate young voters;

Whereas Canada is a democracy and as a democracy should ensure all viable
political options are included in a fair and open debate;

Therefore be it resolved that the Council of the Township of Langley write to the consortium of Canadian broadcasters requesting them to reconsider and reverse their decision to exclude the leader of the Green Party from the Leaders’ Election
2008 debate in the interests of democracy and fair play;

Be it further resolved that the Council of the Township of Langley write to the leaders of the other federal parties requesting them to lobby the consortium of Canadian broadcasters to reverse their decision about excluding the leader of the Green Party thereby showing good faith in all their claims to want to involve more women in politics;

Finally, be it resolved that a copy of this motion and a request to other municipalities to pass a similar resolution be sent from the Township of Langley to all member municipalities in the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.

LR EDITOR'S NOTE: As anyone can plainly see, this differs greatly from Councillor Kositsky's Notice of Motion because Kositsky addressed a rather complex issue that needs clarification, where is the Richter motion was common sense and required very little explanation or a reminder that Canada is a democracy. Of course HT will put on her rose coloured glasses and argue the point now in support of the slate.

Anonymous said...

Richter is plain and simple out of control now that she has finally found a sudo-ali in the new mayor. I will watch this relationship unfold but we all know what will happen, it is just a matter of time and maybe 'Sports Action' can give us a line on who will be dumping who.
Her strategy of putting notice of motions as letters to the editor and now encouraging online petitions is rather contrite and for someone so experienced simply poor politics. Her efforts haven't got any more value than a snow plow in h____!