When the Township of Langley lost former Mayor Kurt Alberts, in the opinion of our Editorial Board, we lost a significant piece of what is Langley. Under Mayor Alberts everyone was treated with respect and everyone's voice was heard. People weren't always content with the outcome of the council vote, but most felt their opinions mattered and were taken into account. Of course there will always be the fringe of malcontents that even Mother Theresa could not please, but for the most part community pride and unity was evident.
Public input sessions and open houses are now being used by some Township politicians as a clear device to stir citizen anger, distrust and ultimately community disunity. Neighbour is suddenly against neighbour. People are allowed to act out in the public hearings that are an extension of council. Like a sideshow, the Chair (Mayor Rick Green) allows applause and booing. Disrespectful people are allowed to heckle Township Councillors openly. As the Chair despises these men, he allows this. Anyone wishing to speak against what the pack wants, must now think twice if they wish to speak publicly. After all, who wants to be publicly humiliated when the mayor and some council members condone this behaviour?
Although 160-175 people show up for these Public Hearings, like elections these numbers are far from the majority of Township residents that now number over 100,000. It is VERY clear that the Township of Langley desperately needs a return to civility and tolerance. It is mandatory that Public Hearings not be used to further the political ambitions of a couple and be divisive tools that will divide our community for the long-term.
Public input and involvement is critical to a municipal government. We elect officials to provide governance and direction to staff. We entrust these men and women with decision-making authority. Yet with far too many decisions to call a public hearing on everything, we need to be reasonable people. We need to express our opinion while respecting our neighbours. We need to inform and encourage those around us to make proper decisions, but we must do so without threats and disrespectful intolerance.
The Township of Langley is in desperate need of a new system of public input that draws the majority of residents into the mix and allows for a more complete public input process. The Township of Langley needs leadership that is not divisive and self-serving.
Sounds familiar, Green has never held public office for more than 2 years and knows only how to bully and panders to his buddies. His record proves that and will be front and centre in the next election campaign by those who oppose him. He is joke, must have created a joke and from what I hear throught the grapevine the folks in Fort Langley (most of them who support him) acted like a joke.
N.I.M.B.Y. if you ain't lived here 30 years you ain't welcome!
Wasn't trying to hold public hearings until you get your own way done with the overpass earlier?
I truly hope that the rest of the elected officials on this council will, after hearing from the public, make a rational decision that is in the best interest of this project.
It worries me that this beat with a stick til they see things my way attitude, might result in decisions being made in frustration (I don't want to go as far as saying "in spite", because I don't think that the majority of council are that kind of people).
And people wonder why the many people in the community with skills and insight to offer as council members don't want to run!
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