The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 24, 2009 Standing Finance Committee Unmeeting

Guest Editor Commentary

The “Workshop” Fiasco

The latest Finance committee meeting began with an explanation, kindly presented by Mr. Bakken. Regarding the difference between a meeting- to which the public would be granted access to, unless meeting strict rules of exceptions (none of which this finance committee meetings would pertain to) and a “workshop” or “Social Gathering”- to which the Mayor and his committee could decide who was given permission to attend. To be considered a “Workshop” it must meet some criteria, it is informal, with no recommendations made and no decisions made by committee members. After everyone was made clear the differences, Mayor Green gave a recommendation of having a private “workshop” and clarified with Bakken that they could hold this “workshop” and speak informally. Green then explained to the committee that they would have this “workshop” then meet again once more having a formal committee meeting on March 3rd, just prier to (that same day) their recommendations being presented to council. They would then formally vote on their recommendations allowing for the report to be finalized.

Now I am just a Langley Township citizen and have no council experience, but even to me something does not add up. How could the committee have a “workshop” where no recommendations where made and no decisions were made, that allowed the committee to then only require a short meeting to formalize things by a vote? From what I could see they were in need of a lot of recommendations and had a lot of decisions to be made. In fact, Counsellor Richter asked for Mr. Bakken to attend. To assist in all those decisions? maybe make a few recommendations? To which Mr. Bakken responded, he would be “cautious” of that. Adding: “ My fear is if staff is present for a protracted time it may appear we are doing business”

Committee member George Luciani reiterated the need for some help in the matter and in not so many words, added the need for someone who knows what they are doing. How does a committee go from that, to being prepared to submit their recommendations to council? All from a “workshop” where no recommendations were made and no decisions. Seems a little suspicious to me!

I sympathize with the committee, and would certainly not want to be in their shoes. There is no arguing they need a “ roll up your sleeves meeting” but the point is, to gain any head way, it would have to come in the form of a meeting, not a “workshop”. And it is clear the public and media should be allowed to be there to witness it. Why hide behind closed doors? What is the secret?

Read Al Irwin's Account of today's meeting here and last Saturday here.

The Full Statement Delivered Today By Councillor Steve Ferguson Read to the committee before excusing himself from today's unmeeting

Submission to the Mayor's Standing Committee on Finance

Over the last few months and approximate 9 meetings we, the finance committee as a group, have had the opportunity to view the Township of Langley's 2009 budget and beyond. There have been submissions from the staff at the Township of Langley from various departments by means of hard copy (printed materials), overhead/video presentations, and general dialogue.

We have also had one presentation from Mr. Bruce Maitland regarding a Land Trust Fund, and Community Amenities Contributions. Out of that presentation brought many questions about including a Cost of Growth Study, and how a Land Trust (endowment) Fund could be established.

We have followed a structured meeting schedule, minutes were taken, and a time line of logistical next steps for proceeding were followed. We have been told by Council that they wish an initial presentation on the recommendations of the committee at a joint Finance Committee/Council Priorities meeting on Tuesday March 03, 2009.

An array of questions have been asked, and supplemental information has been requested of staff and consequently received at other meetings. Staff have made themselves available either by telephone (which I have taken advantage of) or by email to answer any questions or queries that committee members may have had during our meetings.

Committee members have been asked to provide input/thoughts and or recommendations (as I have done) that can indeed be forwarded to Township Council for review. These suggestions will form part of the general discussions that Township Council can consider when discussing the entire budget for 2009 and beyond.

Members of the community and media have attended our finance committee meetings. Many of them have respectfully, outside of meeting times, asked questions regarding both process and information presented during the meetings.

The public has been made aware of some of the discussion by means of the local media. The minutes and reports presented during the meetings are available upon request from the clerks office.

I am more than prepared to continue meeting with the Mayor's Standing Committee of Finance under the same format that we have used during the last 9 meetings, however, I am NOT prepared to meet behind closed doors where the public is not invited.

The Township of Langley Budget process has always had an OPEN door environment. Those that were interested or were concerned about the way items are budgeted and accounted for in the Township have attended the meetings. The media has always kept the public aware of our findings and for the most part kept up accountable.

I believe in Open and Transparent government. This makes me accountable to the very people that elected me, the Taxpayers of the Township of Langley. I do not support Closed door meetings where the public is kept in the dark as to what is being discussed.

I am more than prepared to meet and discuss recommendations during our regularly scheduled meetings of the Finance committee, however, as stated above, I will not attend any closed door meetings that do not include the public.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Ferguson
Councillor - Township of Langley


Anonymous said...

Fellow citizens, I am sincerely proud of Councillor Steve Ferguson for taking the stand he has for having open and transparent public meetings.

Anonymous said...

Here! Here! And let us not forget Councillor Grant Ward who gets assaulted by the haters for standing up for what is right and true. The Green-Richter Slate talk about all that, but talk is cheap as witnessed by today's Green search for a motion to move into hiding and Richter's offering of that motion.

Anonymous said...

This here is really the point of all the fuss. "How could the committee have a “workshop” where no recommendations where made and no decisions were made, that allowed the committee to then only require a short meeting to formalize things by a vote? From what I could see they were in need of a lot of recommendations and had a lot of decisions to be made. In fact, Counsellor Richter asked for Mr. Bakken to attend. To assist in all those decisions? maybe make a few recommendations?"

Tricky Ricky was the one who promised a new era of openness, transparency and accountability and now he has broken that promise or at least tried twice to break it.

Why is he hiding? Just have the meeting out in the open and let your committee work, Tricky Ricky.

Anonymous said...

Reading this I see Steve's point very clearly. Green needs to change his ways.

Anonymous said...


Green and Richter must think that the public is stupid.

I am for open transparency in this process.

What is there to hide? Shouldn't I be allowed to make up my own mind during these discussions.

Anonymous said...

I love it. Is it a workshop or is it a meeting or is it a circus.

I vote for circus.

What I find quite funny is that Ward was able to keep the door closed on Bob. I wish I was there.

On a serious note, this finance committee will get no respect by the public if it cannot work together.

Whether Steve picked up the email or not, you don't hold impromptu meetings. People need notification in order to plan for the meeting.

Anonymous said...

Get him Steve - you hold the hammer and have the integrity!
This guy and his antics are a farce.....I question why some 6,000+ people in my community are so ignorant as to vote for him! The Pam and Sam show must be proud of the way he runs business!

Anonymous said...

Get him Steve - you hold the hammer and have the integrity!
This guy and his antics are a farce.....I question why some 6,000+ people in my community are so ignorant as to vote for him! The Pam and Sam show must be proud of the way he runs business!

Anonymous said...

Boom, boom smash! Steve hit several good ones while worked the controls.