*** Tuesday Morning Update ***
Ultra Vires - is a Latin phrase that literally means "beyond the powers". Its inverse is called intra vires, meaning "within the powers". It is used as a legal term in a number of common law contexts. -- Wikipedia
RE: Mayor Rick Green's Motion last night...
How can it be ultra vires to ask a large group of FCM to support this resolution? That's all Green was trying to accomplish here! All we can say about that and Richter is stultus!
We should have added that during Councillor Richter's outburst she accused Mayor Green's motion of being Ultra Vires. We thought we would provide a definition here and expand your knowledge of the Latin language.
We just received news late last night that Councillor Kim Richter put forth a major attack against Mayor Rick Green at yesterday's Township Council Meeting. Here's what we know thus far...
Mayor Green's Motion was very similar to this one by the Town of Halton Hills. We are told it was a clean motion and was very straight forward. Our sources tell us that no one on council and most especially Mayor Green expected what would happen next. Councillor Kim Richter with anger on her face we are told pressed her button with impunity to get into the speaker's queue. With her head trashing back and forth Richter declared Green's motion to be faulty and provided additional rant until Green told her that she can vote as she wishes and the motion will be debated further at FCM this week. Green then called for the vote after no other councillors wanted to speak to the motion. Mayor Green's motion was approved with only Councillor Kim Richter opposed. We are told that her rage continued after the vote with her being visibly angry at the council table.
It seems apparent from afar that Richter is distancing herself from everyone on Council including Green. It is great to see Green snuffing her out, so to speak, letting her rant, and therefore prove to an even greater degree her total lack of appreciation for the big picture, and genereally letting her carve her own path seperate from his. I seem some strategy creeping in to Green's tactics.....remove Richter from being seen as my ali!
I find it funny and profound that Richter would use the word vires...I thought it more likeshe was taking the time to describe her actions as a 'virus' or 'viral'. Take your pick.
As a taxpayer I am both alarmed and fed up with Cllr. Richter and her constant tirads and negativism. She needs to go and get someone in there that is productive for the greater good. Top bad we have another 2 1/2 years of this ill-mannered behavior.
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