The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Township Council Agenda for Monday With Commentary

"It's OK Rick we need to get to council now.
Mr. Bakken will help you chair the meeting." --Kim

Here are the agendas for TOL Council for Monday, February 2, 2009

3:00pm Special Meeting

Last Minutes - Doc 1

Doc 2

Doc 3

Doc 4

Doc 5

Doc 6

Doc 7

Doc 8

Doc 9

Doc 10

7:00pm Regular Meeting

Last Minutes - Doc 1

Doc 2

Doc 3

Doc 4

Commentary From The Langley Record Editors

You will note in the list of motions below that Councillor Kim Richter once again is trying to meddle in RCMP/Police business. This is at least the third time in a few months that Coun. Richter ihas tried to interfere with our justice system, as if the Langley RCMP don’t know how to do their jobs.

In late 2008 there was a delegate to TOL Council who wanted council to instruct the RCMP to investigate a matter that the RCMP had previously reviewed and determined it to be unfounded. During this delegation a TOL Bylaws Officer was asked to stand by in council chambers, in case of incident, as there were some safety concerns. Later councilors told us that they had intended to listen to the delegate, but as the RCMP had already offered their professional opinion, council felt it inappropriate to tell the RCMP how to do their job. Councillor Richter ignored the safety of her fellow councilors and broke from rank to offer a motion, which was not seconded. Fortunately the delegate left council chambers without incident due to the Bylaws office being present.

It is NOT appropriate for politicians to TELL the RCMP how to do their jobs. We are at a total loss to explain why this councillor thinks it is OK for politicians to control the police. It is a VERY slippery slope and this is NOT a good precedent. Would Coun. Richter be OK with the RCMP coming in to a council meeting and telling them what to do? This is BAD politics folks, and politicians have no business telling police professionals how to do their jobs. This is why the TOL Charter and other such charters prohibit a police board.



At the January 19, 2009 Regular Meeting of Council Councillor Richter provided the following Notice of Motions:

Paul Houweling
That Council refer Mr. Houweling’s delegation request to the RCMP to address his concerns as best as they can.

Brown's Pit
Whereas opening the Brown’s Pit for gravel extraction will create considerable difficulties in the surrounding neighbourhood and could significantly and adversely impact water quality and quantity in the Hopington aquifer; therefore

Be it resolved that the material from the Brown’s Pit delegations of January 19, 2009 be referred to staff for a report and a recommended action plan to stop the re-opening of this pit for gravel extraction.

At the January 19, 2009 Regular Meeting of Council Councillor Kositsky provided the following Notice of Motions:

Metro Vancouver Board of Directors
Whereas representation on the Metro Vancouver (Greater Vancouver Regional District) Board of Directors increases when a community passes the 100,000 mark in population; and

Whereas UBCM now lists the Township of Langley as having a population of 100,575 people calculated using population estimates (December 2007 release) provided by BC STATS, the central statistical agency of the Province of British Columbia;

Be it resolved that the Township of Langley formally apply to the regional district to increase its representation on the Board of Directors.

Emergency Response
Whereas members of Council expressed concern at the January 12, 2009 Council meetings regarding the service provided by our emergency personnel during the snow and flood period of December 13, 2008 to January 12, 2009; and

Whereas there were no representatives in the Council Chamber to respond to remarks and questions;

Be it resolved that Township of Langley Council direct staff to write to the heads of police, fire and ambulance services in the Township of Langley requesting a written report from each party and asking for comments on:

• Any emergency incidents which occurred during this period;
• What challenges were experienced due to road conditions;
• What suggestions they can offer for improvements and coordination between public works and emergency services.


Anonymous said...

Can you say Robert Drakanski?

Anonymous said...

"It is NOT appropriate for politicians to TELL the RCMP how to do their jobs. We are at a total loss to explain why this councillor thinks it is OK for politicians to control the police. It is a VERY slippery slope and this is NOT a good precedent. Would Coun. Richter be OK with the RCMP coming in to a council meeting and telling them what to do? This is BAD politics folks, and politicians have no business telling police professionals how to do their jobs. This is why the TOL Charter and other such charters prohibit a police board."

Exactly! First there is Kooky Kim going off telling the police what to investigate and now we have her slate mate Tricky Rick Green telling the police that he will personally hire private security firms.

Are these two for real? Let the professionals do their job! Kooky and Tricky's job is to get them the resources they need, not tell them how to do their job or what to investigate.

Anonymous said...

Kooky? I always thought it was Kommie Kim, no? The editor blocked my last Kommie Kim post, but as that other blog posts all kinds of names and accuses you of what they do, I think you should publish this. I've spoken with several people and based on the other editor's posts and what he gets away with, we think the Langley Record is being way too polite. Go get them!

Anonymous said...

A picture is worth a thousand words!!!

Just love your comic.

Got the hiccups!


Anonymous said...

Your cartoon is wrong as Tricky Ricky thinks his name is Mister Bacon.