A reader posted these comments under an old post and we thought we would bring her concerns front and center for all to see, instead of leaving it hidden in the March 25th subject post. As many know, there is a Tree Bylaw in the Township of Langley and we are not certain there is one in the City of Langley as we did not find anything on the website. Perhaps a Langley City Council member or someone in the know can respond to Melissa here.
Melissa Jerome has left a new comment on your post "When You Can't Have It Both Ways":
Today (May 11) at around 8:11 am, I was in traffic on 208th street near 52a Avenue when I looked to the left side of the road. As always, there was construction, but what caught my eye made me want to scream.
Years and years ago, my friend Semantha died a very tragic death and in her room there was a little potted tree. We planted this tree along the road she used to live, all 31 of her friends and myself included. This tree has stood for years and served as a private memorial to Semantha for us, even though it is just a tree. She loved that little plant and cherished it when she lived because it made her think of Christmas and happiness.
Not today.
The claws came down on our tree with ruthless speed and ripped it out of the hole we dug for it so many years ago, chucking it into the chipper. I started to cry and screamed something at them, but they didn't even look at me. That tree meant the world to us. It meant that she was always with us, through good times and bad. That tree has served more than once as a comfort, and now it is gone forever.
There was another identical tree beside it that was a bud off of the first, and that was gone by the time I saw the original one die.
Have these construction companies no mercy? This was OUR TREE. I don't care about billion dollar road deals, this tree was supposed to stand forever. We are all outraged at the fact that they would let the only greenery along this road that meant more than shade - two cone-shaped pine trees, no higher than an average man - die for the polluters of the earth.
I want answers. Why were these trees, and others along 208th, taken down, and why, when it was common sense to many people, did they tear down this memorial to our friend? This is getting to be like Avatar. All they want is a paycheck. All we wanted was for them to leave our trees alone.
This is a sad situation and I hope the City can do the right thing and meet with these folks and plant a memory tree for these young folks as a way of remembering a friend whose life was lost far to early.
Did you plant your memorial tree on your private property or did you plant YOUR tree on someone else's property? While I understand the significance of the tree, if it was not your land you really have no place to be angry when the owner decides to remove it.
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