The news behind the news. Exploring the political issues, debates and voting records in the Township of Langley and sometimes beyond.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Langley Today Now Open For Business

The Editorial Board of the Langley Record wishes to thank all readers for their loyalty, comments and participation. Going forward, Langley Today will provide the Political coverage you have grown to expect, as well as Business, Sports, General News, Arts/Culture, Healt, Lifestyle and other community coverage. Join us at Langley Today - Click Here


Jonathan Dyck said...

When I teach my students to read critically, especially on the internet, one of the first things they need to pay attention to is the source of the information. An anonymous "board of editors" (as with the Langley Record) has little authority or credibility--so why would an "independent news portal" buy them out? And why should a news portal have to proclaim its "independence"?

I also think people posting comments anonymously have less credibility... but perhaps others disagree?

Anonymous said...

Langley Today is not anonymous and it is more than a "news portal". The group also owns Abbotsford Today and Chilliwack Today and provide excellent local content.

Longterm Langley Taxpayer said...

Dear Langley Record Editor; is your anonymous Editorial Board of 15 persons going to be working or assisting over at Langley Today? If so will any of them be identified? Since credibility has been such a hot topic in Langley these recent days, your blog has an opportunity to come clean now and disclose who are/were the principal creators and operators of "The Langley(broken)Record". If not, then, just as Jonathan Dyck said, your blog "has litte authority or credibility".

Anonymous said...

The tracking of who reads us does not add up to what you say "Longterm Langley Taxpayer". We have enjoyed great credibility and great readership. Of late, the regional media have come to us as we recently broke a story about 5 days before the big media did. Our Board never came "clean" with names because a certain member of Township Council ran a blog and always denied who the editor of that blog was. You should really do your homework my friend.

Langley Today is what it is and full names are published. We suggest you post your comments there.

Anonymous said...

I couwd not wet this bwog pass into obwivion without one wast comment and one wast thank you to the editow. It was fun and I hope you keep wwiting on Wangwey Today.

BdeeBdeeBdee Dat's aww fowks!

Elmer Fudd