At 3:15 PM ToL Administrator Mark Bakken presented the rules for a "workshop". They include "informal discussions with no decisions being made". Listen to the recording from the other day and tell us that in preparing a report for council this committee will not funnel things down and make decisions on what will be sent to ToL Council? The committee gets 9 weeks to chew on the budget and what can be done and ToL Council only get 3 weeks and they are the only ones that can make final budget decisions? What's wroing with that picture?
The great thing is, the entire Township of Langley now knows that Councillor Kim Richter and her slate sidekick Mayor Green totally favours closed-door meetings. It was fully evident in her motion today to take the Standing Finance Committee meeting into a closed meeting and a vote that included support from Mayor Green, with ONLY Councillor Ferguson opposed to a closed door meeting.
Our Guest Editor is preparing an article on this meeting and we are going to wait and let the other blog spew their spin first. I can assure you that our guest is far more articulate and bright than the wannabe editor of that other blog ever will be.
I don't know what occurred today, but let me guess.
Richter, not trying to offend her so-called leader Green, would softly attempt to deflect broaches of Green's ineptitudes into the in-camera 'workshop' ventures where everyone, but the committee members, would be allowed to attend today.(?)
I say this in view of her defence of Green's advid stand at last Monday's Council meeting. Am I right? Stay tuned, folks!
Probably a fair assessment. We hear there was elevator and vehicular movement, but that could have been a smokescreen for a "home workshop" at Rick's place. One thing is certain with this wasn't a Home Church Meeting!
Kooky Kimmy is a hypocrite but she always has been on votes like this.
Are you sure it is not a church meeting? It sounds like Green is preaching to his choir at that committee.
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