The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Gymnastics, Flipflop, Noticed Absence and Bateman Rules

Last weekend a very important event happened in Langley Township that has gone unreported.

The innaugral event of the new Langley Events Center was celebrated in Willoughby, the BC Gymnastics Championships.

Township Mayor Rick Green gave a speech along with Premier Gordon Campbell, praising the building. After the ceremony one senior sports group member was heard to say that; "Bateman should be unveiling the Events Centre, not Green, because there would not have been any Events Centre in the Township yet if it wasn't for him."

This Editor is amazed that only Cllrs. Bateman, Ward, Ferguson, Dornan, Kositsky and Fox joined Mayor Green at this Events Centre unveiling reception. This did not go unnoticed by the sports attendees and many considered this a snub by the missing Richter. These sports families live and vote in Langley and the last Langley municipal election showed they were particularly supportive of Bateman and his efforts for local sports. This Editor wonders if the sports groups will endorse his team and him for Mayor come November 2011, punishing Cllr. Richter for her snub and Mayor Green for his obvious flipflop?

With apology to


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Richter is so trite - she loves to be loved but hates to make the right choices at the right time and that includes being there to support the cause. In fairness things go better wot coke and without Richter!

Anonymous said...

What a joke that post was that Richter had on her blog about the Fire Department!! Where is her support now!! There seems to be a trend here!!!

Anonymous said...

I was at the opening and it was sickening to here Tricky Ricky suck up to the sports crowd by pretending he liked and supported the Events Center.

I guess it is another flip flop for the Rickster. Add it to the list with 0/0/0 but voted for 1% and dollar a foot airport leases but voted for thrity cents.

Anonymous said...

I'm a gymnastics parent and we know who was for the Events Center and who wasn't and we will remind everyone at the next election.

Go Bateman Go!

Fool me once... said...

You're right, Richter is a trite opportunist to the tenth degree. She always has been.

Remember when she wanted to be first and foremost promoting a full time fire department in 2007 and, as seen during the IAFF 4550 Union Charter presentation, she stepped in front of then Mayor Alberts to have her photo taken just to splash on her website as if she alone established the full time fire service? And, since then not voting on the Budget or not showing up to vote at all, such as last Monday? Is this supporting 'her' fire depart?

Anonymous said...

We need to continue to spread the word about these two.

Political Opportunist....Richter especially.

Going after sport user groups and fire fighters is a big mistake.

You may get support from the Milnerites which are a few hundred....but the sport user groups and the firefighters are in the thousands.