The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Flip Flop Season At ToL Council

Summer is almost here, but it certainly is flip flop fashion season for Township of Langley Councillor Kim Richter. Monday's council meeting was one flip flop fashion display after another.

A group of Township soccer associations presented a delegation to council because a new Western Diversification grant program may provide significant funding for these groups and the Township to partner together to provide an artificial turf application to the Willoughby soccer field. Its an exciting proposition and these soccer groups are looking to raise $250K amongst themselves to make this happen.

After the delegation, Councillor Kim Richter ignored the 7 or so soccer folks that came out to present and asked the administrator to comment on whether these same grant monies could be secured for the proposed Aldergrove Pool project. HUGE flip flop here folks!

A little over one month ago a member of the Parks, Recreation & Culture Advisory Committee made a presentation to council regarding the planning of an Aldergrove Pool. Richter had her usual permanent phony smile face on and didn't say much. (Is that a smile or an attempt at holding the eyeglasses up?) But at the following council meeting, Councillor Richter attacked her follow councillors with a verbal assault about how projects like this pool, how they are a little rich for these tough economic times, and how this council must realize that when you approve projects like this pool, one has to consider that apart from the capital costs, Richter said these facilities require operating budgets (gee, no kidding?).

Richter opposed the 5% tax increase and said that she would only support a .93% tax hike. She was conveniently absent from the council meeting where there was a vote on this year's budget, even though she has never voted in favour of any budget in the ToL. We've said it before and we will say it again...Councillor Kim Richter loves to order off the dim sum menu, but she is almost certain to skip out on the funding mechanism or the bill.

More Kim Richter flip flops to follow from the last meeting. Stay tuned as we are requesting audio of the flip flops.


Anonymous said...

She is a hypocrite and every sports group in town now knows it. Time for her to retire or she will be defeated next time. Her support base of firefighters and sports parents are tired of her act.

Anonymous said...

Firefighters don't care about Kim anymore because they used her for what they wanted. They hold the power now.