The Mufford/64th Overpass vote on Monday shows us another clear reason why Councillor Kim Richter is not mayor material and would only hold back the Township of Langley.
Cllr. Richter lives in central Langley and is completely out of touch with our urban Langley. There is a balance in our community, but the fact is that the majority of our population lives within the urban 20% of our Township. Richter is completely out of touch with urban Langley and makes decisions as though she despises or resents urban Langley for even being part of the ToL.
Not long ago, Councillor Richter suggested that due to the number of accidents on 200th Street, speed limits should be reduced. One has to wonder with comments like that, just how many times per year Cllr. Richter even travels along 200th Street. Maybe 2-3 times per year? Had Richter travelled on 200th Street she would know very well that with the sheer amount of traffic on 200th, probability alone would say there would be more accidents! Reducing speed limits is also a very foolish suggestion, as traffic often moves at or below the speed limit much of the day due to volume, unless you are talking about 2am.
Councillor Kim Richter - Just not Township mayoral material. More reasons to come!
There are tons of reasons so this could be a long thread of reasons. Why not mention the flip/flop n nthe overpass from the all-candidates meeting in November (12th) to the vote Monday. She is somewhat unpredictable to say the least.
She wanted abortions performed at Langley Hospital.
She ran with Glen Clark and the NDP.
She ran with Paul Martin and the crooked Liberals.
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