We have also confirmed that as of March 20th the public will have full access to more information on what Mayor Green has done and you can be certain that we will publish it all here. Stay tuned!
The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.
Friday, March 6, 2009
It Is Confirmed - Mayor Green's Hearing Has Failed
This letter from a very senior Ministry of Transportation official states very clearly that if the Township chooses to reject the Mufford/64th Overpass, the funding will go elsewhere to other priorities. The letter also makes it very clear that there are no opportunities for a redesign. End of story. Mayor Green's stall tactics (perhaps hoping for a quick GVRD report?) have backfired on him. He now looks very foolish to senior levels of government for this silly stunt of his. You can be sure that this council will not be so trusting with him again.
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Well Mayor Green - get the message, your sabotage isn't standing up! First the Cuimmins (old bussy) trick, then the Metro vancouver sbversive motion, then the defferal because you heard (not in writing) that a deferral would result in a new alignment. WHAT NEXT ON THE STALL TACKTIC LIST!
Get on with it Council, make a decision, the letters are crystal clear to me a neophite citizen of the Township - if this passes (hopefully it will) only the Mayor and Richter (his slatemate who has been curiously silent) are the loosers!
Well that is that. Time to vote Yer Wership.
Comment- I notice how a certain blog has NOT even waded in to mentioning the most recent documents. They must be in stunned silence, unable to face the reality of the decision that their favorite Cllr. has to make. As noted before - she said and you quoted it, we would be foolish to throw the money away, not it is decision time and they have simply gone quiet, underground like a mole! Hummmmmmmmm, mole one says, is that a comparison or contrast?
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