The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Township Council Meeting - June 1, 2009

Township Council will meet at 4:00pm tomorrow and with no in-camera meeting before the public 4:00pm session.

Monday Township Council Meeting for June 1, 2009 at 4:00pm

This week due to a compact agenda, all business will be handled in a 4:00pm session of ToL Council. There will be no 7:00pm meeting this week. Click the links below to access the documents.

Also, the Township of Langley has issued a DRAFT of its Annual Report for 2008. You can read all about the Township's finances and programs in this great report. Although citizens rarely do it, residents can send a letter to Mayor and Council through the Township clerk to comment on the Annual Report. Another avenue of public participation that people don't take full advantage of. Again, click the link to access the document.

Minutes - Special Council Meeting of May 25, 2009

Agenda - Monday Council Agenda for June 1, 2009 - @ 4:00pm


Anonymous said...

Lots of potatoe and no meat in this anything happening in the Township these days or have they shut down as per the agenda of Green and Richter?

Trevor said...

You would think that with 5 major losses on various issues they have both been proven wrong on, those two they might be getting the message?