******** BREAKING NEWS [Imagine That] **************
From Guest Editorial Board Monitor
Strange sighting indeed, at about 7:10 pm last night my wife witnessed [Blog Name Censored] "Editor", Bob Richter strutting across the ACSS parking lot with video camera and tripod in hand. His facial expression one of disgust and the look in his eyes one of a defeated man. I was inside and saw the saga unfold.
Earlier The Follower had entered the 'Town Hall' meeting hosted by the four PAC's of the local Aldergrove schools. It was clear that the event organizers had made a decision prior to the meeting that the press were welcome to take still photos and notes as they saw fit but the PAC EXECUTIVES had mandated there would be no video or audio recordings of the meeting. Speakers were encouraged by moderator, Howie Vickberg, (who did a fine job as expected) to leave a copy of their speeches for the record with the time keepers.
It was observed by two local school officials that this gentleman was setting up his video camera. They went over to him and respectfully requested he cease setting up as the decision had been made by the organizers that video taping was not allowed. Explaining he was with 'the press' as "editor" of [Blog Name Censored], the two individuals were no more impressed and suggested he could stay and take notes or leave.
A brief verbal exchange occurred which, my humble opinion,was very disrespectful to the organizers and their earlier decision as communicated by the two interventionists.
Yes, there were other press there, in fact several, but they respected the request of the organizers and stayed for the whole meeting to hear the presentations. The [Blog Name Censored] videographer, did not have the decency or respect for the Aldergrove community to stay and at least listen to the many varied and well presented speeches. I guess without his trustee (no pun intended) video camera he can't really be much of a 'press' member.
The speeches, and there were some 27 of them were excellent. Parents, PAC members, community members, students all spoke in a very respectful manner.. They were passionate about the previous decision and unanimous in their support of Betty Gilbert transitioning to a middle school in September 2009. Many spoke directly to Trustee Bech and Cody and clearly indicated their distrust with the decision reversal and their lack of credibility with the Aldergrove Community.
Several spoke to the motion put forth by the absent trustee Johnson and the fact that most of the points in her motion had to so with residual issues form the HD Stafford decision and had NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ALDERGROVE COMMUNITY'S support and desire to move in to a middle school model. Families have moved houses, moved schools, changed jobs, daycares have moved, this has been a full two year consultative process which Aldergrove has bought in to BY THEIR OWN CHOICE! Why then do they get dragged in to the Stafford mess and be reluctant (in fact frustrated) recipients of a decision made in a completely different part of the District. "We are unique", "We are a different community than the Stafford community" rang through many of the speeches.
The Follower was not there to report but in fact the level of decorum, respect and sensitivity was unbelievable and certainly shone well above the decorum of many if not all the meetings held by the HD Stafford parents/community.
Kudos to the Aldergrove Community and a message to the new Mayor and others, the over 200 Aldergrove folks can work as a team and be passionate, just give them an issue. Hopefully the message got through and the two flip/flop trustees, (Cody and Bech), who have alot to be accountable for, and new Trustee McFarlane, who has no idea of the culture and ethos of the Aldergrove Community, will do what's best for Aldergrove, be open and transperant, have listened to the community as they promised to do and reverse the parts of this motion that clearly or not well founded and holding a community and over 2,100 students in a lurch.
Lastly, maybe the [Blog Name Censored] will get a well-credentialed reporter and not rely on the man with the video camera and nothing else in his tool kit. At least he could have stayed long enough to be able to report accurately on the meeting and it's content and reported such on his ill-informed blog! Substance is a BIG part of journalism.
PS - apparently Trustee Cody was absolutely furious after the meeting at being singled out by the speakers - what does she expect! -Bob this was NOT YOUR MEETING! It's not about YOU.
I was there, saw it and this account certainly is more authentic than the 'other' blogs report. I guess Big Bob (wasn't that the Bull at Aldor Acres) got a lick'n and he ain't goin' down without kick'n.
Big Bob for 'bull' of the year and maybe as suggested you can have your own meeting and then set the rules and video yourself! (I guess Kimmy would attend)
#1 rule of bullying - can't understand the word "NO("!
This account makes a lot more sense then the pack of nonsense over on Bob Richter's website. Keep killing Kooky Kim's vote count, Bobbo!
I hope the Aldergrove parents sang "Na na na na! Hey hey heeeeey goodbyyyeeeee! when they turfed Kooky Kim's propoganda spousal spinmeister.
I read Big Bob's whinearama and think your point is a good one. This is not about Bob, Kim Richter or HD Stafford. It is about my kids and their future. Give us our middle school!
What kind of "reporter" or "editor" can not take notes? I guess the LFP Editor needs to use his camera because he has no credibility of his own.
How come he forgot to mention Kim in that post? He is slipping!
I guess it's safe to presume that Kim Richter is a supporter of the Wendy Johnson slate. I will never forgive or forget them for what they are trying to do to my son's education.
The Aldergrove Star did a story on the meeting. Kurt Langman captured it perfectly without even needing a video camera.
Leave our middle school out of this, Stafford parents!
I brought my vid-cam that night but didn't use it because I was asked not to. That's not unusual. In this day of privacy and anti-stalking laws, which are constantly evolving, there are grey areas regarding photographing and even quoting parties against their will, and I have to be a bit of a hip-pocket lawyer to protect myself from suits.
Be aware that fairly recent legislation has set strict parameters regarding schoolgrounds versus truly public spaces such as school board offices. The rules are different.
I leave you with a couple paragraphs from a comment piece I wrote last year on the subject:
"Celebrities such as Björk have been known to physically assault paparazzi she’s accused of stalking her, or of getting too close to her young child. (Although, considering that an overwrought fan once tried to kill her with a letter bomb before committing suicide himself, one can understand why Björk might over-react on occasion. After all, Mark David Chapman was clutching a Beatles album when he pumped those fatal bullets into John Lennon in 1980.)"
“Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is currently suing Australian paparazzi Darryn Lyons for photographing her son in public, in what could turn out to be a landmark privacy case. (Lyons was fined $1.2 million by a British court last year for photographing actress-model Liz Hurley without permission, so we're not talking chump change here.)"
So I tend to play safe, err on the side of caution, particularly when children might be present.
VERY good points Kurt and well presented. Based on what you say here, we have also removed what was to be a little funny picture from a few posts ago. Sobering!
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