The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Big Snow Job In The Township of Langley

By Special Editor Conrad Dolenz

The Langley Mimes website has a report today by Al Irwin on how much it will cost to upgrade road snow removal -- $575,000. The staff report with this information was before council on March 23, 2009. The Town budget then had not yet been adopted, Mayor Green, his tight-bunned sidekick, and their naive civilian finance committee members were still suggesting that a 0.93 per cent tax increase would be more than adequate.

And in the days after the big snowstorm, all the rural elite, including bun lady Richter herself, were whining and moaning about the pitiful snow response. Would 0.93 per cent even raise enough money to cover this enhanced snow removal program? We think not! Either reporter Al Irwin, a veteran of the Township beat, doesn't know a news story if it slaps him up the side of the head, or else the publicist is up to his old tricks, covering up for his ole buddy Ricky Green, by not publishing stories that make the old coot look bad. Yes folks, the publicist is actively censoring what you see and read. This is SOLID proof of just how deep this censorship runs. But just don't expect The Mimes to put their cards on the table for you. Its a poker face all the way.


Anonymous said...

Shame Shame times

Tammy said...

Yes, shame on those guys at The Times. What would we do without the Langley Record?

Anonymous said...

I am sure it is the later. The only good thing left at the Mimes is Al Irwin. He should be the editor as he is definitely not biased like the present Editor. Al would have likely written that story weeks ago and it sat on Bucky's 'to publish' list since then. Frankly, poor editing not writing.

Anonymous said...

This is not Halloween. Get theose scary faces off the sidebar! The only one missing is Richter and that would make a 'full house' of monsters.

Anonymous said...

Conrad - interesting sure shows Richter is an opportunist with no credibility - I guess that is why she flip flops all the time and also is a staunce NDPer. She goes on record during the snow storms to shout out loud that having all the streets in Langley cleaned in 24 hours is her goal and then vortes agaisnt the budget - does flake sound familiar - snowflake.