It is doubtful that even a fraction of the commentors to that other blog even attend the public meetings, yet they are able to read a particular Langley newspaper (who's editor supported the Green slate) and tell us that we are wrong in our reporting.
The mayor's support for the Valtac group is very clear. He insisted that Valtac's "J" alignment (that benefits insiders) be posted at the ToL funded (read taxpayer-funded) open house. If we are wrong about the Valtac group shamelessly hijacking the taxpayer's public open house for their personal evangelism campaign, then why does this picture appear in the Langley Advance? The slate is trying very hard to shape public opinion about this blog, who is behind it, and the facts that we present. Their efforts are futile, as only an idiot will not look at the other half of the story when both are being presented to them. Connecting this blog to those they hate only satisfies their desire to discredit and mask the facts that we report to you. This smear attampt all flows from a single individual that believes he is a "political strategist". Howver, over the years he has failed miserably to deliver any political prize, other than a council seat.
You know you have struck a nerve with the slate when they try to discredit you, call you names that are unfounded. One can see from the picture above, this unfounded name-calling just goes hand-in-hand with bullying. You will also note that Horny Toad, et al don't post here anymore, or at least don't put their names to the posts. Apparently the slate was threatened by the arguements (based on fact) and snuffed out free speech by telling these supports know they shouldn't post here. That;'s fine with us as we have better things to do with our time than to keep responding to requests for more information or details that they don't listen to anyway!
Regardless of who does or does not post comments here, The Langley Record will continue to have monitors at various public meetings and we will continue to post the facts. If you want one sided news, then feel free to read and post your comments to the single other blog that is 100% supporting a candidate and who hides the real editor's name so they can post things they accuse others of. Whether or not you post here, we will continue to publish the facts. We see from the third-party blog stats that we are being read daily by a significant number of people that spend more than 4 minutes on this blog, which indicates that people are coming here and actually reading things.
Again, if we are being libelous, then there people should either file for litigation now or just keep quiet. Huffing and puffing with threats does not make this Editorial Board shake and quiver in the least. The sheer fact that they flap the jaw on threats of legal action only solidifies the fact that they have no real professional legal advice behind their blog. Lawyers write a letter and commence action. It's all a house of cards on their part and another ploy of the "master mind that wasn't". The slate has been exposed and they are very angry. But they are angry folks to begin with. The slate boat will rip apart when the honeymoon ends and one will throw the other under the bus before long. Keep watching and remember that freedom of speech is a basic human right and you shouldn't allow bullies to rule your life.
Interesting comment because in fact I have had posted comments rejected (some very recently) by the 'other' blog's editor who has choosen by his editorial right to not post them. Freedom of speech and presenting other opinions is not an option with that blog. Say anything contrary and it just doesn't appear......interesting how they (the other blog)continually twist things.
I once posted something on that "other blog" and was shocked what had happened. The editor of that blog took what I said and twisted it. Instead of a negative comment about a person (that was unnamed), the editor twisted my comment to make it appear that I supported this person!
I love how that "strategist" you talk about intends to review the Langley political blogs and make his pronouncements as if he knows anything. Everyone knows he promoted and encouraged that 4th blog and now he is trying to back away from that.
The same happened to me. I had been critical of a department and my comments were twisted to support said department.
I love how they pretend Langley is stupid and hide behind an "editor" when the site and the comment system are both registered to Bob Richter, and they use the same email system as Kooky Kim.
I also love that they keep ragging on Bateman for selfpromotion but they have never done anything but be a Richter lovefest. I guess they have to or he will be sleeping on the couch.
The other blog editor is really going nuts posting comments that are obviously his own like school kid photos being used, etc. He hates it that most of the posts were about your blog and people wrote nothing on the topic he posted. He had to plead with those folks not to come here or post here. He sayd you lie and such, but its all just a smear campaign of his to get the slate people to avoid this site. Of course we all know what that will do. Keep up the good work big 'ol dog!
That other blogger wouldn't give the URL and so I just did a simple Google search and found you. Now I see why hthey don't want people to come here and it is because you are reporting on the other side of most of his stories. I'll be a regular here from now on. It's nice to get the scoop from a non-politician. Us Brits have a name for those other guys...we call them a "wanker" or a "tosser". I think they are the later.
Kooky Kim and Badmouth Bob are only out for one thing: advancing Kooky Kim's career.
That site is garbage. Thanks for giving us an outlet to expose her and her dear husband on.
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