The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mayor Green Ignores His Promise of Transparency - Once AGAIN


3/4/09 @ 6:00pm SEE Update I at the end of this article!

This rookie mayor just can't hold himself back from acting in secret and being anything but transparent to the people of the Township of Langley, nor the elected council. The Editorial Board of the Langley Record has just learned that Mayor Rick Green acted in secret in getting the Mufford/64th Overpass onto the agenda of the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) Regular Meeting of Friday, February 27, 2009. Mayor Green is the Township's primary representative and director. 

Cover of Agenda here (click documents to enlarge):

Note Agenda Item 4.3 here:

Mayor Green issues a Mayor's Report at every regular meeting of Township Council. In this document, which is his first report after the GVRD meeting he makes no mention of his motion at the GVRD meeting, despite the Mufford/64th Overpass staff report coming before council that very evening for review. Here is the mayor's report in its entirety.

This mayor ran on a loud and clear platform of openess and transparency. Yet despite all the rhetoric, he has called closed-door meetings that not only excluded the public and the press, but also our very own councillors that were also elected to serve our best interests.

To add insult to injury, the mayor held another secret meeting in his office Tuesday afternoon with Standing Finance Committee members Mayor Rick Green, Councillor Kim Richter, Calvin Patterson and George Luciani, just after their meeting with council. Councillor Steve Ferguson, who is also a member of this committee, was never advised of that this non-public meeting would be held in the mayor's office. Apparently this secret meeting did not require a motion in public to go behind closed doors, as was offered in the last Finance Committee meeting by Councillor Kim Richter, before the committee's report was issued. 

Secret meetings in the mayor's office. Hidden motions being put forth by our mayor when a poll clearly shows the majority of ToL residents favour an overpass.  The slate pandering to insiders and campaign buddies.

How can any citizen in the Township of Langley fault our ToL Council members for not trusting Mayor Rick Green and his slate, or for not taking him at face value? Shame on Mayor Rick Green for failing to keep our council appraised of his activities, as he purports to represent the interests of ALL of the citizens of the Township of Langley in meetings with other agencies and boards. 

Yes, Mayor Green is having a great time as stated in his Mayor's Report all right. But this great time is all at the expense of our residents, elected council and openess and transparency. 

Update I - 3/4/09 @ 6:00pm

Apparently Mayor Green has been playing Secret Squirrel at the GVRD longer than we thought. Click document to enlarge. 


Anonymous said...

I thought now that the report had been accepted at the Tuesday meeting that the Finance Committee was done and their work completed. They have no further mandate do they. It will be nice to see the end of them so the elected officials can do the work ahead. Thanks goodness it is over!
Editor....please don't tell me this committee is going to continue - please!
Another piXXXX-off Langley Resident

Anonymous said...

Dear PiXXXX-off langley Resident:

Sorry to break the news to you, but Mayor Green and Councillor Richter very much wish this committee to continue to waste your money and mine on this Mayor's Standing Finance Committee.

In fact, the final report calls for a tax increase, despite the promise of ZERO-ZERO-ZERO. And just as we predicted, Mayor Green and the committee blame the world economy as the driver of this need. We say a loud BULLSHIT !

Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember Councillor Ward's Letter to the Editor of either the Advance or Times, possibly both, the last week of November? You should try and find it. It was RIGHT ON. You called it Councillor Ward. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Why does Tricky Ricky insist on hiding things from the public? He should be ashamed of himself. What else is Tricky Ricky hiding?

Anonymous said...

I voted for Rick Green because I thought he would bring change to Langley but it now seems he has brought all the wrong change. Hidden plans, secret meetings is why I voted Alberts out.

I will not make the mistake of voting for Green again. I hope Fox or Bateman step up and run. They will have my support and the support of thousands of others.

Anonymous said...

The rest of council should vote to pull his appointment to that board. Put Long in there instead.

Anonymous said...

Secrets, secrets, secrets, secrets. What happened to you Mayor Green? You are acting entirely opposite to what you promised voters. Did you fall on your head on election night or something?