The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Outrage! News Circulates in Langley Township

********** HOT Newswire **********

The Editorial Board of the Langley Record received numerous phone calls and information last night from very outraged Township of Langley residents. Apparently some VERY disturbing communication was distributed by a member of our community. This communique was very unexpected, as this person had been enjoying increased credibility.

The LR Board is still gathering details and specifics and will have a complete report to you by the end of this weekend. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Come on - spill the beans baby. You always have the juicy goods on some aspect of life in this town. The last expose on the wannabe journalist was a hoot......what is on the burner now baby! it about who was at Mary Polaks fundraiser last night?
Come on tell me the Richters were there (with or without the video camera), Mayor Green was there?
These hypocritics are unbelievable!
Hack them in the press (acuse them of being bullies etc.)and then join in the fun as best buddies!

Fess up editor, we can't wait for the latest especially on Valentines Day

Anonymous said...

Hmm... Can't tell yet my friend as we are still cross-checking our facts to ensure the reliability of the communique.

All of the Langley Record's 15 Editorial Board members were present at Mary Polak's gala event. The Richters were not spotted by our people. Maybe the tripod didn't have a suit to wear?

The REAL hoot last night had to be Rod McFarlane from the School Board being there after all the bashing his slate did of Mary and Rich. Can you believe how hypocritical they are! You'd think he would learn something about politics if they are going to be in it.

Mayor Green was present and it was interesting that shortly after Mary's speech that included comments about mayors and councils supporting infrastructure projects like the Mufford Overpass, Mayor Green left the building faster than you can say ELVIS.

Anonymous said...

My only response to that would be a mathematical equation:Green + partner $ + infrastructure = not happening! Why ? it is all related to who funded his campaign and who his best friends are. Look at his so called 'transperant' finance committee - with *** the T** H****** coffee man making financial decisions on behalf of the mayor and the citizens of Langley - a joke!

LR EDITOR: Let's watch the comments about little guys, shall we? While we have been questioning the qualifications of this "well-qualified" committee and have know about the employment status of the one you mentioned, we chose not to publish that out of respect and pity.